Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Legion has too many downsides to their power

When the Legion was reworked, they were nerfed heavily in many ways, mostly because it was very unfun to get stabbed every 10 seconds and go down eventually. But I think the change to Deep Wounds was enough (they can't be reduced with the base power anymore).

  • Before the rework, Legion could also start using their power at any progress of their power bar. I suppose it was removed, because you could use your power after 5 seconds to get another stab on the same person to reduce the Deep Wound timer. But you can't do that anymore, so I don't really know why that's a thing.
  • You have to wait 20 seconds (used to be 15 seconds) before you can start using your power if you miss an attack or fully deplete it (if we don't count the 4 sec stun...). It is the most punishing power of all killers. Basically every other killer doesn't feel that bad when they have to wait for their power: Blight seems to always have it available, Nurse can blink pretty much right after the fatigue, Twins have an incredibly short cooldown when Victor gets destroyed, Spirit only has a 15 sec cooldown and she has no fatigue after using her power, etc.
  • The fatigue is sooo long. It's pretty much the longest self-stun of all killers even though the power is not lethal. It takes 4 seconds to fully recover from it (used to be 3 sec). The only other stuns that last 4 sec are Wraith after burning him and Deathsligner when a survivor breaks chains and both of these situations can be prevented quite easily. Pretty much every killer has a reasonable fatigue. Nurse has a very short one (2.5 seconds after 2 blinks), the same thing with Blight (2.5 sec). Using Blight's power to close the gap between you and a survivor doesn't feel nearly as bad as with the Legion.

I think if we take care of those 3 issues, Legion might feel nice to play again (and I think he's on the weaker side anyway). So my solution would be:

  • Reduce the cooldown to 15 seconds and/or make so that the power can be used even if it's only partially recharged
  • Reduce the fatigue to either 3 sec or 3.5 sec (add-ons can be tweaked)

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