The pip system and time spent on the hook

Now I know the pip system is imperfect. I don't think anyone actually thinks the pip system is a great ranking system, but it is important because right now, it is the only indicator that suggests the game is more about surviving or not surviving but actually how you perform.
Still it's nice to think the devs will improve it in time (just like it's nice to think they ever read this forum)
Time spent on the hook is a problem though because it is time you cannot improve your ranking in a match and it is such completely beyond your control and instead in the power of your team mates and the killer. If your team mates wait to take you off the hook and you end up on it twice than the time you have to get points is considerably reduced. A game where you seem to play well, but were not rescued until late can look like a game you did terribly and in a way that is utterly outside your control.
Now I realize that to some extent this is just how the cookie crumbles. You could, for example play against the Shape with the tombstone and get murdered instantly without ever having a chance to be hooked at all. Clearly that poor sap is getting depiped, but baring uncommon situations where rare offerings are in play, time on the hook is detrimental to your game performance while at the same time being entirely out of your control. Camping, while a legit tactic is a fine example, if you're camped, your team mates might gen rush as they should, they might win and even get you off the hook, you might still depip simply because you were not able to participate.
I propose time on the hook should therefore be considered in the pip process. Doing so might help players be less salty about camping as a tactic and might also reduce the over all bad feelings that can happen from rough games.