What is your experience with colorblindness/visual impairment accessibility?

enormous_bruh_moment Member Posts: 136
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I don't know how else or where else to ask this where it might actually get addressed, but in terms of practical accessibility, I find in certain instances, DBD is inaccessible to those with particular types of colorblindness.


The solution is extremely simple:

Please please please, allow users to control the colors, intensity, opacity and outlines of colors for all auras.

I have moderate protanomaly, Red-Green colorblindness. In a nutshell, varying shades of red & green without enough distinction and well designed contrast, blend easily with/can easily be seen as browns, yellows, and oranges.

Yes, I have tried the globally applied filters. These are the bare minimum one can do to attempt to address colorblindness, they do not work for me or those I've talked to about this.

This hasn't been much of a problem for me in most games. Most of the time, shapes/texture contrast is enough, and important information isn't being communicated purely through a single visual language, like color. This is why globally applied filters actually often make things WORSE, as they make the colors appear washed-out, or desaturated and muddy.

Designers without colorblindness do not understand that for the majority of those of us afflicted, the problem lies in contrast, not saturation. Even hue can be less of an issue depending on the lighting environments.

Never in all my years in all games has this been worse or actually disabling, than with Auras on the Corn maps.

Looking at this image preview, I can only see 1 generator.

And honestly, I can mostly only see it because of the lights above it, and with it being so close to a corn plant that the silhouette is largely only on one darker leaf.

I can only see the 2 other generators in this image if I make this image fullscreen and look extremely closely for several seconds, combing each area of the screen carefully, and I'm the one who took this screenshot.

Infinitely worse is trying to find Trappers beartraps. There's one on the right side of the screen, when I am playing Trapper on this map, I cannot see any trap auras that are in the corn. Only after looking at this image for a long time did I even notice that one was there. If there are generators in the middle of the fields, I can't see them unless I'm in a darker/indoor area if the map, or, by looking "through" my weapon.

Please, please give us the tools to customize and fix this for ourselves so we don't need to rely on the broad tools designed by people who don't understand what our struggle is.

This is an issue on multiple maps, it's just worst of all on all of the ones with corn.

This isn't me or anyone else asking for any sort of competitive advantage, this is information that the Killer is supposed to always have immediate access to from anywhere on the map. But on many maps, for affected members of this community and through no fault of their own, they simply cannot see these things the way normal people can.

Please, I know it's a lot of work, but please we just need a little screenshot preview of a generator/beartrap silhouette, a way to select each generator/notification "state" for example "Normal Generators, White Generators, Yellow Generators, Gradient values (for perks or addons that display gen progress in a gradient)" and maybe allow us to give it an outline, whose thickness we can also control.

For most of the maps where this is an issue, those I asked if they had a similar experience, said to look at the old versions of these maps, where everything was much darker and the auras were far more distinct? I'm not sure why certain changes were made, but they definitely seem to have made them a bit worse in regards to visual clarity.

I really hope we can get these concepts fully addressed, or if BHVR is unable to pursue this, that they allow members of the community to create mods that can help people with visual impairments or disabilities.

Just to reiterate, to be able to adjust the experience for those of us with colorblindness, we need better designed use of, or better yet, direct control over: Color (hue), Intensity (saturation), Outlines (contrasts), and Opacity (distinction).

I've not seen this issue raised elsewhere, extremely hopeful that we can get a good discussion and constructive responses, maybe even a commitment to address this problem.

Cheers everyone, good luck in your next matches.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on