Xbox - Action lag

gazzy_g Member Posts: 28
edited July 2021 in Bug Reporting

You know what this is.

After many actions there's lag on the xbox, sometimes pretty bad. Use dead hard? Half second freeze, end up in the same place, killer gets you. Pallet drop? Lags, get hit.

As killer it's bad too, go for a swing sometimes and it freezes, then you miss. Go for a grab? Big lag. Was always there, but I could at least reliably get sm myers grabs. No more!

Any update on how long this will be before it's fixed? Even an ETA? It's making killer games frustrating, and some survivor games basically unwinnable.

If it's going to be a while, give me my bloody ultra rare addons back that keep getting p****d up the wall on laggy games :).

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