PC - Game takes Xbox controller priority even when unfocused.

wreaver Member Posts: 24
edited July 2021 in Bug Reporting

Platform: PC

Description: This was broken around the end of last year. Before this bug, the game would let go of controller priority when unfocused, meaning you could use it for other games with no problems as long as the game wasn't focused. Now, the game keeps using the controller even when unfocused and being used by other games. The most annoying side effect of this is that it also controls the mouse cursor

Steps to reproduce: Just connect an Xbox controller and try to use it while the game is unfocused.

How often does this occur: Every single time you connect an Xbox controller.

As you can see in the video, the mouse keeps moving even when playing another game. This is not me directly moving the mouse, it's DBD doing it when I move the control stick.

I was even able to close DBD even when it was completely unfocused and I was playing another game.

And no, this does not happen with any game open other than DBD.

Video (Please pay close attention to the cursor and DBD in the background):

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