idea that could allow consol players to earn a different type of legacy skin

Member Posts: 1,437
Before people get mad or mean what I am on about is truly earning it like the old way but with 3 requirements the original 8 are off limits to show respect to the ones that earned them on pc 2 you have to be p3 and have the hours required to earn them out of a double bloodpoint event and lastly you have to prestige another 3times using the old web ok a 4th bit you can only earn one for both killer and survivor and as I said the original 8 cannot be gotten (though no clue where hag and doc come from as I had them free with my game) and as somone said on my general discussion question on this why not have a different colour so people can tell it was earned on consol and if you read all this I apologize if this seems like a waste of time