Chucky in Dead by Daylight (Part 3)

Jarol Member Posts: 1,985
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

(Warning: This post will be long)

Well after months without talking about this, I would like to share with you how Chucky can work in first and third person in POVS views. Now I did tests with my assistants.

This time as Blight's old POV disappears, Hag's POV is sufficient and which, has a lot of similarity to a small killer than a medium killer. (In first person view) (And in third person if The Hag is moving)

POV The Hag:







In a publication regarding this issue of seeing Chucky in Dead by Daylight, I read that they can alter the height of a character so that it can enter, a clear example is Nemesis, in Resident Evil 3 Remake it was a human tower, In Dead by Daylight It's a head taller than a killer tall When he is in Movement you can see that he is smaller, the same happens with The Hag, when he hits a survivor or remains immobile, his height is higher, but in Movement he is smaller. Without a doubt, the same thing can work here with Chucky, vary his height depending on whether he is moving or not. With Victor, he can be seen bent over.

POV Victor:





Height comparison:


They can really make new animations and new models based on this demo I just showed. The developers may be aware of altering the height of that individual like Nemesis and Chucky. You can vary the height of him and make Chucky taller in Motion or in Chases and shorter when he is immobile or in Motion without pursuit, like the typical Ghostface move when he goes into pursuit and is not.

Although an animation of breaking pallets that can be solved with a kick or with his weapon, after all despite the fact that he is a diabolical doll, he still has the strength of a man, as when he was able to hang several people in his movies and struggle with many survivors.

The animation of lifting a survivor and carrying it to a hook, there are many good concepts to use, really if they implement Chucky I hope it is not another version of Twins, the main character is a doll and it should remain that way. Think Charlotte is the real killer and Victor the power of her, now, make Chucky the real killer and Tiffany her assistant on hooks. It would make sense and save time creating new mechanics like a drag, Voodoo Magic, or clinging to a survivor from behind.

There are good concepts of people like @Northener1907 @Maperson @Healthore77992 to see in the forum. Without a doubt I hope to see Chucky here, since he is the most popular slasher icon available at the level of Freddy, Bubba, Ghostface and Myers, He is the icon we love the most since Jason is not available now.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Great topic. Chucky deserves to join game. He has not license problems, so devs really have to ask for him.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    With the release of The Twins, Chucky is definitely possible.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    I said this when the Twins first released on the PTB- it's literally a test of an original concept to see how a killer of really small height and stature could work in Dead By Daylight through Victor.

    All they'd have to figure out is the carrying animation, and how flashlight saves would work, the hooking animation could easily be explained away as the entity aids in lifting a survivor up with it's claws and slapping them onto a hook. Everything else is about players adapting to a killer so wildly different from every other killer in normal gameplay.

    On a slightly separate note I'd like more killer heights to be introduced, beyond just "tall" and "average" they should add another category on either end to create more diversity across the entirety of the killer roster. There should be "Short" and there should be "Towering" and this way you could have a wider range of the kind of characters included on the roster- for example aside from chucky there's the small creepy girl from the grudge and just in general the classic creepy supernaturally powerful little girl trope, and then a character like The Oni or Nemesis are what I would consider good examples of Towering killers.

    So short - Chucky, Average - Freddy Krueger, Tall - Michael Myers, Towering - Nemesis.

    That'd be pretty cool imo.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    I'm not against Chucky being in the game.

    I'm just worried about the hooking situation. The hook dropping into the crown for Chucky to impale the survivor would be neat or voodoo.

    I even had the thought that since he isn't carrying a survivor but more or less dragging them, flashlight saving would be... how you say... different? They're free, but they're still on the ground dying

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    I would prefer not to have chucky in this game

  • HellraisingPredator
    HellraisingPredator Member Posts: 75

    I believe there is a new Chucky series coming out in October this year so I definitely wouldn't count it out.

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    how about jennifer tilly throws chucky at survivors and an AI chucky attacks them

    but I don't want to see another twins so they have to make the two incredibly different

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,021

    Its been ages since i watched any of the Childsplay movies but didnt chucky still have the strength of a grown man even tho he was the weight of a doll? I ask because than that would be easy for him to flop survivors onto hooks or he could climb up with a rope and swing them onto it

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Imagine Victor was just released as a killer without Charlotte. It could have never worked. That's basically how Chucky would be in dbd. Victor can't even carry survivors.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Or imagine, Victor is not power, he is real killer. Charlotte is just helping him. When Victor wanna hook someone (clicking space on survivor), Charlotte spawning (time will be same with other killer pick up animations) and killer player controlling Charlotte now. After hook survivor, Victor is spawning again. Because Victor is real killer, Charlotte is here only for help Victor.

    This design can work for Chucky & Tiffany.

  • Healthore77992
    Healthore77992 Member Posts: 570

    Chucky is a lot taller and bigger than Vicotr, get it right next time.