Anime Killer Suggestions?
Anyone else remember the satisfaction survey that was released a while ago? It had a drop-down menu of a bunch of listed killers that could possibly be put in the game at some point. There was a section for movies, video games, and surprisingly Anime too. With the Trickster and Yun-Jin coming out and with them having made a bit of an anime-like opening for a brief period when the All-Kill chapter was fresh, I think the idea of an anime-based chapter is a lot more probable. My question is what series' would be popular for the decision of an anime-based chapter?
One of my suggestions would be Danganronpa; they just got down with an anniversary, along with announcing a new game and anniversary event on the Nintendo Switch; plus it does have a few horror elements to it, even if it really isn't all that scary. Unfortunately, I don't think that series was on the option's list on the satisfaction survey, so I'm pretty sure (not 100% obviously) that it isn't on their radar, but I think it's a good consideration for a killing game such as this.