SWF Problem

is SWF really a problem? Especially SWF with comms? What are your thoughts?


  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Yes, but there is nothing to do about it atm.

    They need to buff soloq and give survivors more information. When they make gap between SWF and soloQ smaller, then it is possible to talk about any balancing issues.

    Only thing I would fix asap are spawns and just make survivors spawn together every time. As for soloq buffs, I would:

    -let see other survivors when someone is on hook.

    -create HUD icon that shows what each survivor is doing (Gen / Totem/ Chase / Walking)

    -let survivors see others perks in lobby, so they can adapt and prepare their roles.

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    I think everyone over exaggerates how its game breaking, it aint. I think they should get solo to have comms and some perks as base kit like bond, kindred and then balance the game as it would be easier.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited July 2021

    It is not problem with avarage players, because they are not able to abuse it, but if you have team that actually synergize their perks / items, make calls on killer position, hook saves, split on gens, take protective hits, then you can easily create death squads that will beat any killer other than Nurse / Spirit / Blight / Hag.

    I agree that soloQ needs buff, but I think bond is just too strong to have as base-kit for everyone (mainly because SWF would benefit from that too), but see other survivors when someone is on hook should be a thing.

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    No but what i mean is when people think of SWFs they think of sweat squads with a 4 man team of pros and flashlights. Most SWFs just play to be with their friends and i personally don't think they are that bad, just more of a challenge. Anyway, a lot of people think they should nerf SWF but every 'solution' ends up nerfing solo queue more. Yes adding bond or kindred to base kit for everyone may benefit SWF but most use comms anyway so it wouldn't really matter?? by doing this then both solo queue and SWF will be strong so then killers can be buffed a lot easier.

  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133
    edited July 2021

    My opinion is SWF doesn't make the skill but the individual. Mistakes can be made even for a professional SWF, in the end SWF doesn't really matter. Comms i think it can be a problem, because most of the time gens can be rushed and certain scenarios that can prevent killers like Trapper for example traps being called out by teammates can really hinder the experience.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    The issue is less SWF and more what happens when you put 4 strong survivors on the team. Game balance still favors survivors and at high skill level most killers simply cannot deal with survivors. The only thing is that currently matchmaking does not necessarily match on skill and SWF helps you not get matched with bad players.

    Comms do help, but they aren't going to suddenly give bad players the ability to run the killer around and waste their time.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    all i can say is if you struggle with swf then you just aren't that good as a killer that you thought were. need more practice.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Kindred helps only when someone is on hook and it would just help decide who will go for unhooking. That is easy to do with SWF.

    Bond works all the time and helps a lot not getting killer to your friends in chase, helping chased survivor with protective hits, searching for others. Mainly first two are quite hard to do with avarage team unless you are using system to say your location, which is definetly not avarage thing.

    Problem is that you don't need to have that good team to escape (2-3 survivors) 90% of your games. You don't need to have team full of god loopers. There are just simple rules which when you follow, you will win.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    all I can say is if you think that SWF are never problem, then you have just no idea what you are talking about. Need to wake up.

  • CaptainRaider
    CaptainRaider Member Posts: 154

    Yes I do. I feel swf flies in the face of the intentional chaos of the game’s mechanics. You’re intentionally not supposed to know who the killer is right away, where people are, etc. Swf subverts this game design and lessens the intentional stress and fear factors. I also think some perks are a problem that lessens the game’s thrill but that’s another problem.

    further I believe that four players against one are never fair, which is why the killer is given so many advantages in the first place. It’s like playing 4v1 monopoly; that would not make sense if every player had the same control over the game and the same rules. The only reason this game works at all is it’s asymmetrical gameplay mechanics. The fact that there is no mic chat in game should be a clue that swf on comms is an unattended consequence of creating a multiplayer game.

    As to the solution to all of this, I’m not sure. Though I wish the developers would address this and stand up to the elephant in the room, which is of their own creation.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    You can pretty easily figure out which killer you are facing as a solo survivor.

    Trapper, Pig, Plague, Nemesis, Freddy all spawn objects on the map that you likely will spawn near. Freddy also puts the clock on survivors portraits as well.

    Oni, Deathslinger, Clown, Doctor, Demo, Billy, and Leatherface all create global noises with their power that you can easily figure out.

    Wraith has wooshing noises when he recloaks and an addon that makes his bell global. Spirit also has an addon for global noises as well.

    Trickster and Huntress have 40m lullabies. And many killers have custom TR sounds as well.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    An unsolvable problem.

  • DropdeadPiggy
    DropdeadPiggy Member Posts: 155

    Swf are not a problem in this game dude I don't know what people keep insisting that they are

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    A lot of people in swfs aren't that good, they just want to play with their friends. I play with 2 other friends, me and one of my other friends are just average, im decent at looping and so are they then we play with a friend that is really good and helps us out a lot. That being said though we still lose a majority of our games but we just like playing with each other cause its fun. I think you are stuck with the mindset of every swf winning every game which they don't (or a majority which most don't) and personally i just think you're a killer main who clearly has a hard time with swfs, yeah they are challenging but not game breaking like you are implying, i think its more of an issue with you improving your game style.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited July 2021

    I definetly don't think every SWF team is problem. I have over 1 k hours are so far had only like 10-20 games where I know I didn't do any mistake, had short chases, but lost anyway, because they didn't waste any time neither. Thing is that probably most of them weren't SWF, just match with really good survivors.

    SWF are problem when every player in that team is at least decent and are able to work together, which I don't think is that hard. Just simple rules to follow.

    I don't get why you think I have that big problem with SWF, because I have never said I want SWF nerfed now. I have problem with spawns, but that works for soloq too. What I suggested was buff soloQ. How is that make me stuck with any mindset?

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Try to compare SWF with soloq. That difference is game breaking. I can win most of my games against SWF, but I know what will happen when I face Death squad. I just suggested that I want to buff soloq and I suggested only things that will not affect SWF, because there is not need for that.

    I like to watch tournaments and learn from them what to do as survivor, or just Oracle games in customs. Unless you use top tier killer, you will be happy with 3 hooks.

  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133

    i dont mind swf, its the bullying and endgame harrassment.

  • CaptainRaider
    CaptainRaider Member Posts: 154

    When I see a survivor become injured and I don’t hear anything, that does not tell me who the killer is. Most of the killers you mentioned do not have global sound without specific addons. I’m assuming you don’t know this.