Perk Buff/Nerf list

IMO killer perks are pretty well balanced for the most part, where as survivor perks are a real mess. Here's my suggestions. Please let us know your ideas.

      • Survivor Buffs

Balanced Landing: requires the most skill/luck of all exhaustion perks. Increase values

Slippery Meat: too risky to yourself AND your team mates. Should provide a free hook escape upon hitting a difficult DS style skill check. (why not? Its really not that big of a deal if someone escapes a hook, its way less damaging than DS.

Small Game: Should actually show auras of totems, and traps AND the hatch after it spawns.

Wake Up: Should reveal your aura to all survivors on the map while opening the exit gate and standing in the exit gate zone.

Calm Spirit: Buff Spies from the Shadows and then this will actually be useful. Maybe make it mislead any killer who does run spies.

Left Behind: This should give a huge buff to repairing for each survivor killed. Because 1. its a useless perk as long as 4 are alive. So make the buff to repairing like this: 3 left: 25%, 2 left: 50%, last one alive: 100%.


SB - reduce values

SC - slightly reduce values, or rework/add difficulty.

DS - needs a serious debuff/rework

BT - still feels a little off to me. Slight tweak somehow.

Urban - values feel too high. too easy to evade a killer. 75% should be the highest top value


Ruin: either stronger and easier to cleanse, or weaker and harder to cleanse.
Perhaps make it weaker but allow it to be remade after a cooldown.
Perhaps give it notifications like TotH, and simply make that perk about increasing its length.

DH: too hard to make work. too easy to cleanse. needs to be more viable.
NOED: Too often results in one hook, followed by it being cleansed. Impossible to defend while also defending a catch.
My suggestion is: take away the speed boost, but allow the killer to see survivor auras for 3 seconds every time they down someone. Would make a rampage/spree more viable.

BBQ: Needs a survivor perk to counter it, for those stealth players who dont want to be found.

Blood warden: buff. too unreliable/situational

Fire Up: buff values

Thanataphobia: should be a viable alternative time killer to Ruin. Or used in addition to it. Where Ruin can give you a good start, Thanat should reward non camping/tunneling and reward high skill play. Buff values.

TotH: impossible to defend 2 hex totems. Make it a passive. Maybe remove the notification aspect and make that part of every hex by default. Then give TotH not only increased cleanse time but also ability to replace the hex once cleansed.

Beast of Prey: permanenent red stain removal while in a chase.

Stridor: make even healthy survivors a little easier to hear.

Lightborn: buff to total immunity to flashlights! Please. No one uses it otherwise.

PWYF: increase cap to 4 or 5.Or some other slight buff. its a good idea for a perk. but too hard to make use of.


  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Urban does not need a nerf. It's one of the major perks used that makes stealth possible along with Iron Will.

    BT is fine just go for the unhooker instead or wait 15 seconds on the unhooked survivor.

    The only major perks that are a problem on the survivor side are Sprint Burst, Self Care and Decisive Strike.

    Self Care makes survivors too independent, Decisive Strike and Sprint Burst delay too much time for the survivor against the killer.

    Hex perks do not need to be touched. The totems have to be hidden better.

    BBQ does need to be adjusted for killers with high mobility and for stealthy players alike. Its fine with Myers, Huntress, Doctor, etc, but becomes annoying when you consistently face Hillbillies and Nurses with the perk.

    I agree with Fire Up and Beast of Prey. They are too weak

    The devs are considering making TOTH no longer a hex totem. Which sounds nice

    Light-born is fine as it is. Use it with Brutal Strength. Not many survivors expect that you'll run it. Its underrated in that way.

    Stridor already does that.

    PWYF should work with all survivors not the obsession.

  • hegewaldd
    hegewaldd Member Posts: 30

    SB - reduce values

    no. Sprint burst is and has always been in a good place. It's not op, the other exhaustion perks just suck.

  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70

    I like the PWYF idea!

    Lightborn: Ok, well ive never seen any good reason to choose it over the rest. I consider most killer perks to be about equal power. The only reason i'd use LB is with total immunity to flashlights. Making it a very much equa alternative to FD, which works on all items, and can damage them, but requires skill and is only temporary. However LB is situational and often times i go many matches in a row without anyone flash lighting me. So its already a totally wasted perk in those situations.

