Hag needs nerfed?

Of all the killers in this game most receive complaints from the survivor side. But one killer who is the strongest is usually never complained about. The hag.
Now let me clarify what im saying. I've read multiple post on twitter of people saying hag is op, too strong and unfair. I have to wonder if any of these complainers even know the basics of facing hag.
She to me is perfectly balanced and does not need a nerf. So i will explain to survivors the best way to counter her. Crouch walk. Instantly her traps are useless.
I had to make this post because i would hate to see hag nerfed due to whiny survivors not knowing how to face her.
Crouch walking only gets you so far since the hag can the n go back to hook while you’re moving at like 30% speed.
All she needs is some add on adjustments and some anti camping measures. @Michi has a great idea to fix her camping issue
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True but I've read people saying her whole power should be reworked and i dont want that to happen. Her power is unique and fun
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While I do find her annoying personally her power should stay similar. We only have 2 set up killers after all so changing one would be a bad idea
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Hag needs a proper rework. Even if we ignore the core problem with hooks. Her power is all about getting nearly guaranteed hits if a trap that can only be interacted with with flashlights goes off.
Make hag 115 percent killer and have it so that after teleporting hag cannot attack for X time (probably just 1 - 2 seconds). Hags then allow her to navigate quickly throughout the map and she turns into a standard killer in chase.
Obviously other changes would be needed, but that's where I'd start.
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Most if not all of my losses from Hag are because teammates don't seem to know (or know and are just ######### stupid) that you can crouch when unhooking. Just sad when you team gives the killer a free snowball.
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Its pretty easy to counter a hag. When you see that the hag is setting up her web in an area, you need to "harass" her, and set off her traps before she finishes setting up. If the Hag has a full 10 trap web and one of your teammates is hooked in the middle of it, leave them to die. There is no chance of getting them out of there.
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Well you could have a brave soldier go and trigger all the traps and run away and have someone do the save now that her traps are gone, or use a flashlight.
But yeah regardless her power is bs when it comes to camping.
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I wouldn't like that. The most fun part of playing Hag to me is setting up traps before/after windows and pallets and driving survivors into them. Losing her immediacy absolutely breaks her as she is.
I think she'd be fine if her ability to hook camp was nerfed.
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All she needs are changes to the place 10 traps around the hook. Where they vanish after an unhook
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No, that would make her an awful killer. And ruin her core identity like Freddy
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She just needs a small nerf to make the gameplay feel more interactive
Whenever a survivor is unhooked all traps within 8 meters of the hook are automatically broken
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"after teleporting hag cannot attack for X time (probably just 1 - 2 seconds)"
You know that her power used to be like that, right?
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Imo she just needs add-on adjustments, anti-camp measures, and something to deal with macro Hags.
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Hag takes a ridiculous amount of map knowledge, game sense, and overall skill at the killer to pull off frequent 4k's against any survivor with half a functioning frontal cortex. Compared to other killers like nurse or spirit, who become completely uncounterable when their players are highly skilled, hag has plenty of reasonable counters survivors can utilize against her to fairly beat her.
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she needs something, personally i think it’s annoying to go against or even play hag simply because her chase is nonexistent (since, she doesn’t actually chase you. and if she does, you go down fast because she’ll only chase you near traps)
removing her ability to camp would be a good start, but i think she needs other things to make her fun to play & play against (actually being able to chase survivors, and survivors actually being able to counter her web in chase)
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I really don't see anything wrong with hag. Like what other's said you can crouch walk especially with urban evasion as your perk or use flashlights. I don't know about the camping though, can't devs nerf that by placing the trap not so near hook anyways?
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Then that would butcher her uniqueness if we made her chase orientated which is already being used too much. All she needs is a change to her hardcore camping possibilities every trap around hooked person after an unhook will be erased that’s all she needs
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I'm with @WishIcouldmain and @Laluzi on this one
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Don't forget they would have to change her daily because it is hitting survivors after teleporting to a trap
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Hag is B-tier very fair killer. Only good against solos more or less who don't know how to counter her.
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The problem with hag is that people dont know how to play against her. But you could argue that hag traps around the hook should be removed when you unhook.
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She doesn’t need a power rework. She just needs her hook camping nerfed. Almost every Hag I come across does the exact same scumbag thing: trap the hook, and when an unhook occurs, starts heading back to it. Either she gets her teleport and free hit because someone was stupid and didn’t crouch, or she gets her free hit because she gets back to the area in time before the survivors were even able to crouch walk far enough out of trap triggering range. It’s infuriating. Hag ensures everybody is essentially dead upon their first hook. I hate it. I despise Hag with a seething hatred.
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Hag doesn't really have any counterplay except for holding W or being able to see the future and equip a flashlight with a lot of batteries.
She really isn't "perfectly balanced", she's a camping machine that shuts down every loops she's ever touched and whose counterplay is to be in the right place at the right time when she picks someone up to run through her web, or to just forget about loops and just get some excellent cardio in for your character.
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Like what? Flashlights are retroactive counterplay. Holding W counters pretty much everything in the game. Crouch walking isn't counterplay, Hag will just run at you at full speed. Trying to set her traps off while she's carrying someone is essentially luck-based.
And she doesn't require much knowledge or skill, you can just trap loops, chokepoints and hooks and camp the area for the win.
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Only issue I have with hag is when you trigger her trap your camera should not turn.
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Something needs to give with Hag, there are plenty of good ideas to tone her down without breaking the Killer.
Not being able to swing for a couple seconds after teleport and broken traps around unhook seem like decent ideas.
You could bump up her base speed to counter the nerf a little and, I think she could be quite fun and a little less oppressive.
Hag has the best jump scares btw.
