Is Camping really a general problem?



  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,450

    The devs said that the MMR-system will count more than the number of kills. So maybe only facecamping killer will not be able to rank up. So they get "nothing".

    But that would mean that weaker player get more campers (the same as right now) and bc there is no incentive to get a better MMR-rating there is no reason to stop camping.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,450
    edited July 2021

    Coordinated swf? I play only solo and today i got a save with a random team of purple and green ranks. It was the only camper i played against.

    You need only a swf bc three people are bad and someone needs to tell them what they should do. If every survivor is good, they know what to do. One takes a hit, the second unhooks and then the healthy survivors bodyblock.

    So it does not happen in solo bc most survivor dont know how to play. And if you dont know how to play, you need to learn it and not get it for free.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,688

    I mean, it literally reduces the game to everyone doing nothing, but I suppose you can't stand the possibility of having to put in effort.

    Since you can't do anything but demean others and call them 'whining' for what is obviously a glaring issue with the game, there's no point in this discussion going any further.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939
    edited July 2021

    I personally can't stand campers. When I play Killer, I almost never camp or tunnel because I know how crappy it feels for a survivor to not have a chance to play the game in the slightest. That being said, the type I'm talking about is the unabashed, in your face, "I AM CAMPING" types. The type you see on Kindred, making a teensy circle around the hooked survivor, or staring them in the face.And camping only works well by exploiting Solo survivors lack of ability to communicate and coordinate.

    Although I do understand it in the endgame collapse. Or in a situation where a Killer is being steamrolled by a 4-man SWF flashlight squad. Anything like that. I'm not sure how anything could be done that punishes one without smiting the latter. During the period where they disabled the disconnect penalty, the most d/c's I saw were when survivors were being camped. They just "nope'd" out of the match.

    Giving some BPs to the camped survivor would go a long way to prevent them from just suiciding on the hook or disconnecting.

    I've encountered one too many Killer who facecamp purposely to just grief a stranger. The most recent one even named himself "WhySoSalty".

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Camping is a made up word survivors invented to have something to scream about when they lose. It is not a problem. The devs have stated it's a strategy and not reportable. Last it has plenty of counters. The issue is survivors don't want to counter it. Same as NOED. There is something you can do about it but people don't want too.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,688

    'Plenty of counters!'

    Literally only counter is genrushing. And it's hilarious you mention NOED in the same post since that has the opposite, mutually exclusive counter, so if someone is camping with NOED, the whole thing just sort of eats itself.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

    Leaving those issues at the side, what should be punished is deliberate & brainless camping at 4-5 gens for no reason & especially with killers like Bubba who can 100% trade a hook.

    The clapping emote makes this cringe, ngl.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    There's that vague reasons why NoED rewards camping!

    I mean, the Killer would have to camp a hook AND camp EVERY SINGLE TOTEM at the same time, but Survivor mains will insist this happens because they want to complain!

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Survivors sniveling about camping day in and day out is cringe, so I will be cringe back. They ignore every single fact thrown at them about why you can't punish it, and yet they push it all aside to go 'B-but..I don't wanna lose! I mean, be camped! CHANGE THE GAME! 😥'

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yeah but you see because I want camping to be punished people assume I'm a survivor main, I think bad plays and bad skill shouldn't be rewarded and that goes for either side. You get hit and waste a pallet, no bonus chase points. Trade hooks with someone not long gone on, no bonus safe unhook.

    I'm not on either side but camping should be punished and getting 2 kills doing so bad and face camping from the start not only sucks and is boring for everyone but it shows no skill. Seriously I'm more impressed with a killer that get 8 hooks 0 kills than someone with 1/2hooks and 1/2kills

    Bad actions = punishment/no rewards

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

    Survivors sniveling about camping day in and day out is cringe, so I will be cringe back.

    Welcome to the forums. Don't try to snap at everything that offends you. I see these topics myself & most of the time I choose to ignore them, unless there's something else discussed within. Also, fighting cringe with cringe? Really... Like fighting fire with fire has ever worked out around here. In your situation, all this did was make this more cringe....ugh

    I do these things myself, but I have a strategy in mind at least or when the opportunity arises. Just gotta do what u gotta do. I got tunneled yesterday by a nurse for example after our first encounter lasted 2-3 min. I didn't have DS to punish the tunneling, unfortunately. This lost her the game with me dead & 3 escapes. The absolute determination she had in finding & killing me after my 1st & 2nd hook was... really really impressive...We were playing on Midwich of all things, which is a very good nurse map. Managed to piss her off even more in endgame chat... somehow...

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,450
    edited July 2021

    The point with noed and camping is that you need to do gens to counter camping if you cant unhook. So you have no time for totems.

    The best way would be to make noed weaker if the killer does only facecamp the entire match.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    If the Killer is camping, then look for totems. Or do gens. There is, literally, no reason to punish an accepted tactic other than Survivors want to spite Killers for breaking the rulebook.

