Blight is fun - Unless you're going against the same build 50 times with no stop & Sweat Lords...

Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer, BBQ & Devour Hope sometimes to replace one of the perks. Throw an Alchemist's Ring in the mix & the match is going to be super fun...

Blight players never heard of build variety.

I'm glad Blight has received 50 buffs up his ass since his release & Billy hasn't been touched since August, almost a year...

I'm honestly mentally exhausted from seeing Blight...

I'm a SoloQ Player, I honestly despise going against Blight cause I know what to expect. He's honestly the only killer that kills me in a majority of matches. The same story, the same build, the same wait last second before you hit someone in lethal rush. Going against a decent & patient blight is a bloody nightmare and a half...

Not to mention how extremely forgiving the lunge in Lethal Rush is...



  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I stopped running gen regression on pretty much every killer I’ve ‘mastered’ and continue to 4k. Thing is now the matches are way more interesting than before with pop/ruin.

    I’ve pretty much kept my strong builds and replaced my gen regressing perk with a tracking perk (discordance, whispers).

    I look at builds like this (Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer) as training wheels. Some people need them longer than others for each character.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    cough cough September 2020...

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

    Pretty much a rant.

    Haven't seen a different build on Blight in a long long while. It's quite painful to go against as a SoloQ Survivor.

    Yeah, people are free to play however they want, but still... damn....

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,475

    Look as much as id like to run fun builds with blight playing him is already playing

    blight vs survivors vs their perks vs collision vs bugs

    id rather not also throw in balancing perks and addons into the mix so it looks like

    blight vs survivors vs blights perks vs their perks vs niche addons vs collision vs bugs vs brown vs board of education

    I will keep using the simple build and strong addons until the rest of his gameplay becomes manageable

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    'Since when switching builds & tactics is considered goofing around?'

    Since when does the Killer have to switch tactics and builds for your entertainment? Because that's what this thread is; 'I'm angry Blight players keep using META'.

    Why would they stop? Why would they switch it up if they just want to win? Why should anyone comment on what perks and tactics others use?

    And what would you call it, when people switch off META? Surely they're not trying to win, if they're not using the META, right? That's not a bad thing, mind you. I'm just saying; if someone wants to try their best to win, they'd use the Most Effective Tactics Available to do so. SO what is it, if not 'goofing around'?

    Your thread is that you're angry of the Blight meta, but that implies Blights should stop doing it as per your request. Why? And how will they know they're fighting you?

    It's like logging into DBFZ and saying 'I'm tired of Goku Blacks everywhere. Why not use Krillin sometimes?' and expecting people to do so just because you said so.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,495

    So how long till this thread gets locked? 🍿

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2021

    My Blight runs BBQ, Dragon’s Grip, Trail of Torment, and Make Your Choice. Canker Thorn, and Foxglove to recover from rushes faster. Best add on ever since the update made him feel weird. ToT gives him Undetectable for ambushes as he traverses the map. Dragon’s Grip ensures no one touches the gen granting him Undetectable. Since he can immediately rush back when survivors do. I’ll hook players at more open hooks where I can see the savior trying to get away after trigging MYC. I’ll try to cut them off to down them. If the injured friend takes the hit pray that they have Decisive. Anyone abusing BT to take hits for their buddies, and simply not to get away gets tunneled. Always. Idc. Sick of 3 people running BT per match. Getting free saves and then body blocking for free protection hits. Basically carrying them the whole match. Then when I’m survivor not a single soul is ever running it. Every time. I get the most unsafe rescues. 😂

  • Evilhorst
    Evilhorst Member Posts: 103

    Should be very easy to get used to it and play around it then.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640
  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Use Small Game. Destroy totems, he is playing with 2 perks now. Simple.

  • Botiz
    Botiz Member Posts: 483

    as a solo queue survivor, I hate playing against a Blight with Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer, it's painful and super boring and i don't wanna throw on some totem perks when it's not guaranteed the killer will have Ruin and potentially Undying with it

    that being said when I play Blight my current build is BBQ, Sloppy (for when I don't have my ability available and can go for M1 hits), Nurse's and Lethal Pursuer

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    Are you Na or Eu by chance..

    Cause i normally run Pop Shadowborn Nurses bbq on my Blight

  • theplaggg
    theplaggg Member Posts: 267

    It is but that isn't the problem I'm talking about. I rarely struggle against Blights. However playing against the same build again and again gets repetitive and boring. I'd love to see something other than ruin, tinkerer, pop and bbq every time.

    Hopefully the devs will buff the weaker killer perks to make some variety accessible for Blight mains.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Rancor is the best perk I have for Blight and even that is unacceptable to use.

    There's no pleasing survivor players so wasting time, effort and energy to please them is a pointless endeavor.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Because when killers come with interesting builds and challenges regardless of chosen character survivors show up with the same pool of perks and try a speedrun the game because their scoring is so wildly out of whack that short, crappy games lets them pip while killer needs to force the game to slow down by any means necessary and unless the devs are going to add 40secs to each gen at base then sometimes all you can do is play sweaty meta and then both sides have no fun.

