Please add more non optional objectives

The gens have never gone so fast as they have during this event, please add more objectives that must be done to slow the game down just a little bit.
Gens have been getting done at around the 5 minute mark, not getting to sacrifice 1 without tunnelling, lucky if I get more than 3 hooks at all. Now there are the really good killers out there that can down in seconds but the average player base can't. No, git gud is not good advice.
People say there's no such thing as gen rushing. 5 minutes per game? So the gens are crawling along are they? This is getting ridiculous now and is breeding more toxicity in killers which turns into a vicious cycle of breeding more toxicity in survivors. Games have never been so toxic.
You are going to lose a lot of players and not keep many of the new ones if this keeps up. Yes, you have no competition but that still won't stop people giving up on the game. Please, you do have a good game, if not a little stale now, and a lot of us want it to succeed for many more years to come
To those who complain about tunnelling. Is it not the same as after the killer kicking a gen you go straight back to it therefore tunnelling the gen. Then you have no right to complain. You are doing your objective just as the killer is also.
I'd prefer we don't slow down the early game, but make the endgame more interesting.
Exit Gate Switches are no longer located next to its respective gate — They are randomly placed in the map. Survivors can locate them by following the visible wires connecting both the switch and gate mechanism.
Survivors wouldn't see the location of the switches once all generators are completed, just the exit gate locations. Meaning they would find the exit gate, use the wires to find the switch, then opening their escape. Would be very interesting.