My Attempt at a Myers Rework

Many can agree that Myers isnt a really strong killer, his power is severly outdatted, he's only seen a few changes to his kit since his release in October of 2016.
So, what exactly is the problem with him?
- Has a very weak early game
- Has no map mobility and doesnt have a strong enough power to compensate
- Falls behind compared to the other tier up killers and stealth killers
- Is no longer unique with some of the newer killers that have been released
Compared to the other reworks Ive done, I wanted to make drastic changes to his kit while still keeping his playstyle and identity present.
I also wanted to make all 3 Tiers unique from each other and all have their own benefits (yes this is a spoiler already, Myers can jump between all 3 tiers)
With that out of the way, lets get to the changes.
- Can only stalk while in Tier 1 and Tier 3
- Distance no longer matters while stalking, Myers will now stalk at the same rate no matter the distance
- Stalk a survivor for the equivalent of 10 seconds to activate Tier 2
- Stalk a survivor for the equivalent of 15 seconds to be able to activate Tier 3 (Can only build up stalk for Tier 3 if he's reached enough stalk to allow him to enter Tier 2)
- Myers can now chose when he tiers up and no longer has to hold his stalk at 99%.
- If Myers tiers up or tiers down, he can only do so again after 15 seconds
tier 1 changes
- Increased movement speed from 4.2m/s (105%) to 4.4m/s (110%)
- Increased Terror Radius from 6m to 8m (This is just to make things consistent, so his TR doubles every time he tiers up)
- Undetectable status effect only granted while stalking
- Can now gain Bloodlust
- Now has a normal lunge
- While stalking in Tier 1, if Myers is close to his next tier up. The "stalk warning" sound will play for the survivor who's currently being stalked
- Tap the secondary action key to enter Tier 2 (If has enough stalk to do so)
- Hold the secondary action key to enter Tier 3 (If has enough stalk to do so)
- Cannot Tier Up if a survivor is looking at him
- Removed the ability to stalk
- Removed bonus vault speed while in Tier 2
- Granted "Shadow Walk" ability
- Tap the primary power button to enter "Shadow Walk"
- Tap the secondary power button to return back to Tier 1
Shadow Walk is a new way for Myers to traverse around the map. Shadow Walk how ever has a few unique properties
- Shadow Walk base movement speed: 5.6m/s (140%)
- Shadow Walk grants you the Undetectable status effect and you are invisible to survivors
- While in Shadow Walk, you leave behind a faint trail of black smoke only visible to survivors 16m away
- Cannot enter Shadow Walk if within 8m of a survivor
- Cannot enter Shadow Walk if a survivor has line of sight of you
- Cannot interact with anything, stalk or attack during Shadow Walk.
Shadow Walk is meant to be a mobility tool to get around the map and not necessarily a chase tool, the limitations is so it is not easily abused
- Now granted the ability to Stalk
- While stalking, survivors within 24m of you are revealed with Killer Instinct
- Bonus vault speed reduced from 30% to 15%
- Destroy Breakable Walls, Pallets and Generators 15% faster
- Recover from a successful hit 15% faster
- Recover from any stun by 15%
- Tier 3 has a duration of 60 seconds and cannot be cancelled early (like before)
- Return back to Tier 1 when Tier 3 runs out.
- Emit a global audio cue for every time you Tier Up or Down
- While in Tier 3, Myers has new animations for destroying Breakable Walls, Pallets and Generators
- While in Tier 3, Myers no longer grunts when stunned
- While in Tier 3, Myers has new stun animations
I have way too much time on my hands, but hopefully you guys enjoyed this. This change aims to make Myers more thematic while boosting him a bit higher on the tier list.
I had a lot of fun writing this and I aim to make more reworks in the future, take care :)
The shadow walk ability might be too similar to wraith.
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I wanted to be able to recreate the classic "look away for a second and he dissapears". Unfortunately you cant really do that while not having some similarities to Wraith.
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I don't know that I would agree that Mikey even needs a rework. He's one of my favorite Killers as-is, and I regularly do really well with him, as recently as today. Nothing in this game is quite as fun as a Peek-A-Boo in Lery's, Hawkins, or the meat plant.
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I like Shadow Walk's ability, certainly Myers needs it to get the map under control, but I also don't like the fact that it becomes undetectable every time I stalk. It would be a disadvantage for someone to know what Myers is when his signature stalk sound sounds.
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You would already be able to tell what tier Myers is by the global audio cues for when ever he tiers up or tiers down
Also the stalk warning would only play once his next tier up is almost available
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Or just fix gen speeds so that the game is more balanced for all killers?
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I do believe all killers should have some form of map traversal, its not fun holding W from 1 point of the map to the other.
Also this is simply a thing I made for fun, I have tried making multiple killer reworks simply because I enjoy doing it, to tackle gen speeds I'm actually thinking of possibly trying to rework how a trial plays out, and possibly remove A LOT of the frustrations that people have with the game
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This map pressure things needs to stop because not every killer can have map pressure for the obvious reason that their power or character wouldn't fit it. Ghostface can't have map pressure because of who he is and how his power works.
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Every killer can have some form of map pressure that can work well with their power, character or maybe personality. For example Ghost Face could use Lockers for map traversal, possibly maybe even use lockers to hide and ambush unsuspecting survivors.
And again, being able to move quicker across the map is something people enjoy, its why the most popular killers and stronger killers all have some form of map traversal, not only is it viable but it is also fun.
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You first need to realize how it's gonna look when ghostface enters a locker to go to another one because that's gonna look pretty dumb. And staying in a locker waiting to ambush a survivor only to realize no one is coming and 3 gens pop...
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It was just an idea that came to mind on the spot, and the devs are normally pretty creative when it comes to this stuff. But one thing that this idea brings is what is most important for a killer. Making them unique. Ghost Face being able to interact with lockers would be a lot different to the other killers who interact with lockers, (Trickster and Huntress) who both have to reload. This would add both a unique stealth ability AND map pressure ability, while also using an under utilized mechanic at higher level play.
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Why would that look dumb?
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Why would he enter a locker and disappear? That literally makes no sense.
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With the amount of stalking you're doing now to function, i'd also say just no more stalk limit
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Ah yes, because Huntress grabbing 1 hatchet and then getting 5 makes sense, Trickster grabbing a dozen knives but getting 60 makes sense, survivors being able to survive being impaled on a meat hook multiple times makes sense, and the list goes on.
A dude going into a locker and disappearing doesn't sound too far fetched
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How do you compare that to ghostface literally getting into a locker? And people had the idea for Michael to get into a locker when he doesn't even fit bruh