New Chapter Concept: Urban Legends and Brutality

ThatOneBloodyBoi Member Posts: 44
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

New killer: The Brutality

Origin Story:

Derek Jerry Freterlin was a hard office worker and avid fan of hunting who lived in a small town in West Virginia during the 2000s. He'd always keep the skull of the prey he hunted as trophies. He worked at an insurance firm as an accountant. He was well known for his charisma and good work ethic at his work place. 

While his hunting buddies knew him as the man who had the nose of a bloodhound, being able to smell blood from an injured animal and locate it with ease. Aswell as the man who saved them from a bear attack in the middle of the night using a fireaxe after the bear had found its way into their camp.

There were rumors that his boss secretly was involved in the mafia. He didn't believe the rumors. Unfortunately they were true. His boss owed the mafia money. One late night, the mafia went to claim their money. But his boss didn't have the money. They decided to make an example of his boss.

In the morning, Derek woke up to police at his door. His boss had been brutally murdered and he was suspected of killing his boss. For you see, the Mafia decided that they should frame someone so the police don't suspect the Mafia did it. They decided to frame Derek.

He was taken to jail and two weeks later he was put on trial. His coworkers and friends could tell that he was framed, but they knew they judge and lawyers were probably paid off, and that if they tried to do anything, they'd probably 'disappear'.

And they were right, the lawyers and judge were paid off. As he was dragged out of the court room, he cursed the people who had murdered his boss and framed him, promising vengeance.

While in prison, he found a hidden tunnel leading out to the outside. It was as if it were a sign from God to go and take revenge. And so he did. Dawning a beige trench coat and pants, a white work shirt, black sneakers, and a hat & bandana to hide his face, he went to a cabin in the woods he owned. There he got the weapon he'd exact his revenge with.

The fire axe he had once used to fend off a bear. He then began to investigate and eventually found out that the Mafia was behind it. Although the Mafia was rich and powerful, it wasn't very big due to the town being a pretty small town without that many people.

He hunted down every Mafia member, one by one, brutally killing each and every member, saving the leader for last. He made sure to give the leader the most brutal and painful death out of all the Mafia members. When he was done with the leader, he decided to do something special with the Mafia leader's skull. Ditching the bandana and hat, he made a mask out of the Mafia leader's skull.

Soon stories of a man wearing a mask made of a human skull, holding a bloody fireaxe, spread around. He contemplated his next decision, for something dark had awakened in him. As he killed more and more Mafia members, he realized something. He liked maiming and brutally killing people.

But before he could decide on anything a thick fog appeared and he disappeared into the night, never to be seen again. Over time he became an urban legend in the town. A man who was framed by the Mafia, escaped jail, brutally murdered the Mafia for vengeance, and made a mask out of the Mafia leader's skull.

Ability: Brutal Bloodhound

This killer is a brutal killer that is able to track injured and downed survivors.

Bloodhunt: Hold down M2 to activate bloodhunt. The Brutality sniffs the air, searching for the smell of blood. Survivors that are injured or downed within a 20 meter radius have their aura revealed to you. This will last until the survivor is either fully healed or until they've been out of your bloodhunt range for 10 seconds.

Brutal Swing: Rather than have a lunge, you have a charge attack. Hold down M1 to charge up a one hit attack, then release it, swinging downward. Although it does have some downsides. If you miss, your axe will get stuck, taking 15 seconds to get it out. This can allow the survivor to escape, so be careful.

Brutal Breaker: Downing an injured survivor with brutal swing will have a 5% chance to give them the broken status effect for 1 minute. Downing an injured survivor that's exposed also has a 5% chance to give them the broken status effect for 1 minute. If you down an injured exposed survivor with brutal swing, it stacks, becoming a 10% chance to give them the broken status effect for 2 minutes.


Just like how he cursed the Mafia, back in the court room, he now has the ability to curse survivors using curse perks. Curse perks are powerful perks that require certain conditions to be met in order to activate. The more powerful the curse, the harder it's requirements are to fulfill.

Curse: Urban Legend

You're known as a local urban legend in your hometown. Very few people encounter cryptids and urban legends, and those that do have little to no evidence that they aren't lying. If this curse's requirements are met, you permanently have the undetectable status effect.


Hook 1 survivor before any gens are done.

Have 1 survivor sacrificed while the survivors still need to do 5/4 or more generators.

"In my hometown he's an urban legend." - Dan Henry Hills

Curse: Inescapable Demise

Those who are dying cannot escape death by themselves. When this curse's requirements are met, downed survivors cannot escape.


Destroy 15/10/5 pallets.

Sacrifice 1 survivor before the exit gates are powered.

"Even if prey is still alive, if it's too badly injured then it can't escape." - Derek Freterlin

Curse: Brutal Beating

Your wrath and strength is something to be feared. When this curse's requirements are met, survivors get put into the injured state by a basic attack get deep wound and 5% hindered for 1 minute.


Hook every survivor at least once.

Hook 2 different survivors 2 times.

