New Currency: Thumbs Up! and Blood Vials

Two new currency suggestions that use the already in place post game system, just modified. Thumbs Down would not affect this(because yall do a little too much trolling :) ). The purpose for these is to help put a Band-Aid on the huge grind that vet and new players go against daily and to attempt to put a big dent in Disconnects that aren't server/game related(which we know are a lot). Now i'm sure this needs to be tweaked accordingly, but I feel this would make the game a little more enjoyable overall.
Thumbs Up!(Cap: 100)
Everytime you send or receive a Thumbs Up, gain 1. After accruing 50 Thumbs up points, you can trade them in to complete a single Rift challenge. This can be done once per Tomb level.
Blood Vials(Cap: 50)
The Vial, when sent, will Reward another player 25,000bp for doing well in a trial. After a match, when clicking thumbs up on a player, if available, will give another option to send a Blood Vial as a gift, as well as a thumbs up. You will receive 10,000bp for every Vial you send to other players.
Send Conditions:
Must be at least Devotion Level 1, Rank 1.
The same player cannot gift or be gifted to/from for 24 hours. This is a personal timer and starts once the gift is received. Spread the blood around!
If a player(s) inside of a SWF sends a Vial to another player(s) in the group, or that was in the group in the last 24 hours, they must wait 48 hours to send another Vial to that same player(s).
Award Conditions - Players must gain at least 10,000 scoring inside the trial before they are eligible AND complete the trial, alive or dead.
Killers: Receive 1 Vial for every 2 completed matches without disconnecting.*
Survivors: Receive 1 vial if they Escape the trial, and 1 after 3 completed games without disconnecting.*
When you receive a Vial via an award by the system, Gain an additional vial for every 5 levels of Devotion you have earned once per trial that earned you the reward.
If a player receives 3 or more Thumbs Up from a single trial, they received 1 Blood Vial. This is additive and not a completion reward.
Edited Condition: If a killer disconnects/quits the match, it counts towards survivor progression. Players disconnecting have their progress reset to 0.
*Fog Whisperers are not affected by this requirement, Players in the Fog Whisperer program receive 1 Vial per completed trial, regardless of role, along with the reward for Devotion levels. Fog Whisperers also do not have a Cap on Vials or Thumbs Up points.
Store Items
Have cosmetic and trial use items in the store for sale using one or both currencies.
-Promotes less toxic gameplay
-Less grind
-Less DCs
-Additive on things you already do
Cons(for the Dev lol)
-Less grind
-Added/Changed coding
Suggestions/Criticism welcome
Very awesome. Everything that gives extra bp is always welcome =)
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Sounds amazing! Just, I dont think there should be a rank requirement to send blood vials.
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I freaking loved these ideas. You have my upvote my man.
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Its appreciated. I just really want a reason to stay in the game after having been farmed by my teammate and the killer rampantly kicking my teeth in :)
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Not player rank, but Player Level. You have to just play the game. I was at close to 2k hours before they introduced player levels and I want to give new players incentive to stay, play, and earn. The Rift/Tomb and Dailies(i haven't had a survivor daily in 2 months, thx BHVR) don't do enough to earn, especially when you are newer to the game.
Also the requirement is so people can't just make new accounts to spam something like this. There will always be people who will find a way to abuse. I would also like to clarify, that's just for sending them. You can receive them at any time at any player level.
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I really like the blood vial idea so I can reward killers that don't camp, slug or tunnel.
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I would really like this just so we can try to promote a better community by playstyles and less DCs. Kind of inspired by the LITF tournament for Puppers this last weekend.
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This would be sick! I'm down!
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Never played League. So I honestly don't know what youre referring to.
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Oh ok. Yeah, i just want to give the killer mad props for kicking my teeth in while not being jerk.