Give killer hatch perk

So it can be a legit race for finding hatch vs those running left behind
As someone who plays killer more there is no need as you aren't going to be encountering people enough to warrant it
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Care to be explain? As a rank 1 killer (not that it means all that much) I think it would be fair to even the odds when you’re not on the slugging for 4K type
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Why did this get closed? It was an innocent suggestion
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Because most killers are naturally faster also because left behind is generally not used by a majority of survivors also imo I think it would be a wasted perk for a killer especially if behaviour decides to make it one of a new killer teachables
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Yeah but I mean wasted perk is a subjective thing. I think there are lots of killer perks that could be considered more than wasteful. Also, sure killers may have a 10-15% speed advantage but how much does that matter when the survivor knows where the hatch is and you have to go searching?
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I think this is a creative idea! In terms of the previous points you made check out my post right above yours :)
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It matters a ton if the killer also knows where the hatch is and again left behind isn't used that much I only seen one game where it was used and it was on a bill running his default perks(assuming he was going for that achievement where you use a survivor and escape with only their perks) and even than he didn't get a chance to use left behind as the game ended in a 2k wouldve been 3k if the bill didn't protect his teammate really well(and I gave him hatch after downing him for his devotion)
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Just make it a feature of Zanshin Tactics. Once the hatch is open, Zanshin reveals it’s aura within the range of the current tier of the perk.
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Waste of a perk slot. Just like Left Behind, unless you have a key.
I'd have nothing against this perk being made except that it would just add to the pile of useless perks.
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That is really interesting, it just needs a closer look and to be tested in practice and rework it a bit. I like it :D
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Again, I don’t think it needs to be an extra perk. Make it an additional feature of Zanshin Tactics.
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but zanshin tactics is already a survivor perk lookalike and doesn't need it
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That makes no sense.
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In the current state of perks, maybe later. If they take my key change, then i already suggested one, as base kit. I'd link the suggestion but it was given to a fog whisperer, since BHVR doesn't take much that we say to heart. Because there's a LOT to weed through.
But to just have a Killer version of Left Behind is really a waste. Territorial Imperative would be less of a waste.