Not sure the healing change was such a good idea afterall.

After playing extensively tonight here's what I've noticed.

Firstly poor killers now found it easier than ever before to tunnel. There's less chance of their victim healing up before they get to them, especially with the mangled effect.

Secondly this does nothing to combat the issue of gen rushing. For the weaker killers who get looped for a while before catching some one gens are still flying past just as fast as before.

It's hard for a lot of the weaker killers to deal out damage to multiple people, especially when they're spread around the map.

So when killers find it easier to tunnel but gens are still pinging every couple of seconds guess what this leads to? It's easier to focus one or two people out of the game and go for confirmed kills than it is to try and stop the entire team.

Not to mention that solo players get hit the hardest by this. Some games are fine but I've had a fair few where I could sing and dance in front of people and they still wouldn't heal me. Not a problem in SWF when you can just ask your friend to do it. I'd like to dump self-care but it's just not feasible unless I'm playing with friends. Maybe we need more communication options? One for healing? Then again when you're injured in front of them if they still don't get the idea i doubt an emote or prompt will do anything.

I just feel this change encourages more tunneling. It's the gens that are rhe problem. Not to mention some killers just 'give up' once 3 gens light up in record time and they then just decide to tunnel to try and secure one kill.


  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Wrong. Won't even explain myself just think before posting. There is almost 20 threads talking about this, just read those
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Malakir said:
    Wrong. Won't even explain myself just think before posting. There is almost 20 threads talking about this, just read those
    Great post. Really made some valid points. I can see your point of view.
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    I saw you even double posts to cry about it so yeah nothing to see here
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Another excellent point well made.  :)  You really convinved me to see your point of view.
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    I don't need to since even in the thread below this one you made dumb points over 4 healing secs... Read the patch notes, you would see isn't a big deal. Survivors even got more choices for perks, I see way more leader and stuff after patch but threads like this exist. Isn't a big deal, like many other sad, in both sides, adapt to changes
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Clearly opinion is divided.

    I liked it in games I had the other day with friends, not so much solo. Some killers can really take advantage of it in the worst way.

    I don't think it needs reverting FYI. I do think it's a wait and see approach. Hopefully people will work together better and maybe the meta perks will change once people unlock more. Just right now although its only 4 seconds it feels a lot longer and not too many people are bringing perks to counter itm

    Also, there's no need to be so rude  ;)
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799

    @The_Crusader said:
    Ok I take back what I said.

    I was feeling good about the changes yesterday. It's been HORRIBLE tonight.

    Firstly, damn near every killer is taking sloppy butcher now. So healing times are ridiculous.

    Secondly, nobody has brought any kind of healing buff perks to compensate for this.

    Been seeing a lot of Spirits tonight and we all know how they play. Walk away from the hook then phase-walk back to try and tunnel. Real smart, nobody else ever thought of that  :|

    Then you have teamates so bad that the extra healing time just means they miss more skillchecks. Seriously how the hell are so many people missing skillchecks?

    I feel if they had we'll make it, botany, or even leader it would be something but nobody is adapting. Also there has been a lot of crummy killers tonight who decide the best way to use the extra time is just to tunnel the hell out of someone.

    The community really does ruin this game. Its fun when it works but it blows when you get so many bad games.

    I'm rude for this dumb comment.

    Firstly, damn near every killer is taking sloppy butcher now. So healing times are ridiculous.

    Secondly, nobody has brought any kind of healing buff perks to compensate for this.

    As Said its calling adapting, survivors are too used to run the same perks most of the time and they don't like to adapt. Reading all patch notes, people whining, blunt criticisms I can see they are just lazy but pretty fast to talk down to killers about adapting to bugs, pallet vacuum, infinites etc etc that now are way more rare or deleted from the game, because they were used to abuse broken mechanics like fast vaulting everytime mindlessly.

    Then you have teamates so bad that the extra healing time just means they miss more skillchecks. Seriously how the hell are so many people missing skillchecks?

    Just by that I can see your rank is around 15-10 or if it is above you are playing on ps4/xbox. I play on ps4 only too but I can see the difference pretty clearly just by looking streams and videos.