    Hex perks might be fine once: a) theyre better hidden and b) TotH becomes a passive.

    Urban: umm... ok. I just think its way too easy. when we heard urban was getting a buff, i dont think anybody expected it to be THIS good. its almost meta now. I'm currently using level 1 urban and can barely tell the difference. So i think 70% or 80% max would make it more equal.

    BT: i think it kind of screws the saved person too much. I think that timer needs to be longer to give them a real chance to get away. But it feels too powerful at the end of the match.

    Personally i thought it was at its best when it was glitched and provided a timer for both user and rescued player: but didnt work after exit gates were powered. That way it prevented camping/tunneling - but didnt rob killers of a hard earned kill and give a free escape.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @ThePeeje said:
    Personally i thought it was at its best when it was glitched and provided a timer for both user and rescued player: but didnt work after exit gates were powered. That way it prevented camping/tunneling - but didnt rob killers of a hard earned kill and give a free escape.

    Yeah BT was great for both sides with this glitch. Kinda upset the devs didn't stick with that bug like they did with Myers.

  • Michael_Myers
    Michael_Myers Member Posts: 104

    SB definitely needs a nerf. Agree 100% on that.

  • B_Man
    B_Man Member Posts: 5

    My biggest issue is BBQ. This one perk has single handedly thrown away stealth for the survivors. You don't see any billies/nurses not running it anymore. Once they get their first hook, they start a chain with this perk that's extremely difficult to break combo'd with their abilities.

  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369
    Didnt read anything yet, I will add a proper comment later.

    Small Game is fine as it is. It might look weak, but it fits perfectly its purpose and is a very useful perks at high ranks to destroy early Ruin and NOED. Maybe add a little faster cleanse speed?

    Urban Evasion should not be nerfed, stealth perks are so rare in this game...

    Sprint Burst only lacks a condition to be balanced. It's the only exhaustion perk that has no condition to trigger the perk and that's why this perk is annoying - it is not as situational as Lithe, Balanced Landing, Dead Hard, Adrenaline.

    Balanced Landing only needs to be fixed honestly, it will be a good perk if the exhaustion on tier 3 didn't affect the fall reduction as well.
  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Balanced Landing : I use it regularly, and my main complaint about it is that it doesn't trigger in several spots, and some maps have very few ways to activate it. Overall tho, it's a great perk nonetheless in the current state.

    Small Game : I also use that perk regularly. I feel like it's strong enough in its state.

    BT & UE : I don't consider these two perks as OP, at all. They're pretty good, but right where the balance should be.

    Lightborn is also quite fine in the current state.

    About your other suggestions, it simply lacks details to tell.
    I did post quite a few of my rework ideas in here if you're interested, with some more details.

  • Arya
    Arya Member Posts: 8
    Do people really think adrenaline is OP? I know it's good but it feels like it's completely balanced.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    As a Claudette main I run Self Care and Urban since most killers use BBQ and Ruin and on certain maps you have to have those. The self heal is fine since you're still able to be heard, the killer knows you're trying to heal. Someone suggested in another thread however which I agreed with to make it so that if you interrupt the heal/fail the skill check it resets progress to zero.

    For Urban it's a must have especially against fast killers, Nurse, Hillbilly, The Shape etc. Without it your fresh meat with a big sign saying free sacrifice here. The sprint ones aren't bad unless you're using 2 together which in that case they should be unique.

  • iOrangeStain
    iOrangeStain Member Posts: 81

    @iOrangeStain said:
    Sprint Burst and Urban Evasion? No, you don't need to rework them.
    Fire Up? Buff numbers please. NOED? See auras while instant down? Really?
    BBQ has a stealth perk to counter it. Sole Survivor.
    Left Behind isn't bad but it seems a bit high for values. Maybe 5/10/15 then 25.
    Devour Hope is a [BAD WORD] HEX PERK so the idea of keeping its values are just stupid, sorry.
    PWYF would be kinda OP at 5 tokens. It's fine where it is. Same with Lightborne.

