Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

My Attempt at a Myers Rework

Shroompy Member Posts: 6,990
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions


Many can agree that Myers isnt a really strong killer, his power is severly outdatted, he's only seen a few changes to his kit since his release in October of 2016.

So, what exactly is the problem with him?

- Has a very weak early game

- Has no map mobility and doesnt have a strong enough power to compensate

- Falls behind compared to the other tier up killers and stealth killers

- Is no longer unique with some of the newer killers that have been released

Compared to the other reworks Ive done, I wanted to make drastic changes to his kit while still keeping his playstyle and identity present.

I also wanted to make all 3 Tiers unique from each other and all have their own benefits (yes this is a spoiler already, Myers can jump between all 3 tiers)

With that out of the way, lets get to the changes.


- Can only stalk while in Tier 1 and Tier 3

- Distance no longer matters while stalking, Myers will now stalk at the same rate no matter the distance

- Stalk a survivor for the equivalent of 10 seconds to activate Tier 2

- Stalk a survivor for the equivalent of 15 seconds to be able to activate Tier 3 (Can only build up stalk for Tier 3 if he's reached enough stalk to allow him to enter Tier 2)

- Myers can now chose when he tiers up and no longer has to hold his stalk at 99%.

- If Myers tiers up or tiers down, he can only do so again after 15 seconds

tier 1 changes

- Increased movement speed from 4.2m/s (105%) to 4.4m/s (110%)

- Increased Terror Radius from 6m to 8m (This is just to make things consistent, so his TR doubles every time he tiers up)

- Undetectable status effect only granted while stalking

- Can now gain Bloodlust

- Now has a normal lunge

- While stalking in Tier 1, if Myers is close to his next tier up. The "stalk warning" sound will play for the survivor who's currently being stalked

- Tap the secondary action key to enter Tier 2 (If has enough stalk to do so)

- Hold the secondary action key to enter Tier 3 (If has enough stalk to do so)

- Cannot Tier Up if a survivor is looking at him


- Removed the ability to stalk

- Removed bonus vault speed while in Tier 2

- Granted "Shadow Walk" ability

- Tap the primary power button to enter "Shadow Walk"

- Tap the secondary power button to return back to Tier 1


Shadow Walk is a new way for Myers to traverse around the map. Shadow Walk how ever has a few unique properties

- Shadow Walk base movement speed: 5.6m/s (140%)

- Shadow Walk grants you the Undetectable status effect and you are invisible to survivors

- While in Shadow Walk, you leave behind a faint trail of black smoke only visible to survivors 16m away

- Cannot enter Shadow Walk if within 8m of a survivor

- Cannot enter Shadow Walk if a survivor has line of sight of you

- Cannot interact with anything, stalk or attack during Shadow Walk.

Shadow Walk is meant to be a mobility tool to get around the map and not necessarily a chase tool, the limitations is so it is not easily abused


- Now granted the ability to Stalk

- While stalking, survivors within 24m of you are revealed with Killer Instinct

- Bonus vault speed reduced from 30% to 15%

- Destroy Breakable Walls, Pallets and Generators 15% faster

- Recover from a successful hit 15% faster

- Recover from any stun by 15%

- Tier 3 has a duration of 60 seconds and cannot be cancelled early (like before)

- Return back to Tier 1 when Tier 3 runs out.


- Emit a global audio cue for every time you Tier Up or Down

- While in Tier 3, Myers has new animations for destroying Breakable Walls, Pallets and Generators

- While in Tier 3, Myers no longer grunts when stunned

- While in Tier 3, Myers has new stun animations


I have way too much time on my hands, but hopefully you guys enjoyed this. This change aims to make Myers more thematic while boosting him a bit higher on the tier list.

I had a lot of fun writing this and I aim to make more reworks in the future, take care :)

Post edited by Shroompy on