    I feel if they had we'll make it, botany, or even leader it would be something but nobody is adapting. Also there has been a lot of crummy killers tonight who decide the best way to use the extra time is just to tunnel the hell out of someone.

    As far as I can see you noticed then the problem is adapting but then cry about tunneling? I don't get it. They even got rid of camping if you actually wanna rank up so you won't see any campers on higher ranks. Tunneling its just the smartest thing you can do especially now that survivors are even more greedy because they implemented a dumb invulnerability unhook that incentives farming survivors, the true enemies. Yeah those one who unhook you regardless because they want to get those juicy bp, killer still harder than survivors and those 4 secs I didnt felt them as solo survivor.

    The community really does ruin this game. Its fun when it works but it blows when you get so many bad games.

    Yes and guess what, most of this negativity I've seen its from survivor. I'm pretty new to the forum but I wanted to read as many threads as possible on both sides since i play the game fully, on both sides, and for chtulu's sake survivors are whiny asf. They complain about camping, now get punished, complain about tunneling they get invulnerability for being greedy b*****s even if they had something called borrowed time. That's why i'm kinda fed up about these topics. Nobody bring a decent argument.

    As survivor I'm so f*****g bored that I watch videos while playing (feng best survivor btw). Why? because chases are so easy, I can vault mindlessly even after patch and pallet looping fairly easily even if i'm atrociously bad at it compared to some people I played against. So please 4 secs ain't nothing for survivors, especially because they are 4, if 1 is busy 3 should do gens if they don't they are still learning the game which means low tier and even dying you still pip so seriously, just adapt and if your team suck just ignore them and do your things

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I am adapting. I juat wish others would do the same. Perhaps it just needs time though. Maybe the P3s don't have all the perks unlocked.

    Like I said it's not a problem with good teammates or SWF, it just sucka extra hard when you get crappy teammates.

    I'm fed up of seeing people purposefully farm others too. Pulling people off hooks 2 seconds aftee they've been hooked so now the killer has two victims. This is why we lose so many games.
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @The_Crusader said:
    After playing extensively tonight here's what I've noticed.

    Firstly poor killers now found it easier than ever before to tunnel. There's less chance of their victim healing up before they get to them, especially with the mangled effect.

    Secondly this does nothing to combat the issue of gen rushing. For the weaker killers who get looped for a while before catching some one gens are still flying past just as fast as before.

    It's hard for a lot of the weaker killers to deal out damage to multiple people, especially when they're spread around the map.

    So when killers find it easier to tunnel but gens are still pinging every couple of seconds guess what this leads to? It's easier to focus one or two people out of the game and go for confirmed kills than it is to try and stop the entire team.

    Not to mention that solo players get hit the hardest by this. Some games are fine but I've had a fair few where I could sing and dance in front of people and they still wouldn't heal me. Not a problem in SWF when you can just ask your friend to do it. I'd like to dump self-care but it's just not feasible unless I'm playing with friends. Maybe we need more communication options? One for healing? Then again when you're injured in front of them if they still don't get the idea i doubt an emote or prompt will do anything.

    I just feel this change encourages more tunneling. It's the gens that are rhe problem. Not to mention some killers just 'give up' once 3 gens light up in record time and they then just decide to tunnel to try and secure one kill.

    Tunneling is when the killer doesnt even give the survivor a chance to heal. How do healing times affect this? :lol:

    Yes, i would have prefered a complete rework of the gen mechanic too, but once again the devs took the easier "solution".

    The change doesnt affect tunneling at all, but tunneling is still the only thing a killer can do to somehow do well against a genrush (if the survivors play organized and well, even that doesnt work unless nurse)

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited October 2018

    @The_Crusader said:
    After playing extensively tonight here's what I've noticed.

    Firstly poor killers now found it easier than ever before to tunnel. There's less chance of their victim healing up before they get to them, especially with the mangled effect.

    Secondly this does nothing to combat the issue of gen rushing. For the weaker killers who get looped for a while before catching some one gens are still flying past just as fast as before.

    It's hard for a lot of the weaker killers to deal out damage to multiple people, especially when they're spread around the map.

    So when killers find it easier to tunnel but gens are still pinging every couple of seconds guess what this leads to? It's easier to focus one or two people out of the game and go for confirmed kills than it is to try and stop the entire team.

