Hope he packed his tent...

CRPNTR Member Posts: 11
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

We love a good facecamping session -- but just bring in BT or DS, right? Kappa

When oh when is there going to be some penalty for killers literally standing in front of the hook until you die??

Twins/Executioner//Hag all can't place things/can't be in close proximity to the hook -- so why should a killer be able to?

BTW this is me 1for1-ing with a teammate who had the exact same thing done with him. No other teammate wanted to come in and help because it would've been a never ending cycle until we were all dead


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    When oh when is there going to be some penalty for killers literally standing in front of the hook until you die??

    They lose gens.

    Twins/Executioner//Hag all can't place things/can't be in close proximity to the hook -- so why should a killer be able to?

    But they can do it close enough that it still "affects" the hook... Technically.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    I think he means a penalty that doesn't involve the camped survivor dying and losing out on the game over the killer being petty. the points are precious.

  • deathdoer1
    deathdoer1 Member Posts: 87

    I really wish hooked survivors would receive BP for objective points of their team mates doing gens. It's not much but really hate to see 3k bp after a 8 minute que time because some bubba had some rough games recently.