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Solo queue is genuinely unplayable

Katie_met Member Posts: 422
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm sure there are plenty of posts about this, but I wanted to make my point and also just have a rant about it because I've really started to notice how genuinely terrible it has been as of lately.

I don't mind dying in this game, it adds variety to the matches, but I like to think that I at least had a chance in the game, or if my team were even able to do a generator. It's the core focus of the role of survivor. With solo queue it's not just a loss, it's a full blown dead at 5 gens less than 10k points kind of loss. With solo queue teammates it's a mixture of the inability to do a gen, the inability to have a good chase but also manage to use every single damn pallet on the map.

If I'm the one in chase and actually manage to loop the killer for a good while, it's unlikely my team will have even been doing a gen, and then they just leave me to die even if I am playing kindred because they're too busy walking to preserve their sprint burst, or searching a chest or cleansing a dull totem.

I try to brush it off and assume the next game will be better... but it never is. I don't ever recall actually escaping in solo queue unless I've escaped through hatch. When I try to do a gen, every teammate just seems unable to hold up a chase long enough, and then I have to go and get the unhook and leave my gen because I can see on kindred that my teammates aren't doing the objective nor are they going for the unhook.

Obviously the lack of communication is a massive issue with solo queue, but it's something I can handle if I can guarantee that my teammates are objective focused, and actually know how to loop a pallet.

Additionally, I can't attempt to carry chase all game because I play on an Xbox One, where I can't play dead hard to extend my chase because it doesn't work, and I can't guarantee that a frame drop won't kill me, and I'm also unable to greed a pallet as much as I would like to because of the genuine delay I experience from playing on an old gen console.

So take the combination of a lack of communication, weak teammates and a poorly optimised console (which of course is my own issue and not necessarily the case for everyone), and then solo queue becomes unplayable. I don't want to rely on swf every time I play this game but there's no motivation to play solo queue when every game is consistently terrible, even if the killer can be countered, teammates will always be the killer.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,300
    edited July 2021

    I'm only playing solo queue and I do just fine. Yea, I die a lot but that's mainly because I'm bad and usually the weak link in the group when it comes to chases*. These days, I usually escape about 40% of my matches. It's just the bad matches stand out more than the good ones.

    I do wish matchmaking would take time played into consideration when grouping people together. I think itll help with people knowing the basics of the game.

    Post edited by Huge_Bush on
  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Yeah it's definitely a dice roll of what kind of teammates you get. It's still my preferred way of playing just because SWF feels too easy. The game is really fun when you manage to get a competent squad in solo.

  • Jerek
    Jerek Member Posts: 92

    I solo and don't have too much of an issue and I can loop and focus objectives pretty easily against most killers/maps. I have gotten really good at looping and love making killers waste time most of the game.

    My main issue with solo queue though is if I don't have kindred, it really hurts the team and suddenly nothing is getting done and several people are simply wasting valuable time running at the hook. Worse is if I have no info, doing a generator and half done, I feel compelled to try to finish my gen just hoping someone else gets the rescue. And if that backfires it costs a hook state for some one and most of the time they just DC.

    I like kindred and it is one of the best solo perks, but I get tired of my base kit being a few select perks just to give my team info. Also this is presuming my team is at least decent, but my god some other solo survivors are worse than potatoes and nothing can fix that.

    I know there is alot of perks for information in many situations, but if survivors could see auras of their team on while doing a gen i feel like that could help solo queues a bit.

    A sfw group obviously counters all of this and has general knowledge of the killer location nearly all game, which is incredibly unfair. So no need for any info perks and the killers info perks could be potentially pointless.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    How many solo matches did you do for never escaping any of them through the exit gates?

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Solo is the best survivor experience. It reflects on your ability to avoid the killer and complete objectives. When teammates are bad, they die first and grant more time for objectives. Escape is highly favorable to the Survivor most capable of out living the rest.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,370

    I wouldn't say it's unplayable. There are nights where my teammates I keep getting are not helpful at all and there are nights where my teammates and I just dominate killers back to back.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Play with Aftercare dude, you'll actually wonder how they managed to rank up. You'll be getting chased and your teammate across the map will be Urban Evasioning behind trees, or Self Caring in a building. Seeing my teammate's aura genuinely makes me want to quit this game.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    Haha, I'm always conflicted by using bond because I love how informative bond is, but at the same time it's so painful seeing my temmates crouching around or chucking down all the pallets.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I play solo fine. I win some. I lose some. I think you should probably re-familiarise yourself with what “genuinely” and “unplayable” actually mean.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    turn off cross platform, xbox killers are easier and you can get people to play with in facebook groups there are always those who are looking for partners.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    I think that's the issue, I could handle bad teammates if the killer was equally balanced, but it seems I'm being put with weak teammates but with a strong rank 1 killer who knows what they're doing. And aren't the queue times bad without crossplay? I've not played off crossplay since around November last year

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    I just got into F1 Racing, and I honestly couldn't recommend anything more than sim racing to someone looking for a rewarding gaming experience. F1 as a sport to watch has been incredibly entertaining to get into, but I've also been impressed with how enjoyable it is to play. There is so much to learn/master, and the more you indulge yourself in the sport the more you'll want to improve.

