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Plague's corrupted fountains all auto ingesting (edit: nevermind it isn't a bug)

When playing plague (I play on console) when a lot of survivors cleanse and remains just a few clean fountains (maybe they used all fountains already) when chasing a survivor a short time while having my corrupt purge, it gives me another one but all the corrupted fountains become clean, it happens almost every match (if not every match) and it's frustrating that you loose all the corrupted fountains saved for later.
Here's the link to the video I recorded: (I couldn't upload it here for space issues)
Yeah but resetting all the fountains it's a bit too much
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Yeah but remove 4 fountains instead of all, in the end I still sacrified pressure for that
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Yeah, you're absolutely right, anyway thanks for telling me it wasn't a bug before
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Btw thanks, I was thinking it was a bug