Spirit Counterplay Idea

Add an in game item called summoning salt which when taken from shrines/containers, allows the survivor to leave a trail of salt for 3-5 meters that if the spirit travels over forces her to unphase and disables her phasing for 5-10 seconds. I see many ways to balance the summoning salts. I also think the summoning salts could stun or deny the speed boost out of phase but I think the overall balance of the killer could be looked at if mechanics like this were added. I personally am ok with her power level. I just want it to feel better for both sides.


  • PatWesker
    PatWesker Member Posts: 252

    I think this is a very good idea!

    Maybe salt pockets could spawn while against spirit as fountains spawn for plague and clocks spawn for nightmare.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    I...actually love this idea

    Its an.interesting and original way to counter her!

    And you can then work around it so its usefull but not abusable (i hate spirot, but lets not turn her into the killer from HsH)