    Not to mention that solo players get hit the hardest by this. Some games are fine but I've had a fair few where I could sing and dance in front of people and they still wouldn't heal me. Not a problem in SWF when you can just ask your friend to do it. I'd like to dump self-care but it's just not feasible unless I'm playing with friends. Maybe we need more communication options? One for healing? Then again when you're injured in front of them if they still don't get the idea i doubt an emote or prompt will do anything.

    I just feel this change encourages more tunneling. It's the gens that are rhe problem. Not to mention some killers just 'give up' once 3 gens light up in record time and they then just decide to tunnel to try and secure one kill.

    Tunneling is when the killer doesnt even give the survivor a chance to heal. How do healing times affect this? :lol:

    Yes, i would have prefered a complete rework of the gen mechanic too, but once again the devs took the easier "solution".

    The change doesnt affect tunneling at all, but tunneling is still the only thing a killer can do to somehow do well against a genrush (if the survivors play organized and well, even that doesnt work unless nurse)

    Therein lies the problem. Gens still get done lightning fast which means more tubneling but now healing takes longer so it's easier to tunnel.

    Again it's not a problem with SWF because you can bring items, arrange healing, bring perks etc. But in solo like always you're screwed if you get put with bad or selfish survivors.

    Which promotes more SWF play - which killers then cry about and lobby dodge.

    I think the game is good and more challenging against good killers. Its more intense which is what you want from a horror game.

    It just sucks harder when you're against killers with tunnel every poor spirit player ever.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Tunneling has nothing to do with the healing changes unless you still do unsafe unhooks and heal at the same place /thread

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Tunneling has nothing to do with the healing changes unless you still do unsafe unhooks and heal at the same place /thread

    Um no. At low rank you trappers who circle just outside of terror radius and then come rushing back. Even if you move it actually slows you down since the killer can move faster plus its so easy to find people.

    Or you get spirits who constantly walk away then phase walk back.

    It happens a lot.

    Also don't give me the "dont do unsafe hooks" etc that assumes I have any kind of control over how other people play. I don't. Therein lies the problem. People just dgaf solo.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @The_Crusader said:

    Therein lies the problem. Gens still get done lightning fast which means more tubneling but now healing takes longer so it's easier to tunnel.

    That statement doesn't make any sense, because:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    Tunneling has nothing to do with the healing changes unless you still do unsafe unhooks and heal at the same place /thread

  • TerminalEntropy
    TerminalEntropy Member Posts: 71

    It slows you down if you leave scratch marks and allow being tracked down. All this shows how easy you (survivors) had it and actually still do, because this change is nothing monumental. Yet even such shift makes some of you miserable, just...

    Healing up right under nose of killer was fine then? Hell it was. If that little change forces you to leave hook spot, crouch, stealth away and further than to the nearest corner then it's a step in the right direction, cause those 4sec longer are prolonging game even more that just that. Maybe one day we will see the times survivors will focus on not being found. (And just to be clear, stealth and most importantly - vanishing from sight should be buffed but complaints should be pushing game toward that direction instead of keeping where it is or was).

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @The_Crusader said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    Tunneling has nothing to do with the healing changes unless you still do unsafe unhooks and heal at the same place /thread

    Um no. At low rank you trappers who circle just outside of terror radius and then come rushing back. Even if you move it actually slows you down since the killer can move faster plus its so easy to find people.

    Or you get spirits who constantly walk away then phase walk back.

    It happens a lot.

    Also don't give me the "dont do unsafe hooks" etc that assumes I have any kind of control over how other people play. I don't. Therein lies the problem. People just dgaf solo.

    Lowranks, how about getting better. Get iron will which is a free perk and urban evasion and be stealthy. That still leaves you with 1 exhaustion perk and Selfcare.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    It slows you down if you leave scratch marks and allow being tracked down. All this shows how easy you (survivors) had it and actually still do, because this change is nothing monumental. Yet even such shift makes some of you miserable, just...