    Some of your ideas are good but the way you talk about perks really makes me feel like you have little knowledge on the game. (BBQ needs a counter! when there's Sole Survivor) but for Left Behind and Fire Up, sure, I'm for it.

    It just seems like you're buffing all of the killer perks and nerfing all of the survivor ones, cuz killer main.

    Maybe I was a bit harsh and I guess I could see PWYF at 5 tokens, but Lightborne shouldn't be total immunity. As far as Urban goes, it shouldn't be at such a high standing even at Tier 1. It could be 50/75/100 instead of 90/95/100 because it's basically the same. But I find survivors using it just fine.

  • Peppa_Pigsaw
    Peppa_Pigsaw Member Posts: 184

    Surveillance also needs a buff.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2018

    @B_Man said:
    My biggest issue is BBQ. This one perk has single handedly thrown away stealth for the survivors. You don't see any billies/nurses not running it anymore. Once they get their first hook, they start a chain with this perk that's extremely difficult to break combo'd with their abilities.

    incredibly false, 4 seconds does not hinder stealth at all when you can simply Git Gud.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @B_Man said:
    My biggest issue is BBQ. This one perk has single handedly thrown away stealth for the survivors. You don't see any billies/nurses not running it anymore. Once they get their first hook, they start a chain with this perk that's extremely difficult to break combo'd with their abilities.

    incredibly false, 4 seconds does not hinder stealth at all when you can simply Git Gud.

    That's assuming you;r either a really experienced player and highly geared as well. Also certain maps and certain killers with said maps make it really difficult to beat. The smaller maps make it especially difficult because you're already in range and if you're trying to heal/gens you're options on which way you're going to go are limited.

    Throw in highly mobile killers like the Nurse, Hillbilly, Shape that's at tier III, The Pig, Hag or a very speedy Doctor running around just spamming Electrode.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    That's assuming you;r either a really experienced player and highly geared as well. Also certain maps and certain killers with said maps make it really difficult to beat. The smaller maps make it especially difficult because you're already in range and if you're trying to heal/gens you're options on which way you're going to go are limited.

    Throw in highly mobile killers like the Nurse, Hillbilly, Shape that's at tier III, The Pig, Hag or a very speedy Doctor running around just spamming Electrode.

    Did you ...really just claim the Hag, pig, and doc are highly mobile killers?...what weed are you smoking and can the entire dbd community have some?

    Lemme guess, your also going to claim that hillbilly and nurse can be straight across the map in less than 4 seconds cuz they have no obstacles?

    also you do not need perks to move one way for 4 seconds then move another after, nor do you need a full build to hide behind a gen or get within 40 meters of the killer.

    This is nothing more than an excuse reply and it's even stretched far more than any I ever seen as it actually claims pig, hag and doc as highly moblie when all they have is base killer runs speeds and hag is even the lowest speed killer in game : P

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited May 2018

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @B_Man said:
    My biggest issue is BBQ. This one perk has single handedly thrown away stealth for the survivors. You don't see any billies/nurses not running it anymore. Once they get their first hook, they start a chain with this perk that's extremely difficult to break combo'd with their abilities.

    incredibly false, 4 seconds does not hinder stealth at all when you can simply Git Gud.

    I just had to point this, but dude you seriously got flagged by someone (most likely a survivor main who loves their precious stealth and free escapes too much) for saying that. I'm in shock.

  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70

    Hey guys, sorry havent checked this for a while.

    Sure i understand a lot of people may disagree with me. I just try to look at them all objectively and ask myself what it would take to destroy the meta? For example:

    What would it take for small game to be as good as BT or UE or Lithe?

    I tried to draw a line down the middle and call those perks balanced. perks like Lithe, Bond, Empathy, We're Going to Make It etc. Maybe i'm wrong, but they all feel like just the right level of quality/power/skill/risk. Even Unbreakable is balanced because its super powerful in rare situations, and useless in others.

    Perks like SB are so strong that they make me want to pick them over more fun and balanced perks.

    And i never ever play with perks like slippery meat or small game because i KNOW that they won't provide me anything like as much utility as the perks mentioned above.

