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This game needs to be fixed

TheWisp1206 Member Posts: 6
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I played 3 matches of killer after not playing for a while and I’m rank 9. Well my first game was all red ranks and I joined there voice chat and they were swfing. Next game was purple and red then final game threy popped a gen in 10 seconds of the game starting then I chased a guy hooked him and then 3 more gens pop. I go into after game thing and they’re all red rank. How am I suppose to play this game. My suggestion to the devs are make a casual and a ranked with the ranked being u can only play with people one color higher or lower than u even if ur trying to swf with a red rank as a rank 20.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    How would making a casual and ranked matchmaking pool fix this issue? All the sweats would just queue casual for easier matches

  • IsJustMe
    IsJustMe Member Posts: 436

    Maybe a Diamond Rank? If you reach this you stay on diamond until rank reset... some like this? i know its not perfect but they should think about some like this

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Casual modes would just be abused, people both take this game super seriously and only want the easiest trials.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    then offer meaningful rewards for going ranked, that way there's a reason to play ranked instead of abusing casual and new players while you already know you're in for tougher matches. As is you never know whats gonna happen so you either accept defeat before starting or you try hard both of these things aren't healthy.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    What rewards would be meaningful? BP or shards wouldn’t matter to these people and no way in hell they’re giving out auric cells

    Charms are useless too

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    So the Rift is useless aswell since you can make it all the way to 70 and get the free stuff, however the "better" stuff is in the Premium side of the Rift right? Just let players who play Ranked get Progression in the Premium Rift and keep the Monetization process aswell for those that would rather play Casual BUT PAY for stuff. This way both sides get something, players and BHVR.

    Why have Challenges for BP then? Isn't it the same as Rewarding Ranked play? You'r trying to complete something, Ranking up in a Ranked playlist is equivalent to doing Tome Challenges. So Getting BP for reaching each Rank would be just as effective or not as Tome Challenges.

    Iridescent Shards would still matter to new players to help reduce the Grind by gettin Perks from the Shrine, and BHVR is all about New Players so rewarding Shards in Ranks would help attract New players to Ranked mode.

    Making Ranked Mode attractive is how you get people to play it despite them knowing it won't be easy or friendly. There's a Conscious decision and fair trade to be made, Rewards for Commitment, if you don't wanna commit then you can choose to open your wallet and play casual.

    With enough incentive Ranked would work as a viable Mode, BHVR could even implement MMR to make the Ranked experience a progressive experience instead of chaos.

    You can say oh then Streamers (or anyone) would just use Donations and Sub Money to buy the Rift and play Casual abusing new players and Casual players, wich yes it's true but if they do that what do you think people are gonna react like? they'll call them losers, there will be Drama, they will lose viewers because of the matches being boring and them not being as good as they seem to be right now. So you're pressuring streamers to play ranked or else, wich isn't exactly fun but will provide variety compared to what happens now where it's super easy to abuse casual players and new players. Plus them being "forced" to play Ranked means they can influence more people to play Ranked aswell cause they'll see them play Ranked. So by being somewhat forced to play Ranked you're getting more eyes on it so the people who do well in Ranked will influence more people to play Ranked wich is what we want, we want Ranked to be played.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    People want to play ranked for competitive games like in overwatch or apex. Problem is dbd is at its core a casual game.

    By splitting the player base everyone would just queue casual because no survivor wants to fight a sweaty nurse and no killer wants to fight a sweaty 4 man no matter the rewards.

    Separate levels for the free and premium pass wouldn’t work because then you’d be forced to buy premium day 1 or else you’d be #########

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Thing is tho... All the sweat lords would actually care about their rank. So if they stopped playing ranked they would de-ranked. And usually sweaty people really care about rank. I personally don't care about rank. So If I went down to rank 20 because I only played casual, I would be okay with that.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    They don’t really though. Most sweats care about 4k’s or 4 man escapes more as shown by sweaty nurses getting brutal killers by slugging at 5 gens

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759
    edited July 2021

    Another Discussion on this huh? Well Ranked and Casual isn't going to fix DC's. And umm yaaa..... It is frustrating as this happens to everyone I do agree though I hope they can optimize that soon. Theres a discussion about optimization I think that has over 33,000 views. With thousands of comments.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    DbD is competitive, it's 4v1, that's competitive by nature but it's only Competitive for 1 side, killer side, Survivors don't have to outperform each other. You can tell me oh but CoD is the same, teams win games not individuals, and you're mostly right but you know what you get from being a better individual? Streaks...There's an incentive to being a better player inside your Team. DbD doesn't offer this to Survivors.

    Sweating in Ranked? That's why MMR would help, it would make the matches fairer inside Ranked instead of being Chaos. Is the game unbalanced? Hell yeah but now they are forced to do something about it...

    Would people play the best killers? Yes they would until the others can be played too wich BHVR would be forced to do since they'd get angry people on both sides having useless killers and survivors complaining about facing the same killers over and over.

    Would Survivors just use SWF? Yes and No, they already use SWF, there's no reason to stop so Yes they will still use SWF, and No because good Survivors don't need SWF, if the point of Ranked is to have Competitive matches then any Solo Survivor should be a decent survivor, thus the need for SWF diminishes since you're getting equally skilled Survivors thanks to MMR.

    MMR won't work outside a Competitive Mode, the tests they've made over the last 2 years have shown that and act as proof as to why the system isn't ready yet, it won't work on the current format of DbD. Ask yourself what's the point of MMR if there's no Competitive scene? Making matches harder for casual and new players isn't good.

    Every DbD Tournament has strict and specific rules outside of the game's normal functionality because the game offers no competitive design. Example, Injured Survivors can't do gens, Killer bans, perk restrictions etc. There would be no need for these things if the game was designed to be Competitive, the Balance would be different, design choices would be different.

    In that scenario how would a Ranked Mode not work?

    The only issue is BHVR has no desire to make DbD Competitive nor can they do it now, they simply want a fix to MatchMaking. They'd have to rebuild the whole game from the ground up for it to be Competitive. Better coding, better infrasctucture, better servers, Server Maintenance, etc, etc.

  • TheWisp1206
    TheWisp1206 Member Posts: 6

    If there was a casual then u wouldn’t have to try as hard so u don’t depip and what’s the difference between a casual and dbd right now