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Idea for a twins change that would offer more counter play

MrBendiix Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 37


So I had this idea the other day and I spoke with a few twin mains which all agreed that this would be a cool change, so here goes.

When playing against the twins, a lot of players feels frustrated with Victor. A lot of twin players will run as close to the survivor as they can with Victor so they are like inside the survivor before doing the leap to make sure that they can't miss without the survivor using dead hard or something. This offers very little counter play and is boring to go against.

My change is simple, when Victor is fully charged for his leap, he can be kicked by the survivor.

That way you are forced to keep a little bit of distance to the survivor and will allow the survivor to actually attempt to dodge the leap.

I do see how some twin players will have a hard time since they can't just enter the survivors hitbox and make sure they can't miss anymore. But I honestly think it will make the killer more enjoyable to go against. Plus it will change how people play against Victor and maybe some survivors will try to dead hard to Victor to kick him while holding his leap charged, making them "easier" to catch for the next 40sec at least.

Thoughts? Do share. I want this to be an open and civil discussion.

Thank you for reading :)


  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 771

    There's a few problems I see with that:

    1: spamming A and D (left and right) to make yourself almost unhittable with the janky movement survivors have, with massive punishment to the killer is not particularly skillful either. Good survivors can make a good Twins player miss Victor's pounces even at close range because their movement is way more unpredictable, but either way, just the time you buy your team by making him take his time to pounce can be significant.

    2: DBD maps are full of detritus and a lot of things have weird hitboxes that you hit when you barely see them. Things like some trees and some boxes and other debris have weird hitboxes, and sometimes you need to be close to survivors at loops.

    3: I guarantee that if you do this you'll see scenarios where survivors will literally pursue Victor, because it's safer for survivors to just be as close as possible to him so they can force him to initiate a pounce immediately and miss, or just force him to constantly back up and not pounce at all because he will be crushed if he tries.

    4: Not to mention you will once again create a scenario where tires or trees make Victor unusable (As it was in the PTB) because you need to line up your pounce around them and get a survivor to walk back on themselves so you can make your shot. With your mechanic it'd be impossible to line up a shot around a tree and survivors could easily just come around and kick you.

    Honestly I think Victor could have a more narrow hitbox so he'd have to be a bit more precise. But I'm not sure about your proposed change.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited July 2021

    I doubt you spoke with any Twins mains.

    1- They are ######### unicorns. There are rumors they exist, but noone actually played against them.

    2- There just can't be Twins main who would like this nerf without a huge compensation

    Twins just got nerfed. There is counterplay against them. Play as a team and kick Victor whenever you can.

    This change might work if you make charge time shorter and removed movement speed penalty. Victor would be useless with this change in his current state. Just run around a tree or barrel and there is nothing he can do, when he can't actually go close to you.

  • MrBendiix
    MrBendiix Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 37
    edited July 2021

    I do see the issue on your third point, and I guess that could be fixed by doing a small change to my original idea. If Victor holds a full charge for 2 seconds he can be kicked, that way you still have time to jump those survivors trying to go for you.

    The only proper counter play to twins right now is SWF. If you solo queue against them, well you are just f'ed


    I do appreciate the feedback from both of you tho :)

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Well, if you play soloq atm you are just f*ed agaisnt any decent killer...