    Like any sport/multiplayer game, racing has moments where you're just a passenger watching the race being stolen from you with no way to stop it. But by and large, sim racing is just you, the car, and the track--and when something goes wrong there is no one to blame but yourself.

    It has been extremely satisfying delving into a game where I can feel truly accountable for the outcome, and not be cheated or dragged down by the actions of others.

    I'm tired of having my gaming experience ruined by the people I am randomly queued up with, and I believe I may have uninstalled Dead by Daylight for the last time.

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    I don't have a large issue when i play solo

    However, scott jund proposed a ping system that i think is really well designed you should check it out.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Well that is the problem of all team mulitplaysrr games. It is the reason why I can't play league of legends, overwatch, rainbow six siege, rocket league and other games for long periods of time together with randoms.

    It might be always a mixed bag and you win some and lose some but it lies in the human nature's and they selective memory that the bad experiences drown out the good at some point.

    For DBD i still suggest to make most of the aura reading and info perks that are made obsolete by coms base kit.

  • KrazyKatFTW
    KrazyKatFTW Member Posts: 203

    You can tell yourself that all you like but the game is actually made with the actual in game options to actually play with your actual friends

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175
    edited August 2021

    I actually don't mind it as much as others seem to.

    Just yesterday I ran a red rank Doc around Badham after he had killed 2 people already, Ruin was still up (I ended up cleansing it) and the other player was on death hook. Was at least a 5m chase and I ended up winning every mind game (was running Deception and a full Head On build), which messed with him quite a bit. I had gotten the gen to 60% and after running him around the entire map once, realized the Bill wasn't even working on the gen. Figured he was just waiting for me to die to get hatch. I said oh well, and kept going. Eventually Bill woke up and realized he could work on a gen and got it done. He ended up opening the gates just as I got to him and we both managed to get out. Came out with a 30k score and a 2pip. Was a really satisfying match because the others just couldn't run the killer at all, and kept going down repeatedly but I ended up bringing the match back for the Bill & I.

    Although there are a lot of frustrating matches with boosted red ranks who only got there because of altruism farming and SWFs, I also feel like Solo is my favorite experience because its just 4 strangers w/o voice comms that have to coordinate and play well together to make it out (usually).

    Also I always say this but solos should be bringing Kindred (and yes, I've had teammates those teammates too that don't take advantage of it). Its a big help for you and its a big help for your team overall.

    Just tons of bad players. I was agreeing with most of your post until you got to the 'I cant recall escaping in solos unless through hatch'. If you can't recall escaping in solos through EG, I'd say you're probably part of the problem too.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320

    My experience is usually this. Some days you get a bad streak of terrible team mates, others you get absolute amazing ones. It's pretty much just luck on wether you'll be put with people who actually have common sense or not.

    With thay said though, I definitely think the match making makes solo alot worse. Lost count at the amount of rainbow ranked games I've had

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    Isn't that what matchmaking is supposed to address though?

    Nobody should NEED to git gud. Four solos that haven't quite yet gotten gud should be versing a killer that has also so far been unable to reach the dizzy heights of gud.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    That's in a game where MM actually works. The learning curve of this game is so steep that the MM only cares about quicker que times. That's why you get killers at r18 facing all reds or yellow survivors facing a red killer.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Solo queue is definitely something else there's countless of times I just want to disappeare from map with some team-mates like yesterday I ran nemesis for minutes and they didn't fix any gen just for meg to farm me and got myself tunelled out of game

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Even experienced survivors will get screwed over by the flaws of solo queue because they have no communication to coordinate. If this meant making killer really powerful as compensation, I'll take it so that solo queue isn't painful to play.

    By the way, I don't care if I get sacrificed, just want decent games that don't end with five generators remaining. I want to feel like I got owned by the killer, not because of the no communication in solo queue that carried the killer.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    Solo seems to be worse in purple rank. The survivors have often only got there because of grinding through the rift and/or taking advantage of cake and double bloodpoint events. The killers tend to know roughly what they are doing in purple.

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    I play mostly swf but I have been playing solo survivor more often. Honestly I haven't had many problems? I would say around 70% of my games at least one or two people escape, even if that doesn't include me. I do lose a hook state often but even with my swf it happens so it doesn't bother me much anymore. But I don't think I get many games where it's a complete slaughter and no gens get done with my team standing around. I could be just getting consistently lucky though.

  • Dodgingbears
    Dodgingbears Member Posts: 252

    I have played solo queue 98% of my games for 5 years. It is not that bad. you are sensationalizing. Also you have plenty of options to find people to play with, you just arent putting forth effort.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Your werent meant to have communication. Headsets were not intended to be required for gameplay. There's also perks that help give information such as kindred, bond, empathy.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited August 2021

    So, you going to knock on BHVR's door and ask them to remove SWF? I doubt you will get far with that, and it would kill the game because a lot of people want SWF to play with their friends.