    I get it... some perks are for newbies. And some are powerful when combined with several others: distressing + Unnerving Presence + Overcharge for example. I also wouldnt want to buff Leader too much, since SWF could all run it and be OP. I get all of that.

    But taking an objective view of all perks, i see zero reason to choose 80% of survivor perks and around 60% of killer perks. Wouldn't you rather be able to choose from among at least 50% of the perks and know they will provide you about equal utility?

    Sorry, i just frigging hate metas. Its like in the old days of Halo, everyone using Battle Rifle. And then they started to buff other weapons so any weapon in the right situation could beat any other. That was so much better.

  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70

    Btw when you look at the pick rates of perks, my buff/nerf list is at least partially vindicated. We don't know the win/loss rate of the perks. But if a perk has a tiny, tiny pick rate, chances are its a bad perk. I look at how Siege balances its operators and they publish charts that show pick rates and win rates and its generally a line, because people are usually smart enough to know good from bad.

    BUT based on that, the devs balance their operators so theyre all roughly equal. Why can't dbd do that?

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @SnakeSound222 said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @B_Man said:
    My biggest issue is BBQ. This one perk has single handedly thrown away stealth for the survivors. You don't see any billies/nurses not running it anymore. Once they get their first hook, they start a chain with this perk that's extremely difficult to break combo'd with their abilities.

    incredibly false, 4 seconds does not hinder stealth at all when you can simply Git Gud.

    I just had to point this, but dude you seriously got flagged by someone (most likely a survivor main who loves their precious stealth and free escapes too much) for saying that. I'm in shock.

    they can go ahead and flag me, I can stealth just fine against BBQ and doctor just as well as any actual skilled stealth player can, if they wanna flag me for basically saying, stop making excuses, then go ahead : P

  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70

    p.s. here's the pick rates of some of the survivor perks. they may look small, but you need to multiply the numbers by 4 to get the real percentage of players who use the perk.

    So if you think about it, of players who played the game a LOT to get P3....

    84% are running SC.
    48% run SB
    36% BT
    36% DS

    Now, when you add those up, it comes to 204%. Out of 400%. That means 4 perks have a higher pick rate as the other 50 or so perks combined!!! This is like the 99% all over again. We dont appreciate the huge wealth disparity in society and we shouldnt have such disparity among DBD perks either.

  • Feyard
    Feyard Member Posts: 43

    @ThePeeje said:
    Btw when you look at the pick rates of perks, my buff/nerf list is at least partially vindicated. We don't know the win/loss rate of the perks. But if a perk has a tiny, tiny pick rate, chances are its a bad perk. I look at how Siege balances its operators and they publish charts that show pick rates and win rates and its generally a line, because people are usually smart enough to know good from bad.

    BUT based on that, the devs balance their operators so theyre all roughly equal. Why can't dbd do that?

    Exactly my thoughts, why cant the devs give us those statistics, it would increase transparency and make it easier to justify perk changes (I have made a thread asking for statistics and the reasons we do not get any so it's good to see that others share my opinion).

  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70
    Yeah. Also notice how the stats they use at siege are based on platinum and diamond ranks? Not casual or bronze or newbies. 

    Same for us. It should be either rank 1. Or prestige 3. Or ranks 1-5. Or players with 500+ hours. And just let low ranks deal with it.
  • Feyard
    Feyard Member Posts: 43

    @ThePeeje said:
    Yeah. Also notice how the stats they use at siege are based on platinum and diamond ranks? Not casual or bronze or newbies. 

    Same for us. It should be either rank 1. Or prestige 3. Or ranks 1-5. Or players with 500+ hours. And just let low ranks deal with it.

    Yep, especially if you consider that it is impossible to balance a game around players who make many mistakes or do not know the game well.
    Example: Someone is healing inside of the range of Nurse's Calling, because that player does not know Nurse's Calling or
    someone slugs a survivor only for him/her to use unbreakable, which leaves the Killer wondering what happened to the Survivor.
    In both cases at that moment it seems pretty much overpowered, since you are losing to something you did not know, does that mean that those perks are overpowered? By no means! It means that having no experience makes everything overpowered, until you gain that experience, start to understand what happened and then you start to adapt.