    Fair enough. I get tunneled and camp when I play Survivor, and I usually just laugh. It just baffles me, the mindset some people must have 'I lost to <x>, therefore <x> is unfair and HAS TO BE CHANGED!'

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    Dude, if you aren't able to have a rational, objective conversation without blanket-insulting people why do you even forum? I've seen your posts time and again and the hostility towards anyone who doesn't agree with you is borderline obsessive. We get it. You have an unnatural and unhealthy hatred for people who play survivor and whom criticize anything they do. SURVIVOR BAD. KILLER SAINT.

    Just state your opinion without the aggression and insults. We all play the same game. Most of us don't want to ruin your fun.

  • NaigEtarip
    NaigEtarip Member Posts: 60

    Just answered on another post practically the same.

    The self made rules of players are often, if not always, biased.

    If survivors are unwiling to exert more skill to solve, or annoyed for being exposed to, those strategies why the killer should play otherwise?

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562
    edited July 2021

    People can disagree with me. And I never said 'Killers good, Survivors bad!' What drives me nuts is that I get told a million Survivor-invented rules I have to follow, or Survivors insult me in game. People on these very forums have said they blast the Killer if the Killer is 'toxic first', even if that 'toxic' action happens to be 'the Killer won'.

    And then I come to the forums and find MORE Survivors trying to change the base mechanics of the game because they hate to lose, and those survivors call ME entitled. They want to change the game to ######### over Killers, but I'm entitled?

    I can't abide hypocrisy, and that what these threads are; Survivors claiming tunneling and camping are evil things that should result in -32534378756 BP for the Killer (I have seen people suggest 'The Survivor gets the Killer's BP if he camps' before) but gen speeds and toolboxes and gen-stacking are fine.

    It's hypocrisy, and I will point it out every time someone does it. Because Survivors want to alter how Killers play, because Killers are 'toxic', but ask those same Survivors 'Is twerking or clicky-clicky toxic?' and they will say 'no'. Because they are biased.

    It's even in another thread, where someone says 'Slugging for the 4K is toxic' and 'You already have a 3K'. They are basically shaming a Killer for wanting a full win and acting like the Killer has to stop trying because it makes Survivors sad.

    It's a filthy double standard.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    If someone is camping with noed then the gens would have to be complete for that to happen. Open the gate and leave. Problem solved.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,688

    I can't abide hypocrisy, and that what these threads are; Survivors claiming tunneling and camping are evil things that should result in -32534378756 BP for the Killer (I have seen people suggest 'The Survivor gets the Killer's BP if he camps' before) but gen speeds and toolboxes and gen-stacking are fine.

    That hypocrisy is NOT coming from the survivor side, you absolute walnut. It's literally the first thing these forums will shout at you when you suggest camping is a problem.

    'If you get camped, just genrush'


    'OMG survivors are genrushing, that's such hypocrisy!'

    Seriously, camping is the root problem for everything you whine about, but when -anyone- brings it up, you throw yourself into an absolute frenzy because you don't want to accept the fact that camping is unbelievably bad for the game.

    That's EGC camping, and that's not a problem. The problem is a killer camping on first down, which leaves you with enough time to do either the gens or the totems, but likely not both. So if you take down all five totems, the killer gets to down someone else before gen 5 is done. If you finish all five gens, the killer then gets to have +4% movespeed and instadown and likely gets at least one other down, possibly more because they can just slug.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited July 2021

    and the killer gets next to no bp, probably not even a safety. You can't put in a system that can distinguish between camping to be a dick and camping because it's beneficial to your objective. They tried and survivors abused it. So it was removed. If you hate camping so much either

    • play with friends who are smart enough not to rush the hook.
    • Continue to punish killers for face camping by already mentioned. Eventually that killer will get the message "This isn't working. better try something else"
    • Last, the most effective way to make it so you never ever get camped. Play killer.

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    Camping is a symptom not a problem

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,688

    'Survivors abused it!'

    Yeah, I heard that one before. They basically made things worse for themselves in order to force the killer not to camp.

    And we can't have anti-camping measures make camping non-viable.

    Also, you're not allowed to play with friends, forum killers whine about Swiffering all the time.

    Nor are you allowed to genrush, forum killers whine about that too.

    And playing killer is exactly what I've been doing. Doesn't change the fact that camping is hindering killers too. You know how people complain that gens go too fast for a 'fair' twelve hook play? Can't fix that when camping exists.

    'You can't put in a system that can distinguish between camping to be a dick and camping because it's beneficial to your objective.'

    Well according to camp-stans, there is no difference. And I can -still- see a solution: make the hook timer slow down based on the number of generators left to do. Without a base value, this'd deactivate itself when all five are done, and it scales proportional to the level of dickishness.

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    This and also maybe stop punishing survivors by giving them negative altruism points for playing smart against a camping Bubba.

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    If the hooked survivor doesn't kill themselves on hook they should be given the average of their teammate's points that have been made up to that point. That's all I want.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    If you don't think being camped by a bubba is a privilege then you're very ungrateful. ACEPPT HIS BLESSING! 😂😂