    The next solution is to bring solos and SWF together by giving solos information that SWF already have, then compensate killers accordingly.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I did not say anything about removing swf. I said when the game was made it wasnt intended that you be able to talk to one another. In fact, swf wasnt even in the game at launch. It was added later.

    As for bringing solo and swf together and killer being compensated accordingly. Killer rarely is compensated accordingly. Or even compensated for that matter. Which is why I feel solo should not be brought up to swfs lvl of power.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited August 2021

    I never said that you did, but when you said, "Headsets were not intended to be required for gameplay" — I told you, "So, you going to knock on BHVR's door and ask them to remove SWF?" to imply the fact that SWF isn't going anywhere and that this issue needs to be addressed other than dismissing it because you think it shouldn't exist. So, what's the plan of action to fixing the imbalance of power between solos and SWF? You want to keep the imbalance of power, making solos miserable to play while SWF can still destroy killers? This is pretty unhealthy for the game because the developers can't balance the game when survivors fluctuate in power. If the developers can balance the power between solos and SWF, then killers can properly be balanced because of that.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I dont know how or even if they can balance the game at this point. What I can tell you is buffing solo to be as strong as swf will cause the killer basis to plummet. That might actually be even worse. Which is why I think solo's should just git gud over getting buffs. If you have 4 survivors who can't talk to one another but they are competent. You can beat the killer.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    By design, Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical game which requires minor roles to coordinate together against the power role. Doesn't matter how skillful minor roles are because if they can't coordinate together, the power role will take the advantage and often leading to their victory. This is why, "Git gud" isn't a valid counterpoint because no communication in solo queue will make even the best survivors look as if they are inexperienced.

    When you have an imbalance of power for solo queue and SWF, where do begin to balance the game? You can balance around the average, but still — solos will still be left behind while SWF can destroy killers like tomorrow because the average is shared between solos and SWF.

    I'm not asking for every and all information perks to be basekit for solo queue, just a few things to make life easier:

    • Reveal all survivor auras while a survivor is hooked [Compensation: Killers get BBQ aura reading for free] Kindred will reveal the killer's aura and give you a repair speed bonus if there's no survivor within 32 meters from the hook; BBQ will expose the survivor with the most amount of hook states remaining for 35/40/45 seconds upon a hook.
    • Totem counter for tracking totems [Compensation: All hex perks get a major buff and double the amount of totems that spawn into the map] Small Game gains / loses a token for each totem within a 32 meter range to you. When a generator is completed, gain a 6%/8%/10% cleanse speed bonus for each token in your possession until the next generator that's completed. Once the exit gates are powered, the auras of all totems are revealed to you.

    That's really it, just make some information basekit and give the killer some compensation. Are my ideas for compensation bad? Probably, but the idea is that the killer would get more powerful in exchange for survivors having information basekit.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    I do play in a swf most of the time. But my friends don't play all of the time. Trying not to become reliant on playing only in a swf, but I can't deal with solo queue.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    Scottjund is great to watch. Dowsey also made a good video about swf/ solo queue, and said that solo queue needs buffing, and when it gets buffed it comes with the advantage of seeing how swf can be nerfed, which is something many players want.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    Honestly that lol. I don't mind not having communication, as long as I can guarantee my teammates are good. Those situations where everyone is dead and hardly any gens have been done, are caused by bad teammates who prioritising searching all the chests and cleansing all the totems before even touching a generator. If more people knew how pallets worked and how to repair a gen and prioritise the objective over searching a chest, solo queue would be playable.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    One night discord was down and my swf and I were playing without headsets /gasp What was funny was the stuff we setup without being able to talk to each other was pretty hilarious. One game it was huntress map against a gf. He snuck up on us at a gen and we all ran into the cabin. By dumb luck the guy he was chasing happened to run past the locker I was hiding in. I had Head On equipped. I smacked GF, my buddy made it to the 2nd story window and GF ended up changing targets. Headsets help but they are not required.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    SoloQ survivors need a mini version of Kindred built into the game. Example, when a teammate is hooked, when fellow Survivors get within certain distance, like 50-60 meters, you see their aura's. That way you know someone is trying to save and you can work on a gen. Kindred is still valuable for removing the distance requirement and also showing the killer. Boom, SoloQ just got like 20% better by this small change and wouldn't impact the game negatively at all.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    Yeah I've had times before where I've not been in an Xbox party because I've had a cold and lost my voice or something like that, but still swf with my friends and we've still done well. Like you said, the solo queue teammates need to get good, and that won't happen until MMR comes out, but I remember MMR was first tested some time last year. The fact they've been trying to implement MMR for over a year has made me assume it's probably not going to happen.

  • tuxedoseal
    tuxedoseal Member Posts: 54

    i feel like there should be quick messages, they wouldnt be loud, they would add to voice lines, and maybe if the killer is close enough they could hear it. none of that ######### where you can hear them from across the map. (also zarina voicelines)