Add doors

The game needs doors that you can open and close as a survivor. There are some places on the game where you can't go anywhere because of a breakable wall being there. I think breakable walls should be on places where it makes sense to have a breakable wall, and a door in a doorway. I know people will say that doors will just be a nightmare to deal with, but why can't we just have nice things? This game needs some cool and interesting things added. It would make maps like haddonfield or badham more interesting to play on since you can lock down a house and feel safe doing a gen, isn't that cool? It really needs to happen.


  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    I agree its cool.

    Doors you can close would be exellent ways to block line of sight from ranged killers.

    With a Key rework, Keys could be used to lock doors. Forcing the killer to break them.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Even thought this could be a little too good I still want to see this:

    Survivors can now turn Breakable Walls into Makeshift Windows. This action takes X seconds. Killers can still break Makeshift Windows as they would Breakable Walls. (or slightly faster, maybe 25% faster)

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    This sounds really busted, but fun. I wouldn't like to see this in a game tho