    I play primarily for bloodpoints and would love to have fun messing with perks. When I do though I end up not getting enough bp to make the time in lobbies waiting worth the wait.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,956

    unfortunately the problem is meta perks right now are too good compared to other perks, so players have less reasons to play other things

  • PsychoTron
    PsychoTron Member Posts: 348

    This is a 1 vs 4. One Killer has 4 perks to choose from, so he has to choose carefully. 4 Survivors combined are 16 perks total. Playing survivor, whether solo queue or SWF gives you more freedom in choosing a variety of different perk builds to choose from.

    Therefore It makes more sense for a killer to choose META perks while Survivors can switch around with different perks.

    What different 4 combination perks would you recommend for Blight Killers than? Have you used these perks yourself and if so, how have you fared? Or are you a Survivor player which gives you a narrow perspective?

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    Use Detective's Hunch and shut down the Hexes quickly.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    What do you want blights to run? Beast of prey?

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    There is nothing easy about playing Blight. If you think youre getting stomped by Blight players, regardless of their build, either you or your teammates are just not that good. Not the Blight player's fault. That build is used for when they actually go against survivors that require it, unfortunately there's no way for the killer to tell what he'll be up against.

    Also, the game has 24 playable killers. Is that not enough variety? You also need to have the killers to use every build in existence?

    Also god forbid players are actually patient and don't just make things easy for you... I guess i forgot that trying to win and playing well as a killer is a sin.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    what worth is that "win" when you used the strongest build to achieve it?

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015
    edited July 2021

    Even though I think killers should be able to run what they want, I have to agree with you, Blight is a bit too oppressive with those perks (unless you're going against SWF). It's okay if you run it but I personally think it's too much.

    I think the issue is not Blight himself, but Tinkerer, and maybe solos being miserable to play. The Ruin + Tinkerer combo is already extremely powerful on high mobility killers, especially on Blight where it can be overkill due to his god-tier mobility. It doesn't matter if your gen is at 95%, when Tinkerer procs Blight will be there in no time, and Ruin will regress it down to 60% pretty quickly. Do the gen again and Tinkerer procs again. Couple that with Undying and your Ruin is secured if you're lucky.

    Personally I run BBQ, PGTW, Shadowborn, and Lethal Pursuer on my Blight, with no add-ons. The build is able to handle SWFs and get a good start. At least one slowdown perk seems necessary against SWF, so I put PGTW in there. I'm beginning to master the new Blight with his butter tech, so I may remove PGTW sometime.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Yeah, its a pretty boring build. I have avoided that build like the plague on my killers. But if people are wanting to win they'll go for the best perks. Same with survivor.

    There's players on both sides who aren't metaslaves, but you're less likely to experience it as survivor due to the 1VS4 aspect.

  • Evilhorst
    Evilhorst Member Posts: 103

    That would honestly be a great solution, however i do not think you are playing against blight every game. So there should enough variety in gameplay or not?

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587


    if you were Na. you could have a chance to verse me so you could experience what a good blight can do,

    Sorry yer goin' through those builds,

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448
    edited July 2021

    Honestly, i kinda agree that most Blight run the exact same build and that it's just becoming boring.

    For me a Blight running Ruin + Undying + Tinkerer is basically taking a super fun killer to go against to the level of Legion : boredom.

    At least Spirit players are known for running Stridor but the rest of their build is pretty versatile.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261
    1. Also the killers play against the same 16 survivors perks every game.
    2. Lethal rush is a special attack, and the amount of perks with the stupid m1 condition give you less choices.
    3. Right now Blight is a nightmare to play, sliding randomly on props make him frustrating and inconsistant, plus the new m2 bug.
  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    That is how meta works: many of the same few perks are used more then others.

    Trust me, I'd love to see more perk variety overall too on all Killers and Survivors, but some perks will always be stronger then others, and will be used more because of it.

    Still tho, imho it's not awful. Blight is a really well balanced Killer. The issue with versing him is just the same with many good Killers- to get a game against him where you get a 2 man out, you either need to have a good, coordinated team with a decent map (The first of which is already hard to come by in solo queue), the Blight to get some super unlucky totem spawns, or him to make some major mistakes, like letting someone run him for too long.

    He just suffers from the same issue as a lot of really strong Killers- their best counterplay is buying time for your team to do gens, which is a hard sell when you're playing Solo Queue- and when many Survivors normally want to at least attempt a few secondary objectives- like heals, chests, totems, etc for archives and points- and all lack the coordination needed to do extremely well against a good Blight.

  • AlohaSnacBar
    AlohaSnacBar Member Posts: 64

    I fell victim to this build using it constantly. Thinking I was a great blight player. But after switching the build to enduring spirt fury BBQ and pop/ruin/shadow born, I quickly realized that build carried me. Blight is waaay more fun if you try different builds.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    I feel bad for most killers. I think blight is singlehandedly going to get tinkerer nerfed, due to how many of them use it. Not 100% sure why one of the strongest killers in the game tends to be played by people who are very perk/add on reliant.

  • Mattie_MayhemOG
    Mattie_MayhemOG Member Posts: 315

    When the killer meta is all generator slow down perks what does that tell you about how fast the generators get done in the average match?