Picking up a key should make you the obsession

OtakaChan Member Posts: 181
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Anytime a survivor picks up a key they become the obsession and the killer can see your aura for 3 seconds every 30 seconds. So if they drop it and someone else picks it up you will see them then become the obsession and their aura will be shown every 30 secs. Good way to track keys and handoffs since keys should be more high risk high reward play.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Gaffy
    Gaffy Member Posts: 222

    Or they could just finally fix the item entirely and not have to go through a stupidly excessive amount of small changes to make them "balanced".

    Because as they are right now, will never feel balanced or fair for the opposing side.

    McFALLENONE Member Posts: 53
    edited August 2021


    Post edited by McFALLENONE on