Bot matches should grant 50%/25% bp (and be avalible for all killers/survivors/perks)
Bot matches are coming officially in the next mid chapter patch as per the developer update - however, i believe that they should grant significantly decreased bloodpoints, in order to allow a player to learn in a free non-stressful enviroment.
All killer perks/killers should be enabled as should survivors.
Iri shard gain should not be enabled, nor should the abiltity to gain archives.
Bloodpoint perks (bbq/wglf) should not effect the bloodpoint gain.
This would allow thorough testing/practice whilst also gaining micro amounts of bp in order for experienced killers and survivors a place to relax and also just practice their ability to play outside of a normal match (and still gain limited amounts of experience for doing so.)
Going foward however i'd like to see some additions to bot matches if you please
- The ability for bots to bring in random/set offerings/perks (Even if they themselves aren't programmed to use them)
- The ability to set your opponent as a survivor bot (Even if the killer doesn't utelize their power correctly/at all, it would still be useful/unique to be able to verse bot charecters.)
You really think they would let us earn BP with that? But what about the BP economy?
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I think they should give full bp regardless.
Let us take the seemingly never ending grind a bit more chill after many bad matches with real people.
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I support this. Custom bot matches would not only be a place where you can practice difficult killers without being taunted by survivors, they would also be relaxing and fun if you don't feel like tryharding today. The bots are not too strong but for an ai they are somewhat competent. If we could earn even a fraction of bloodpoints from these matches it would be perfect
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Given how much people have to grind anyway, they should be treated like normal trials. If normal trials suffer because of it, then clearly they are the problem.
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I would probably spend WAY more money on the game if the bot mode allowed for BP gains. I only really bought a few core ones that would work for pvp. But there are plenty I would use in pve.
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I think it's a good place to practice what you have and try various combos, but bp should be kept to ranked play so players earn new perks instead of grind it out against infant ai. Using easy mode to unlock everything in a pvp game is pretty cheap, might as well just add a pass that grants free progression.
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That's why it would be supplemental. I mean, if your spending time grinding against bots to get good with say nurse or a killer with a unique ability, you should be gaining *experience*. This would simply allow you to gain a small amount of bloodpoints, hardly enough to cover a level up or two, but enough to get you started. (Even if you Max'd bp in a bot trial, you'd still only get 16,000 if it was half, or 8,000 if it was 25%. 16,000 is barely enough for 3 add-ons, and 8,000 barely covers an ultra rare.)
At that point you'd be literally better off earning in a public match, this is just so that you'd be earning *something* for playing against bots.
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I STRONGLY agree with your statement. On top of that, if rift shard progression was included, I think that'd give players more incentive to buy the rift pass and play in that way which means more players and more income for BHVR. They'd have nothing to lose by including reduced BP and rift shards in the bot mode.
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I do disagree with the perk suggestion you made however. They could just make it so you unlock it as normal or alternatively make a offline progression system that is separate from the ranked online mode.
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And let us also earn trophies/achievements that way. When the game ever dies out, it would be nice if you can just get your remaining trophies that way towards the 100%.
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If bot mode gave full points, people would mainly play this instead of ranked.
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So wait, have the bot matches been confirmed? I read the developer update as it was a change to the tutorial but there were bot matches in the live version (as in what we already have). I’d absolutely LOVE bot matches, but are we sure that’s what we’re getting?
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Just let bot matches and KYF give BP. Full BP.
I have friends that won't touch the game because they like playing against friends, but don't like that KYF feels useless since they don't earn anything.
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Honestly, this guy is arguably the most correct and valid opinion i've ever seen, and probs the most unironic thing that would get the team to allow it bahahha
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I disagree on the kyf for full bp, though i think bot matches should.
With bot matches, there is a 0% chance of a farm, even if they are arguably far easier then normal matches
with kyf matches, i could easily get a 5 stack together with bbq/wglf, and farm endlessly and incredibly efficently and quickly. it would completely break the bloodpoint economy, and whilst i would very much find that nice and so would every other player, that wouldn't be healthy for the game tbh
hell someone could easily get max bloodpoints by simply coding a bot to click the ready up over and over button, and play with a second account. Equip lethal pursuer and finish a match in 60s in order to get around 10,000 bp without bbq/other influences
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What BP economy? You can't trade BP. You can't sell items for BP to other players. There is no BP economy.
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No, dont be afraid. and get in there, learn the game and earn the blood.
Please stop suggesting ideas that will sabotage the queue times.
@Power_Guy The Bloodpoint economy is the relationship and balance between bloodpoints gained through matches, player skill, cost of item, addon, perks. If you listen to the streams where they have the ingame currency economist on, he talks about it. This is the reason why we dont see so many double bloodpoints events anymore, like we used to. Its bad for the balance.
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If real full bot matches are coming they should pay out BP and EXP Rift progress all of it, if PVP falls behind PVE then buff the PVP payouts and if it still can't compete, then it's clear PVP wasn't what the game should have been in the first place, besides a PVE mode will allow the game to die more gracefully since you can still play it after they stop supporting it with a simple patch to remove the need to be online and connected to their servers, it will let them move on to DBD2 without leaving the game a dead husk,
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The reason we don't see bp events anymore is because they want to shove the god awful tome challenges down our throats.
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'Sabotage the queue times'
The queue times are already bad enough. Besides, there's dozens of players playing this game now so a bot mode wouldn't just sabotage the queue times. If anything, it would bring more players in since it means more incentive to play the game without frustration and if they feel daring, they can take shots at actual matches which in turn, wouldn't sabotage the queue times. Stop suggesting such a good idea could sabotage a queue time that is already bad and on top of that is a game that has reached a point where its not a small game anymore.