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Change how survivors aquire crowns

Pika_Belle Member Posts: 90
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Having to find your crown, complete a match AND escape in order to obtain it is not fair for survivors. Especially when killers only have to interact with theirs. Not to mention the amount of TUNNELLING going on to stop any survivor so much as emitting any kind of glow escaping is off the scale... Literally

Post edited by Pika_Belle on


  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,048

    Yeah, it's pretty stupid that survivors have to escape where killers just need to find it and pick it up. You have to play way more survivor matches to get crowns than you do killer, and it opens up avenues for griefing.

  • Pika_Belle
    Pika_Belle Member Posts: 90

    The games have just been miserable since the event started. Supposed to be a celebration, but all I'm seeing are killers going out of their way to purposely prevent someone from getting a cosmetic. It's kinda sad really

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    From what I remember someone saying, the reason Crowns are that way for survivors is so they don't sabotage or do nothing when they get it (otherwise they got what they wanted and can allow themselves to just die). But since escaping is a condition they have to contribute.

    There are many things I dislike about that though, survivors could just as easily not do anything and get hatch, and for some reason a lot of killers this event just don't want survivors to get crowns (recently came from a Wraith game where they brought an Ebony Mori).

    I say instead of a survivor having to escape, they have to do generator progress (the amount of 1 gen) to get the crown.

  • Pika_Belle
    Pika_Belle Member Posts: 90

    But killers can load in find their crown and stand still and do nothing till the survivors leave. It's really not balanced or fair at all 🥺

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Killers can get their crown and do nothing thus ruining the match for survivors though.

    By that logic killers need to get at least a 2k to get their crown.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    This is the thread about changing how SURVIVORS must get crowns, not about Killers.

    I will say though, yeah they must have to work for their crowns as well. I think killing at least 1 survivor is fair, though.

  • Pika_Belle
    Pika_Belle Member Posts: 90

    Yeah just make it easier for survivors, cuz i spent a good 4 hours last night and only got one crown, and that was from a farming killer. The others have tunnelled me to the death 🥺

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Probably, a bp condition will suffice. Something like earning 10k-12k points OR escaping (in case the killer is afk) would prevent survivors throwing and also make it fairer.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I like it as solo survivor, it's a challange and for every character you have to play a few games or lot's of games. It's a challange. Killer yeah it is far to easy so pretty pointless.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    They could have easily done it differently tho:

    2 or more survivors escape: survivors secure their crown

    2 or less survivors escape: killer secures their crown

    That way, you cant have griefs nor do killers get a freebie.

    That aside, I honestly rather have teammates not participate in 1 match to get their crown on a specific character, than a constant flow of killers tunneling to prevent people from getting theirs. At least the first type will only last 2-3 days at most, where the latter can last the entire anniversary up to a point where you might not even be able to unlock all your crowns simply because people in the community are being dicks about it(not including the fact that it still means killers can refuse to participate and still get their crown regardless, worst case scenario, it costs them a pip that they can easily gain back).

    So either give both sides the ability to not participate, or ensure that both sides HAVE to participate. Dont give one side the least likely way of getting their crown(the average killrate is still higher than 2, meaning that less than 50% of survivors get their crowns in a match, where 100% of killers get their crowns in a match regardless).

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    I mean I have not seen it yet, but I believe you there is some people like that. But yeah should be the same as killer you grab it and as a long as you stay till the trail ends you get it. Same as killer whether you survive or not.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    I did that with jill and didn't get it even though it said crown unlocked

  • Midnght
    Midnght Member Posts: 65
    edited July 2021

    I have to agree this feels like the killers granted its their job are being overly toxic i literally had a killer watch me get the crown then proceed to kill me and make sure i didn't get out, Yes adimitadly you all can say i suck sure okay thats fine but i was still targeted its no fun. I'm targeted enough in basic game play

    I started my own dang club

    4f club

    First to be found

    First to be chased

    First to be downed

    Frist to be hooked

    This is stupid and makes me hate playing survivor right now why not make it so we have to complete a gen or something i mean heck even the killers dont have to do anything why are they not required to make at least one sacrifice to the entity for the entity to award them the crown i was excited for this event but now i'm just annoyed and angry.

    Obtaining crowds is not equal by any stretch of the words not fair not balanced at all.

    I did all my killer's in four hours but i have 1 crown haven't been able to get the other cause you expect us to escape fricking stupid just stupid why isn't finding it enough it's enough for the killers

  • Midnght
    Midnght Member Posts: 65

    honestly this is just going to make me literally do nothing find the crown and hide while everyone else does the work then escape providing they all dont die or like you said take a key and remain away from the killer really dont see how escaping is really forcing me to play its dumb

  • Midnght
    Midnght Member Posts: 65

    or must get on iridescent in the match you can get those even on death but you have to work to do it which seems to be what they wanted right make you play to earn it?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,132

    Jill is a licensed character; licensed characters don't get crowns, unfortunately.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Yep I agree with the OP 100%. It is not fair at all. I am not excited for this event anymore. The RE chapter is barely keeping me playing but honestly I don't think it will be enough. Its just not worth going up against these sweaty try hard killers who just want to make survivor's experience in this game as miserable as possible.

  • Midnght
    Midnght Member Posts: 65

    Alternatively they could take the sparkliee target off our backs at the very least.