    That's also the reason why "Adapt!" is always a legit argument, even when it regards things like Pallet Looping, DS, SB, Ruin etc.The point is that some things make it very hard/impossible/ridiculous to adapt. Adapting to Looping and SB is pretty hard (For Looping there are the mindgames + knowing when it is possible to mindgame, for SB I do not know, I adapt to it by thinking "at least they cannot teleport to the other half of the map for the next 40 sec"), while adapting to ruin just seems ridiculous(I mean come one gen tapping looks ridiculous and doing it is also ridiculous)

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    @ThePeeje said:
    Yeah. Also notice how the stats they use at siege are based on platinum and diamond ranks? Not casual or bronze or newbies. 

    Same for us. It should be either rank 1. Or prestige 3. Or ranks 1-5. Or players with 500+ hours. And just let low ranks deal with it.

    It's normal.

    Good competitif game balance around the top player.

    Not the people that buyed the game yesterday and have no idea what they are doing.

  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70

    Yup. Well devs have been known to listen to low rank feedback way too often. I hope they get gud at balancing soon.

  • CrtKazz
    CrtKazz Member Posts: 214
    Here’s a thought for Self-care:

    Since this is a survival horror the fear of being hit is not a thing while running SC. Therefore keep it as is but give it a limitted amount of usage. For example you can only self heal to full a certain amount of times (one per tier maybe). Not only that if the survivor messes up skill checks that error will cost them the ability to fully heal if they run out of uses. They can get close but won’t be able without help from a medkit or ally. With this it’s more strategic when it comes to using the perk AND will make survivors be more collaborative with one another if they want to up their chances of survival. PS with botony knowledge (since I see people giving it smack) give it a buff on those uses of self care on top of the increased healing. That way you can run it by itself you so desire (for one or two self heals) or to give major synergy with self care. Hopefully this made enough sense, thoughts? 
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    BBQ has a stealth perk to counter it, Sole Survivor.
    Left Behind isn't bad but it seems a bit high for values. Maybe 5/10/15 then 25.
    Devour Hope is a [BAD WORD] HEX PERK so the idea of keeping its values are just stupid, sorry.
    PWYF would be kinda OP at 5 tokens. It's fine where it is. Same with Lightborne.

    (BBQ needs a counter! when there's Sole Survivor)

    @iOrangeStain Actually sole survivor doesn't counter BBQ, even if the 2nd to last survivor gets sacrificed you won't get your 4 stack to make you immune to the killer's aura reading ability until after that survivor is finished with 3rd phase of sacrifice. While on the other hand, the moment that 2nd to last survivor touches the hook BBQ immediately takes effect while Sole Survivor is delayed. If sole survivor immediately took effect the moment someone went into the 3rd phase of sacrifice, yes it would counter BBQ. It would give you killer aura immunity the exact moment BBQ reveals auras, completely blocking out the effects of BBQ.

    Devour Hope is just bad because of totem placements, if totem placements were better then possibly you would get your 3rd or 5th stack.
  • sawerjke
    sawerjke Member Posts: 6

    change thana so survivors suffer all game

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @SnakeSound222 said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @B_Man said:
    My biggest issue is BBQ. This one perk has single handedly thrown away stealth for the survivors. You don't see any billies/nurses not running it anymore. Once they get their first hook, they start a chain with this perk that's extremely difficult to break combo'd with their abilities.

    incredibly false, 4 seconds does not hinder stealth at all when you can simply Git Gud.

    I just had to point this, but dude you seriously got flagged by someone (most likely a survivor main who loves their precious stealth and free escapes too much) for saying that. I'm in shock.

    they can go ahead and flag me, I can stealth just fine against BBQ and doctor just as well as any actual skilled stealth player can, if they wanna flag me for basically saying, stop making excuses, then go ahead : P

    I was trying to think of what a good way to explain this and last match had a perfect example. The nurse used BBQ and Thanatobia. She hooked 1 person and I was under the bbq range but working on a gen close by but still under the trigger range. As soon as she landed the hook I started moving off at an angle that'd make it harder to find me.

    She blinked right to me instantly without any los and to the spot I was hiding which given there was 5 spots there she just happened to choose the perfect one. She finally downed me and hooked me and after I got rescued I tried healing outside of her detection range which speccing was within 28 meters of her only not beyond.