"Brutality is something I'm good at." - Derek Freterlin


Rubber axe cover (brown): *An axe blade cover made of rubber.* You can't damage survivors with a normal M1 hit and can only take a survivor down 1 health state with a brutal swing attack. But your axe doesn't get stuck when missing brutal swing attacks and you get 100% more blood points.

Hunting rifle barrel (brown): *The broken off barrel of a hunting rifle.* Bloodhunt radius is increased by 3 meters.

Chopped log (yellow): *A log chopped in 2 by a fireaxe.* Brutal swing destroys pallets and breakable walls. Axe doesn't get stuck when destroying breakable walls and pallets.

Cord axe grip (yellow): *An axe grip made of nylon cord.* Decreases the amount of time it takes to unstuck your axe by 3 seconds. Does not stack.

Rifle round cartridge (yellow): *An empty rifle round cartridge.* Bloodhunt radius is increased by 5 meters.

Nylon axe cover (yellow): *A nylon axe blade cover.* Brutal swing attacks take 4 extra seconds to charge up but you move forward 1 meter when doing a brutal swing attack.

Carved wooden axe grip (green): *An axe handle that has a grip carved into it.* Decreases the amount of time it takes to unstuck your axe by 5 seconds. Does not stack.

Rifle stock (green): *The gun stock of a hunting rifle.* Bloodhunt radius is increased by 10 meters.

Metal axe grip (purple): *An axe grip made of metal.* Decreases the amount of time it takes to unstuck your axe by 8 seconds. Does not stack.

Plastic axe cover (purple): *A plastic axe blade cover.* Brutal swing attacks take 2 extra seconds to charge up but you move forward 2 meters when doing a brutal swing attack.

Empty hunting rifle (purple): *Old and beaten, the hunting rifle is.* Bloodhunt radius is increased by 15 meters.

Heavy duty axe cover (pink): *An axe cover made of Kevlar and metal. Very high grade and quality.* Brutal swing attacks take 1 extra second to charge up but you move forward 4 meters when doing a brutal swing attack.

Rubber axe grip (pink): *An axe grip made of rubber.* Decreases the amount of time it takes to unstuck your axe by 10 seconds. Does not stack.

Work ID card (pink): *An ID card for an insurance firm in West Virginia with the name Derek Freterlin on it.* Brutal breaker has its chances going from 5% & 10% to 10% & 20%. The time also increases from 1 minute & 2 minutes to 2 minutes & 4 minutes.


The Brutality will chop off the survivor's legs, one by one, then their arms, one by one, then finishing them off by chopping off their head.

New survivor: Dan Hills


Dan Henry Hills grew up in a small town in West Virginia. He loved horror movies, stories, games, and anything else horror or paranormal. He would go into the woods for hours on end, looking for the many different cryptids that are rumored to roam in the land within the land and waters of West Virginia. He did look fairly average. Red hair, pale skin, brown eyes, sneakers, grey jogging pants, horror related T shirt, fairly average clothes for a 15 year old.

His town had an urban legend. 20 years ago, back during the year 2000, 5 years before Dan's birth, there was a man who worked for an insurance firm. His boss owed money to the local Mafia. The Mafia killed the man's boss and framed him.

Everyone knew the man was framed but if they tried to speak out about it, the Mafia would make them disappear. The judge and lawyers were paid out by the Mafia. The man swore vengeance.

The man escaped jail and brutally killed each Mafia member one by one with a fireaxe. Then the man made a mask out of the Mafia leader's skull before disappearing, never to be seen again.

Dan, intrigued by the urban legend, investigated an old abandoned cabin, rumored to have been owned by the man. He found loads of interesting things. An old ID card, hunting guns and supplies, and lots of animal skulls.

He had found the jackpot. He had to tell his friends about this cool find and upload a video to the internet. But unfortunately he never got the chance. A thick fog had appeared and he had disappeared. 1 day later, he was reported missing. To this day, he is still missing.

Survivor perks:

Horror fanatic:

You a lot about killers and slasher movies. This helps you get into the head of the killer. While in chase, the killers aura is revealed to you for 10/20/30 seconds. This perk becomes active again after a generator is repaired.

"This feels exactly like a horror movie." - Dan Henry Hills

Slow and steady:

You know being noisy draws attention to yourself. You've seen enough horror movies to know that. The time it takes to generators is twice as slow but the noise made by gens is decreased by 25%/50%/75% and missing skill checks doesn't alert the killer.

"Speed doesn't matter as much as being quite and avoiding attracting the killer." - Dan Henry Hills

This is the part where something bad happens:

You've watched at least more than 1000 hours of horror movies. You can tell the exact moment something bad is going to happen. While you're exposed (even if you don't know you are), your aura is revealed to the killer, and/or you're now killable/moriable, you gain a 3%/5%/10% haste boost, and a 1%/3%/5% speed boost to vaulting and pulling down pallets.

"This is the part in a horror movie where something bad happens." - Dan Henry Hills

Throughout the decades, legends of creatures, magic, curses, and murder get spread around and passed down. There are those who investigate these legends out of curiosity, to see if there's any truth behind them, and those who are the reason these legends exist. Decide which one you are in this new chapter, Urban Legends and Brutality.

Feel free to post any suggestions or criticism for my idea.
