The bloodpoint cap is pointless.

loopsahoy Member Posts: 347
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

The bloodpoint cap was added to " stop grinding unnecessarily large amounts of bp" . We see players all the time grinding to 1 million and not wanting to play because they can't earn any more and they don't have anything to spend it on.

New chapters may give some incentive , but when you p3 50 them you've really reached a point where bp cannot do anything for you.

The whole grind / spend / grind loop is caused by the bloodpoint cap.

There are 3 things all players would really want to have:

. No bloodpoint cap.

. More things you can use bloodpoints for. ( most notably : trading in bp for shards : )

. Remove perks from thebloodweb , remove teirs; when you unlock a perk as a teachable have it teir 3 on every character.

Dbd is looking a lot better with the mori and key changes , mori changes , and perk changes we've been receiving. theres only a few outdated killer addons and power features that need buffs / nerfs , of the only few remaining problems, the ones that need the most changing is the grind , the bloodpoint cap , and more you can use bp for .

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    The whole grind / spend / grind loop is not caused by the bloodpoint cap, if anything its stopped by having an end to perks OR lack of incentive to level a new Survivor ALSO lack of difference between survivors. (Please give Survivors Abilities.)

    While I hope BHVR makes some changes to the Prestige System and the Grind. I dont think you will see the Cap go away anytime soon.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598

    I wonder how many people have ALL Killers/Survivors p3 and ALL Perks available on all characters

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    If they're using an EAC bypass nothing is being checked the only ban that will occur is from a manual check and if nobody reports them for that then they'll never be banned, the bp cap is utterly pointless.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I probably would have if I prestige, then again I'm earn 150k+ per hr

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    As others have said the reason for the cap is to prevent Hackers from hacking in loads of bloodpoints which would break the entire economy of the game if there even is one anymore lmao.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    What economy? There is none. They could simply remove the cap.

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    They probably have a cap so people can't just max everything new but 1 mil is way too small for a cap

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,551

    Hackers can already add any desired amount, I've seen myself, but that's just pointless when they can hack directly the characters' progress

    The actual real reason is that "they don't want players to directly stack enough to max a character the moment it gets out" probably to keep the playerbase playing more time to grind the progress and get bored from playing them later than sooner. Still stupid since people save strategic spots of the tomes to save way a lot of points and probably devs didn't keep that in mind.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
    edited July 2021

    I don't mind the cap, what I do mind is how massive the grind is to warrant what little bloodpoints are made and to have three tiers for each perk, especially when adding 12 killer and 12-24 survivor perks each year. It's too much.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 816
    edited July 2021

    How does a person run out of things to spend bp on? I have all the perks unlocked, all my favorite killers are PIII+, but four times a year a new killer comes out, that's more perks to unlock then then buy for everyone.

    And even when that's all done, don't you need to replenish your favorite add-ons? My Bubba doesn't use addons except for BP offerings, but I still have to burn webs to stock up. Bubba likes cakes and bloody party streamers.

    Yeah, I guess I am spending lots of BP to get BP, but it gives me a reason to grind. When you get close to a mil, do some shopping.

    You're not wrong, it is pointless.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    It literally is pointless. You can grind to p3 50 someone instantly, there's no reason why the bp cap is there. They should remove the bp cap and let you trade in bloodpoints for shards, and shards should be able to teir up perks , and all teachables should be able to be unlocked with shards. Also , p3 is pointless , unless you want the bloody clothes. Why spend bp when you get to a million if all there is is addons and offerings ? After you get all the perks there isn't really a lot. There are plenty of reasons to lessen the grind , removing the bp cap doesn't make you take a long time to spend a million points and instead get more.

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    I actually don't mind the cap, would like shard exchange but it'll never happen sadly, and I like leveling the abilities and don't want them to simply be tier 3 right away

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    Yes buy you have to dovthar on EVERY character, and if you prestige do it again. It takes at least 2500 hours to get everything for every character, and that's a big grind. It took me a year and a half to get near 1k, (currently 950) and I don't even get the perks on anybody but like one person if I'm lucky. It's an rng reliant system , over tons of characters, and over 3 prestige if you're a completionist, if that's what you want to call it. Some people may be fine with it , but there is more cons than pros.

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    I disagree; I think having to acquire perks for each character adds a bit of a challenge to each character. You may not have your perfect build and you try out different combinations of perks that you never would have gunned for or thought of initially and that combo might actually be better than expected whether it's because you were glued to a specific one or because you didn't realize how it compliments your play style. The fact that it makes character's unique with their abilities is what makes it kinda perfect. I do feel they should revamp the blood-web so it allows a sell back function, and so that the perks are separated from the items and offerings would be nice.

    Perhaps they could set up a skill tree system that allows you to focus on specific perks, which would be my dream. I never wanna skip out on a perk, but sometimes I don't want a specific character to have a perk. Like I don't want to give Adam or Jeff "Lightweight" or "Lithe", but I might wanna give them Empathy, give Adam Alert, and give Elodie "Streetwise" , etc.