    She still blinked right next to me and hit me, I got away and didn't heal at all and got far away and yet she still got me. I watched the other survivors all have same thing happen. Her BBQ was on permanent activate or she was hacking. I've had other games where I'm just outgeared and outskilled by killers that have obviously purposely deranked for easier games.

    As for you I'd better hope that with all your experience and high perks etc you could outplay someone with BBQ. But for most of us we don't have the amount of playtime and experience you do, we also are more limited in our perks selection let alone tiers of perks. I've yet to see any of the really good perks I'd like except for one but it got closed off and that was decisive strike.

    So saying it's any skilled player is bs and you know it and it nothing but a Red Herring when the real is time played and knowledge gained. You probably got reported not for being truthful but for the way you respond with almost always insults and personal attacks,

    I for one am grateful you posted that video link about the dev diary 3 since I'd not know of it until then. You'd probably get a lot more respect if your responses weren't almost always on the jerkish side. Just remember as someone that has obviously played this game for a long time you should a good steward of relations in dealing with people. Being a jerk because you don't like the responses or are tired of dealing with them doesn't change the fact being a jerk is still being a jerk.

    I regularly take break from forum posting in the different communities because I get tired of dealing with certain people or just the ones that always ask for nerfs against their most hated foes/buffs to their fav champ. Just remember you were a noob freshman so to speak too at one time.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Surveillance also needs a buff.

    @Peppa_Pigsaw It wouldn't hurt to change the perk to...

    Unlocks potential in one's aura reading ability. Survivors within a 2/4/6 meter(s) range of a regressing generator will reveal their auras to you as long as the survivor remains within range of the regressing generator.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @AlexAnarchy ? for you before I post this in possible buffs to killers. Since you've got a lot of playtime what do you think of only allowing killers to see all offering(s)? That and or only allowing survivors to see their side only while allowing killer to see both or survivors don't see what was offered unless i'ts a stackable buff.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @powerbats said:
    @AlexAnarchy ? for you before I post this in possible buffs to killers. Since you've got a lot of playtime what do you think of only allowing killers to see all offering(s)? That and or only allowing survivors to see their side only while allowing killer to see both or survivors don't see what was offered unless i'ts a stackable buff.

    Well seeing as the devs want killers to have power to see survivors in the lobby still, i'd say they really may as well see the addons and stuff the survivors are using as well, the same for survivors in swf especially being blocked from seeing killers perks in the end game stuff so an swf ca'nt just tell ther buddies that the killer has Noed and such.
    Simple case and point, we're playing an asymmetrical game and that means the killer should always be that one step ahead,not a 1VS 1v1v1v1 game.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited June 2018

    @powerbats said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @SnakeSound222 said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @B_Man said:
    My biggest issue is BBQ. This one perk has single handedly thrown away stealth for the survivors. You don't see any billies/nurses not running it anymore. Once they get their first hook, they start a chain with this perk that's extremely difficult to break combo'd with their abilities.

    incredibly false, 4 seconds does not hinder stealth at all when you can simply Git Gud.

    I just had to point this, but dude you seriously got flagged by someone (most likely a survivor main who loves their precious stealth and free escapes too much) for saying that. I'm in shock.

    they can go ahead and flag me, I can stealth just fine against BBQ and doctor just as well as any actual skilled stealth player can, if they wanna flag me for basically saying, stop making excuses, then go ahead : P

    I was trying to think of what a good way to explain this and last match had a perfect example. The nurse used BBQ and Thanatobia. She hooked 1 person and I was under the bbq range but working on a gen close by but still under the trigger range. As soon as she landed the hook I started moving off at an angle that'd make it harder to find me.

    She blinked right to me instantly without any los and to the spot I was hiding which given there was 5 spots there she just happened to choose the perfect one. She finally downed me and hooked me and after I got rescued I tried healing outside of her detection range which speccing was within 28 meters of her only not beyond.

