Post-game chat censorship

Wendy Member Posts: 14
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Now let me start off that nothing in life pisses me off more than forced censorship. If people can't handle a few words written by a stranger on the internet they will never see again how will they ever grow a spine to deal with the harsh reality of the real world?

Now with that out of the way... What the hell were you guys thinking? I run into so many words that can't be said in a post-game chat that have absolutely no need to be censored. I thought Sea of Thieves was restrictive in its language where I can't even say I'll go for a quick pee without being censored. I don't have a full list of words that are and aren't censored because frankly I have better things to do in my life than find what those words entail.

When I get censored for just trying to type normally I get seriously pissed off though. What is wrong with saying: "Nurse is pretty hard but once you mastered her you'll be unstoppable." Thats what I tried to type to a rank 16 nurse who got 0 kills. Nothing wrong with it right? Well it turned into "Nurse is pretty **** *** once you mastered her you'll be unstoppable." I can't even say 'but'? Or 'hard'? Those are normal english words.

Then to add to it. If people can't vent with words, how do you think that will go on the long run? Teabagging at the gates. Facecamping. Annoying ingame behaviours because those can't be censored. Those little wittle words will no longer be possible. So instead of having a laugh with your enemy at the end you will see a bunch of #'s and just have to fill in the blanks for yourself. When do people imagine the worst? When they're left to their imagination. If it's the meaning behind the words you wish to censor, you shouldn't censor at all. If someone is racially sensitive they may misconstrue what someone else says if it's a 6 letter word that is being censored.

Atleast give use the bloody option to turn it off.


    McFALLENONE Member Posts: 53
    edited August 2021


    Post edited by McFALLENONE on
  • whereismykebab
    whereismykebab Member Posts: 228

    Yeah, I believe it's the word order. I wanted to write "...but much appreciated" and "but much" was censored. You can however write "much but".

    I didn't even think that "but much" might be similar to "butt munch" until someone pointed it out in the forum. Also stuff like youtube and some names are censored for some reason. So I'm guessing "hardbutt" is some kind of insult I'm not snowflaky enough to understand?

    I mean, you need a huge deal of creativity to figure out what kind of insult the censored words and ocmbinations might be similar to and calling them similar is bein very liberal with the term.

    Sure censor obvious insults/curse words, but not normal words that might be slightly similar to what a toddler might believe what an insult might be.

    I think it's very unhealthy if you write something normal, especially if a match might have gone poorly for you or poorly for the other side and it looks like you're insulting them in the chat or they're insulting you when they might be just typing normal words or giving advice.

    A few insults falling through the cracks would be a lot better than thousands of false positives. At least there should be an option to toggle the filter off.

  • Krimbar
    Krimbar Member Posts: 200

    the filter is absolutely horrible, very harmless common words get filter out all the time. It's honestly just embarrassing to see that a company like bhvr can't even get something done properly as small as a chat filter for slurs. Seeing this among(us)

    all of their other flaws and mistakes really just tells me that this game will NEVER be polished or "fixed".

    enjoy this clip of the chat filter coming in clutch to censor these extremely hurtful and mean insults.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    If people need to vent they can do what normal people do and go have a smoke or write in a diary. Considering a lot of the "venting" in DBD's chat is racial slurs and homophobia. Also get off the "if you can't handle harsh words in a game how do you expect to deal with the real world" stuff. It doesn't matter what you're doing have enough respect for yourself to respect someone else. If you can't handle your frustration without getting on someone else's nerves then you need to sort yourself out.

  • Krimbar
    Krimbar Member Posts: 200

    People shouldn't insult each other in post game chats, but the filter isn't just censoring insults but pretty much anything, it seems almost random what gets censored and what not. Also not having the choice to disable the filter is in my opinion the actual problem. It wouldn't be a big deal that the filter is bad if you could just turn it off anyway.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    When words like " mobile " are blocked and combinations of "but XYZ" are censored, you have to give thanks to BHVRs Selective Speech Squad, working around the clock to limit your freedom to communicate effectively!

    Gotta love the Canadian-based company doing what they do best: cosmetics, bugs and censorship.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    Weird character names are censored too, like Sunderland and Wesker. At least on my end they have been.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    The censorship and chat is just bizarre. I had a post game match where the word “phone” and “camping” were censored for the player I was talking to, but not for me.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,787

    "If people can't handle a few words written by a stranger on the internet they will never see again how will they ever grow a spine to deal with the harsh reality of the real world?"

    My sweet summer child, the people who want you to stop calling them the f-word or the n-word have experienced more harsh realities than you can even imagine.

    McFALLENONE Member Posts: 53
    edited August 2021


    Post edited by McFALLENONE on
    McFALLENONE Member Posts: 53
    edited August 2021


    Post edited by McFALLENONE on
  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562
    edited July 2021

    Just gonna put this out there: Freedom of speech is protection against the GOVERNMENT silencing you for opinions on it. Game companies are private businesses, and their servers are private property; they can enforce any language rules they want.

    Also; freedom of speech is not freedom from punishment.

    Also; 99% of the time I see someone say 'People need thicker skin', what they REALLY mean is 'I want to be toxic and blame my target for getting offended instead of learn to control my anger'.

    Source: I admined/modded various gaming forums & servers for 15 years. Every time, the people saying 'get thicker skin' or 'freedom of speech' were the ones breaking our 'No racism & No harassment' rules. Those who never ran afoul of the rules never cared, for obvious reasons.

    McFALLENONE Member Posts: 53
    edited August 2021


    Post edited by McFALLENONE on
  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    censor slurs and let us hide chat, that's pretty much all that needs to be done.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Oh, I agree DBD's chat is a bit aggressive. But I will forever disagree with anyone who says 'Get thicker skin' or 'Stop being offended', because that's victim blaming & passing the blame.

    It's usually said by people who WANT to be offensive, and then blame their target for getting offended. Trust me; I heard all the excuses for years, when I was an admin for NoX back in the Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault: Spearhead days and then EGO for Team Fortress 2.

    It was always excuses as to why <x> person was not at fault for being racist or making lewd comments at female gamers; it was their targets fault for getting offended. Or it was 'freedom of speech' being squashed because <x> player lived in the US, or because the servers were hosted in the US. People even threatened to sue, either the banning admin or the clan as a whole. 🙄

    So again; I'm not saying the chat censor is not oddly aggressive. I'm just saying that BHVR can, from a legal standpoint, put in any chat filter they want.

    And I'm ALSO preemptively saying that victim blaming when someone says something inflammatory is a load of bunk. It's not 'your fault' if someone says something vile to you & you don't like it, you know? Because 'freedom of speech' is not 'freedom from consequences'.

    I treat free speech like a handgun; you can legally have one, but it's YOUR FAULT if it discharges and hurts someone. It's not the victims fault that someone waved their gun (speech) around and shot (offended) them.

    McFALLENONE Member Posts: 53
    edited August 2021


    Post edited by McFALLENONE on
  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Sorry, I was not trying to imply you were, I was just making an example and being preemptive, since there are a few people on this forum who WOULD say it's the victim's fault for getting offended.

  • Vraixen
    Vraixen Member Posts: 30

    give us a DAMN toggle please... NO ONE asked for a filter.. NO ONE.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    My lord, you made me laugh, I'm thankful, and wish you to have a great day. <3