    I feel it would be nice to give us the chance to pick specific perks so we can give pers based on your own perceived personality of them and make them feel more like character classes.

    Also I can appreciate that I've gone on a tangent and that you don't like those issues, but those issues aren't fixed with an increased blood point cap, those issues are resolved in different ways, like shared perk access, or tactful with how you pick perks and level people up. it shouldn't take 2500 hours to max a character out, but it CAN. It won't be the average though. I feel like it's taken considerably less time for me to P3 and max out the skills of a character.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Have you ever seen a hacker in this game. Trust me they don't care about quantity plus if they give themselves bp they can go over the bp cap anyways. There is a secondary hard cap of how many bp you can have since if you are at the 1m cap and are given bp through say a bhvr f*ck up forgiveness plan like the 300k we got after the event then you'd still have 1.3m idk what that cap is but I would be highly surprised if they weren't able to go past even that anyways. The cap is only there so that people don't hoard blood points.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209
  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    There is no benefit to a lot of the things bhvr does. I used to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume most problems arise because of a poor coding base or just early dev decisions that didn't pan out the way they thought it would but with each mistake I give them less and less credit.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    No, the bloodpoint cap is to encourage actually using them. There's no point in allowing you to "trade bp for shards," most people have thousands upon thousands of shards saved up or they spend them in the shrine for bloodpoints. Having to level up the bloodweb to unlock the teachable perks is to also encourage spending your bp and trying to earn a good score ingame to earn more bp.

    I admit the grind is a lot for most people and maybe should be slighty reduced, but if you need a lot of bloodpoints, youll have to earn a lot in game which encourages you to play better, fairly, and to actually help out your team. It's for the best.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    You shouldn't be forced to use your bp. If somebody wants to save their bp they can. Nobody wants to get somebody to level 30 with a million bp , they'd rather get to 50 in a single deposit. And people have way too many shards because they don't use them. Why should bp have that limitation ?

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    Not to mention, by the point bp becomes a hassle , you'd have the skill of a rank 10 , around that.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Prestige isn't even worth doing so you really only need to do it once if all they wanted was to get to level 50. The grind comes in the fact that at level 50 you still won't have unlocked every perk in the game on any single killer. That's the biggest issue with the grind as unlock tiers just extends the amount of time it takes to get stuff you actually need and the fact that you can spend millions of bp on a single killer or survivor and still not have all the perks unlocked for quite sometime. Prestige sets all your progress back in exchange for a bloody cosmetic that doesn't look that good and you're still stuck on the grindstone unlocking perks again in a random order.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    If somebody wants to save their bp they can, up to 1million. I understand the frustration of not being able to max out a character in 1 go but you have to understand how much more bp that would take, it would just take way too long to level up in 1 go at that point.

    If you really want to level someone up in 1 go, youll max out your bp and save your archive challenges as thats basically an alternative to the bp cap.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    1 million bp cap takes 8 hours of nonstop gameplay and the cap makes you stop and spend , or playing is pointless. Some people just want to save up bp fir when they don't bye anything to spend it on.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    There's nothing beneficial about saving up bp. There's no harm in more items addons or offerings, and its a negative to save them up as you wont earn any more because youll be at the 1mil cap.

    If it went any higher than that, and you wanted to spend it all, it would take an irrational amount of time to do so. It would legit take hours to spend say 4 million bp on a controller for example.

    There's just no reason for it, it's not beneficial and doesn't help which is why the cap is there. Get points, spend them, if you don't want to you can save up 1million to have on hand.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    Controller Is not any different from pc. It's not " on controller ", it's generally.

    Also 1 millions not a lot for 8 hours. I'd be fine with the cap if they increased bp gains per match, but with max 32k and on average 20k max, having no cap is only fair.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    Controller is different from pc because of how much longer it takes to level up the bloodweb because you have to drag the cursor around

    I do feel like the bp gains should be increased, at the very least they should remove the 8k bp in a category and just cap all bp gains in a match to 32k instead

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    It's really the exact same thing , so why take limits over qaulity of life? People are still playing, people are still buying outfits (hopefully not for long , #deadbyboycott) And people are still having a blast. I don't see Any problems .

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    Yeah, replace category icons with the survivor logo. I like that.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    Then your not desperately searching for people to hit and extending the game to let them heal for more bp and emblem

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    But there is a point to spend them..... All the add-ons and offerings that aid your character? Something that costs a trivial amount when you can easily get those points back.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    Good players have tons of items , addons and offerings ;

    Spending more doesn't do much to a large number.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    If those Good Players have tons of items, addons and offerings ;

    Then they're not using them. Having the ability to spend your BP to gain more is the point. And unless there is someone out there where they have P3 50 character with all max perks on every character both Survivor and Killer with the max # of items, add ons, and offerings, you can always spend your BP. Choosing to hold onto the million until the next chapter comes out is pointless because you can easily make 200k back in a couple matches. It just sounds like bad management of BP.

  • loopsahoy
    loopsahoy Member Posts: 347

    They are using them , they just have so much they could run 2 unique addons together and then the next uniquw pair for like 600 games.