    She still blinked right next to me and hit me, I got away and didn't heal at all and got far away and yet she still got me. I watched the other survivors all have same thing happen. Her BBQ was on permanent activate or she was hacking. I've had other games where I'm just outgeared and outskilled by killers that have obviously purposely deranked for easier games.

    As for you I'd better hope that with all your experience and high perks etc you could outplay someone with BBQ. But for most of us we don't have the amount of playtime and experience you do, we also are more limited in our perks selection let alone tiers of perks. I've yet to see any of the really good perks I'd like except for one but it got closed off and that was decisive strike.

    So saying it's any skilled player is bs and you know it and it nothing but a Red Herring when the real is time played and knowledge gained. You probably got reported not for being truthful but for the way you respond with almost always insults and personal attacks,

    I for one am grateful you posted that video link about the dev diary 3 since I'd not know of it until then. You'd probably get a lot more respect if your responses weren't almost always on the jerkish side. Just remember as someone that has obviously played this game for a long time you should a good steward of relations in dealing with people. Being a jerk because you don't like the responses or are tired of dealing with them doesn't change the fact being a jerk is still being a jerk.

    I regularly take break from forum posting in the different communities because I get tired of dealing with certain people or just the ones that always ask for nerfs against their most hated foes/buffs to their fav champ. Just remember you were a noob freshman so to speak too at one time.

    Heh, simply put man, if you were to ask me how many times I have had to post that video in the forums, you'd immedietaly understand why I'm at that point i've gotten rather jerkish overtime, the problem is you may be one of them that did'nt know sure, but many will call camping out as unintended or an exploit while easily knowing it was indeed intended.

    The same thing for stealthplay, many can prove it exists easily but we're regretfully put up against the incredibly large amount of pallet looping extremists, just like we were put against the infinite extremeist before, most survivors are very well aware that dbd was meant to be stealth gameplay, and it's those that refuse too play that way that have pretty much destoryed the games concept entirely, there is no forgiveness for these types of players when pallet looping ends up being nerfed again and a again as we even now know the devs already intend on nerfing pallet looping itself in september patch.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    Heh, simply put man, if you were to ask me how many times I have had to post that video in the forums, you'd immedietaly understand why I'm at that point i've gotten rather jerkish overtime, the problem is you may be one of them that did'nt know sure, but many will call camping out as unintended or an exploit while easily knowing it was indeed intended.

    The same thing for stealthplay, many can prove it exists easily but we're regretfully put up against the incredibly large amount of pallet looping extremists, just like we were put against the infinite extremeist before, most survivors are very well aware that dbd was meant to be stealth gameplay, and it's those that refuse too play that way that have pretty much destoryed the games concept entirely, there is no forgiveness for these types of players when pallet looping ends up being nerfed again and a again as we even now know the devs already intend on nerfing pallet looping itself in september patch.

    I posted about possible help for the killers earlier here and would love your feedback as well as others. As far as the looping goes i've had it happen and earlier trying to do Hillbilly mission I ran into a SVF group of 4 one of which looped me endlessly around the same area. He was apparently shepherding some brand new players through and I figured that out pretty quickly. Which also made something I thought of but didn't add to that post more helpful to killers on that.

    I'm not sure if it's possible with the coding but stuff could decay sort of if the person constantly loops the killer can start going through it as if it wasn't there. But only for that timeframe against that survivor and the survivor can't go back for 30 seconds or has to go that plus x distance known only to devs to keep it from being gamed.

    For the video I keep forgetting to grab a link to it since on some old forums I moderated I kept links and such along with long winded stuff on a file for easier grabbing. It made it much easier then constantly typing the same thing otu which you admitted you're tired of doing.

    In the next few days I'll try and grab all the important stuff like that video along with some of the better explanations etc and put it all into 1 post/document folder so if needed it's there for anyone to use.

  • SteveyTheExEevee
    SteveyTheExEevee Member Posts: 82

    Man, you killer mains wanting a free hand held victories with these perk suggestions and actually taking yourself seriously are hilarious.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    Man, you killer mains wanting a free hand held victories with these perk suggestions and actually taking yourself seriously are hilarious.

    Not really killer mains want the Power role to be killer as it should be. Not gen rushing,DS using,sprint burst using survivors :) the four shouldn’t be stronger then one :)