    Healing up right under nose of killer was fine then? Hell it was. If that little change forces you to leave hook spot, crouch, stealth away and further than to the nearest corner then it's a step in the right direction, cause those 4sec longer are prolonging game even more that just that. Maybe one day we will see the times survivors will focus on not being found. (And just to be clear, stealth and most importantly - vanishing from sight should be buffed but complaints should be pushing game toward that direction instead of keeping where it is or was).

    You know WHY people healed right at the hook? Because they knew the killer was circling around just outside of terror radius just WAITING to come back and tunnel the unhooked guy.

    Again, running away can be detrimental. Before you have 12 seconds to heal. Now running away at the same time the killer is coming towards you - he's closing the gap because he moves faster, thus when you start healing you have less than 12 seconds.

    It's not a problem against good killers. I always move away from the hooks to not tempt them. What I'm talking about though is killers who will drop whatever they're doing to come tunnel the unhooked guy out of the game. These people only ever intend to tunnel whoever they catch first.

    I like how you say "you survivors" as if I only play survivor. I play both. Again this is just crappy killers exploting the new changes in a bad way.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited October 2018

    @The_Crusader said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    Tunneling has nothing to do with the healing changes unless you still do unsafe unhooks and heal at the same place /thread

    Um no. At low rank you trappers who circle just outside of terror radius and then come rushing back. Even if you move it actually slows you down since the killer can move faster plus its so easy to find people.

    Or you get spirits who constantly walk away then phase walk back.

    It happens a lot.

    Also don't give me the "dont do unsafe hooks" etc that assumes I have any kind of control over how other people play. I don't. Therein lies the problem. People just dgaf solo.

    Lowranks, how about getting better. Get iron will which is a free perk and urban evasion and be stealthy. That still leaves you with 1 exhaustion perk and Selfcare.

    Nice idea there "git gud" not toxic at all.

    I have ranked up a bit thank you very much. Down to playing with a friend for a bit and luck of good teammates.

    However solo survivor is hard because you often get put with idiots. People who try to unhook 2 seconds after a hook. People who unhook right in front of the killer. People who can't even consistently hit good skillchecks.

    Your "git gud" attitude is extremely toxic, and hilariohs how killers always respond to this despite crying like hell whenever survivors say it about gen rushing. At the end of the day you're only 25% of the team. You can't atop the other three survivors from making some very bad decisions or disconnecting or playing in a selfish way.

    People play like idiots or disconnect every game = killers DGAF and take full advantage = keeps competent players at low ranks = So people decide SWF is the only way to play without having a disconnect almost every game = killers crying about how high rank is all SWF and is too hard.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @The_Crusader said:

    Your "git gud" attitude is extremely toxic, and hilariohs how killers always respond to this despite crying like hell whenever survivors say it about gen rushing.

    But you are aware that this is still something the killer player just adapted from survivor, right?
    Those "git gud" crap was shoved down our throat (we killer mains) for 2 years now
    .And now all of a sudden this is "toxic", but it was totally fine, when the survivor said it.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Wolf74 said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Your "git gud" attitude is extremely toxic, and hilariohs how killers always respond to this despite crying like hell whenever survivors say it about gen rushing.

    But you are aware that this is still something the killer player just adapted from survivor, right?
    Those "git gud" crap was shoved down our throat (we killer mains) for 2 years now
    .And now all of a sudden this is "toxic", but it was totally fine, when the survivor said it.

    I play killer too and no it's not fine.

    Why does everyone assume you have to be one or the other? I play both.

    I hate teabagging survivors who rage quit and spam ez ######### at the end, and I hate killers who just circle the hook and try to make life miserable for one specific person.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @The_Crusader said:
    Wolf74 said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Your "git gud" attitude is extremely toxic, and hilariohs how killers always respond to this despite crying like hell whenever survivors say it about gen rushing.

    But you are aware that this is still something the killer player just adapted from survivor, right?

    Those "git gud" crap was shoved down our throat (we killer mains) for 2 years now

    .And now all of a sudden this is "toxic", but it was totally fine, when the survivor said it.


    I play killer too and no it's not fine.

    Why does everyone assume you have to be one or the other? I play both.

    I hate teabagging survivors who rage quit and spam ez [BAD WORD] at the end, and I hate killers who just circle the hook and try to make life miserable for one specific person.

    The patch did nothing to change that tho so what's your point