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First idea no that’s how Old Hag worked and she was one of the worst killers in the game we already saw that idea doesn’t work. Second one can work
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Yeah Hag seems very strong if the killer is competent and the survivors are absolute morons, which happens a lot. I'm always amazed when I go to unhook someone who saw her put traps down, and they watch me crouch and not set off the traps, and they take off sprinting and get tunneled. You can lead a horse to water...
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I'm not understanding how being able to teleport directly into chase is weak, that is so strong. Bump up her base speed so that she can maintain chase. Not being able to swing right away shouldn't matter, you are teleporting directly into chase.
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Because she couldn’t get any damage and we see already that survivors can run a standard 4.6 M1 no problem and gain mad distance by holding W against Trappers or Legions.So this would effectively kill her. Since she’d have no lethality to her power. And survivors can leave the traps no problem. This would kill Hag. And any changes to say give her standard chase would kill her her uniqueness which we’re running out of
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It's sounding more like an issue with you not being able to win chase...
You dont want to win chase, you just want to teleport and swing at whatever is there.
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The whole purpose of Hag is satisfying a niche of people who don't like traditional chases. If you take away that you're basically deleting her playerbase. We already have enough chasers.
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No dude if Hag can’t deal damage out of her traps it has no lethality and making her 4.6 wouldn’t be good compensation. Survivors would then leave the loop no problem. It’s a horrendous idea that we already saw didn’t work. Why Old Hag made the F tier. Why try the same thing and expect a different result? More easy killers with no uniqueness and also easy to beat?
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I mean, you can crouch walk in the beginning or to avoid confrontation with her but Hag doesn't just place her traps down and call it a day, she can (and will) chase you in the direction of her traps, you can't crouch walk over them then and that's where she becomes dangerous. Where most people fail is panicking after setting off a trap. Say like you placed a trap in front of a dropped pallet and you're hot on their tail, as soon as they trip the trap, most immediately vault right back over it despite knowing you've been right behind them in chase but that also becomes a sort of lose lose issue for the survivor because a) Hag can get you panicking vaulting so she doesn't need to teleport or b) teleport if you do decide to keep going and hope you're not in lunge range. A good Hag always has a back up plan / traps if the survivor gets away in that scenario.
A good Hag is scary and I can respect a good Hag. I'd rather go against her than Trapper honestly.
Do I think she needs a nerf? Not really. Except like it's been widely suggested to have her traps not be in front of hooks or dissipate in a square radius of hooks. Other than that, she's in a good spot I think.
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The whole damn game is centered around chasing!
That's the biggest complaint about Nurse, is that she's not playing DBD, she's playing the Nurse game, while you're playing DBD. At least with her, there is a skill cap involved.
Hag's drawback is boring, she's slow and she requires set-up. So make her not slow and able to have strong chase but, she should still have to win a chase. That's where the whole skill of DBD comes into play, in chase. Being notified where someone is, at a trap you put there for a reason and being able to go there immediatley is pretty damn good in my book.
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"The whole damn game is centered around chasing!". No, it's not. Not everyone has fun doing the traditional looping.
From the official DBD website: "Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught and killed." It says nothing about being centered around chasing. If that was the case generators wouldn't exist and people would just do constant 1v1s.
There are various way to demonstrate skill in DBD aside from chasing. Again, your suggestion would virtually delete her playerbase.
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I'm not a great looper, I would much rather prefer that someone else on the team can take that kind of heat. But you will in 95% of your games as Survivor, need to run away from the Killer, that sounds like an awful lot of "chasing" to me.
Chasing and looping are these things we don't do every game because, the game description doesn't word it that way?
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So you want to turn her into a glorified prebuff wraith who can't control her own mobility?
What's even the bloody point in having her power when it made to be worse then literally all alternatives such as just playing Wraith/Demo/Twins?
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“or being able to see the future and equip a flashlight”
This made me LOL hard. 🤣🤣🤣
See, her counterplay is easy. Just be clairvoyant.
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Can't you run from a Hag? You just need to mind where her web is and harass it.
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Oh yeah another Freddy were a killer's original unique identity is ruined. And instead we get a generic bland killer. And more emphasis on chasing when we already have enough of those killers. The only change Hag needs to her base is trap around an unhook vanish. We need more unique killers like her.
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twins can plant victor next to hook anymore, so why should hag, make it so any traps next to a certain distance from hook get destroyed or any placed as well
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and don't forget people complain about killers with chase potential such as deathslinger. also very much agreed on the unique killers.
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Ever since her tomb there been a bunch of people complaining about her. Her traps get destroyed by crouching and by burning them with a flashlight.
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Add the ability to break traps without a flashlight. Seriously, a killer who can only use an item is not right.
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Crouch walk , trigger her traps on purpose , run away , bully her , GG. Hag is ok.
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This takes all the skill out of high-level hag and makes her into a boring M1 killer with a slight headstart on a chase
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Teleporting directly into chase isn't gonna matter when you're on Ormond, teleporting from safe pallet loop to safe pallet loop endlessly chasing one guy. The entire threat of Hag is that she can smack from teleport.
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She to me is perfectly balanced and does not need a nerf. So i will explain to survivors the best way to counter her. Crouch walk. Instantly her traps are useless.
That'd be true if you could destroy them while crouch walking. As it is, though, due to the 6 meter radius and the incredibly slow crouch-walk speed, the most common use for them is to have a trap right under hook. This means that if a survivor goes for an unhook, they either have to trigger the trap and let Hag get a free hit in, or they have to crouchwalk away, giving the Hag about 10 seconds to approach the hook and tunnel the unhooked survivor.
The problem with Hag is that you -cannot- unhook a survivor unless you have a flashlight. She effectively camps even more often than Bubbas do.