A fix to make Self-Care less Selfish

DaddyFatSacks420 Member Posts: 183
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Self-Care should have the added effect of showing your aura to the killer when healing outside of a certain distance (48m perhaps). This would make it detrimental to just hide in the corner using Self-Care most of the game. If you didn’t see already... https://mobile.twitter.com/DeadByBHVR/status/1415717855363014662 . It’s frustrating both as a survivor and a killer when some survivor refuses to do anything but hide and use Self-Care. They still could with this change, but they would have to be smart about when to heal without showing their aura to the killer. I think we’ve all had games as a killer when you spend 20 min just trying to find survivors because they refuse to do gens and run to other side of map to use Self-Care anytime they get hit. As far as I’m concerned Self-Care (has always) = Selfish, this could be a small change that would make this perk a lot more fair... (and one more thing do I need to remind people you can always bring a medkit with you!)


  • DaddyFatSacks420
    DaddyFatSacks420 Member Posts: 183
    edited July 2021

    Self-Care should have the added effect of showing your aura to the killer if you’re outside of a certain distance from them (say 48m) when healing.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    it should be a perk with stacks, where if you get a certain ammount of stack the speed increases for one heal, so you unhook, take a hit, heal another teammate, flashlight save. then the stacks go away and you can earn them again, to the point that if you get 5 stacks its like healing with a normal medkit for one heal

  • DaddyFatSacks420
    DaddyFatSacks420 Member Posts: 183
    edited July 2021

    Why not just use a medkit? Seriously this isn’t about making Self-Care a more attractive perk... it’s already the most used survivor perk in the game! It’s about balancing the entire game by cutting down on the amount of good for nothing survivors hiding in the corners of a map for most of a match

  • DaddyFatSacks420
    DaddyFatSacks420 Member Posts: 183

    You can still run to the opposite side of the map anytime you take a hit to heal but you would be revealing your aura to the killer. It would just make it so survivors would have to be smarter about when/where to heal if they choose to use Self-Care

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    One example:

    If someone is in struggle phase, I’m hurt, and I’m the only one left in the trial that can attempt to save them. Lets say there are no medkits but luckily I brought Self-Care. I heal up and save them. They manage to escape and I take their place as the sacrifice. If there was no way of healing other than self-care available to you, your options are to either let them die or take a high risk chance that will likely end in you going down at the hook before a save could be made.

    OP TL;DR

    If self care showed your aura to the killer at a certain distance then people could just easily combine it with object of obsession to recreate a similar effect to what it once did without going through the hassle of activating Mettle of Man to have a superior version of old object

  • DaddyFatSacks420
    DaddyFatSacks420 Member Posts: 183

    Ok so what’ve if it doesn’t show your aura the whole time your healing outside of a certain radius, what if it only shows your aura for a few seconds after you finish healing?

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I too was a Self-Care critic after its nerf until only a little while ago. Mathematically, Self-Care is actually more time-effective than letting others heal you. As long as the person can get the heal off, they are allowing their teammate(s) to perform other actions (namely, repairs) at regular speed. Plus, best wishes if everyone is injured and someone needs to go for an unhook.

    McFALLENONE Member Posts: 53
    edited August 2021


    Post edited by McFALLENONE on
  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    I don't think this is a good idea, sorry.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    Self-care already has the disadvantage of being slower than using an item or having someone else heal you. It would be completely useless if they showed your aura too.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Alright, so how would this make the perk less selfish? It just doesn't.

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    I mean the perk is already kinda weak due to how long it takes to heal yourself.

    If anything its more of an emergency heal if noneone is around to help you, also it usually requires stuff like Botany Knowledge to be decent.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Pretty sure the perk takes twice as long as someone healing yourself to make it waste the same time overall.. 2 survivors x16 seconds is equal to the 32 seconds it takes for a solo self-care using the perk.

    That being said, it's really annoying when teammates just hide in corners to self care and urban evade around.. but also when you unhook them, they run across the entire map, despite the killer being nowhere near, and then self-care in your face rather than letting you heal them. I've stopped going after freshly unhooked survivors to try to heal them if they're just running for 10 seconds before stopping to let me heal when it would be already finished if they had just stayed at the hook. Want to run off? Be my guest, see you later.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    How to fix Self Care:

    1. For every <x> time spent healing others, it gains a charge. (Something like, every 10 seconds). Alternatively: for every Great skillcheck hit healing others; it gains a charge.
    2. When healing yourself, and you hit a Great Skillcheck; the progress of that skillcheck is doubled, and a charge is used.
  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    I 100% dont agree with this. Self Care already got nerfed (did you see the first two versions of self care lol) and people have died because others are Self Caring and it can happen from time to time. Why would you want aura reading on Self Care players when the killer can run Nurses? This change you suggested is not a good one at all, sorry!