Gen Speeds with Multiple Survivors
Probably not the best title but couldn't really think of another way to phrase it. From my understanding, when performing an action that is faster, the progress bar will be yellow or it will be red if the action is slower. When repairing a gen with other survivors however, it seems to always be a red bar, despite from what I can tell it is faster. Why is this?
Okay, that does make total sense. I appreciate it. I guess that also explains why it is a yellow bar when someone with Prove Thyself is nearby since they aren't actually on the gen themselves.
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The bar only reflects your current efficiency in doing this action (how much you contribute rather than how fast the gen is repaired as a whole).
The bar doesn't have to be red when repairing from someone else if certain perks are equipped. Prove thyself nearly covers up for decreased repair speed for having a 2nd survivor do the same gen, and if it's paired with active Resilence or Spine chill, the bar is gonna be yellow.
You can find detailed information on repair speeds in different circumstances here: