Only real change I'd like for keys.

Honestly, the biggest issue that I have with the keys is the instant unlock during the chase, or when a survivor just waits on top of it till they see you get close. Easiest fix in my opinion would be just add a 5 second unlock timer on them. Being able to escape through the hatch, even after it's closed and the killers occupied checking the gates, it's still easy to unlock with said timer. Just with less t-baggins :)
What they need is to add back the hatch grab, and make it so when you use the key, you only open the hatch, not escape too. And maybe add a delay between opening and getting the escape promt.
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The ability to swap between killers was turned off when the Devs wanted to make a killer-specific matchmaking system. They gave up (or are reworking) that, but kept the lockout in-game anyway.
If they're going to rework keys but don't have an easy fix yet, they need to lock survivors from using them, the way offerings from other holidays are locked for the rest of the year.
Why should keys get to keep on being used when Moris were gutted and killer swapping was axed despite a lack of the killer-specific match making?
TURN OFF KEYS until the fix is done.