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Game ends as if the server went down

blankk1 Member Posts: 2

When I play killer something I notice today July 6 2021, the game I played seemed as if I lagged out or the other play lagged out then goes to the loading screen then comes up with the message disconnected from host showing me (the killer) and the other survivors still alive as if their still in the game. The game doesn’t show anybody dc’d from the game and I notice it happen twice when I played against world wide players (the glide beside their name). The first time it happen is when I played nemesis with perks /corrupt intervention\ /I’m all ears\ /eruption\ and /lethal pursuer\ on the map Midwitch (Mary’s letter) add ons unknown. Then the second time was when I was playing the executioner with perks /corrupt intervention\ /hex: no one escapes death\ /trail of torment\ and /beast of prey\ with add ons /black strap\ and /forgotten videotape\ with offering /ghastly gateau\ On the map /springwood (the pied piper)\. If I can update this post of a report than I will upload a scream shot of the game ending.

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  • blankk1
    blankk1 Member Posts: 2

    This is a comment to let you (the reader) know I play on console (Xbox). Also dbd freezes a lot on console and is unplayable for survivors.

  • some_guy1
    some_guy1 Member Posts: 699

    each tuesday steam has a server maintenance that causes these issues