Just Let Us Pick Our Own Aura Colors, Please!

If we get confused over what the color of an Aura means, then that's on us for being too used to the old colors.
But it'd just be such a cool lil QoL addition for us in general, and can be a REALLY good QoL addition for the partially-colorblind people.
And since Auras are there primarily for you to notice them, who cares if all top-players would just set their Auras to the brightest setting possible?
Have a new section in the Options menu where you can edit the Aura colors of things that are in the base game. (Generator Auras for Killers, downed Survivor Auras for Survivors, etc.)
Then for the gear that you can equip: Whenever you equip an Item, Add-on, Offering or Perk that in any way adds or alters Auras, have a new little down-arrow appear right next to it.
Like so...
(I know Wraith doesn't have an Aura ability, so pretend that the Killer Power is actually the Map Item.)
When you hover over such an arrow, it'll say: "Change Aura color"
When you click the arrow, a drop-down appears.
It'll either have an array of select colors to choose from, or an RGB picker. (Preferably the latter, but the former is almost as nice.)
It'll also have a Reset option, to put it back to the normal color.
If a Killer Power has Auras at base, an arrow will appear on this Inventory screen for that Killer right next to their Killer Power icon, and NOT in the Options menu.
I would absolutely love this. As someone who suffers partially from red-green colour blindness, sometimes it's impossible for me to see red survivor auras on top of the red gen auras. I still use BBQ just for bloodpoints, otherwise I would use Thrilling Tremors. I would also like some setting for scratch marks too because on certain maps they are literally invisible to me (Ormond especially)
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could be fun, tho the auras beain all the same color gives a chance for survivors to hide there aura behind a gen i like that. i think there fine honestly
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BBQs aura is intentionally similarly colored to a gen, once upon a time it was much harder for the gen aura to obscure your aura on BBQ but the devs changed up the opacity and coloring to make the gen better at hiding your aura.
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There are 3 main aura colors in the game, white auras, red auras, and yellow auras, it would probably a nice change if you could change the color of each category but all of the auras in each category are changed with it, survivors auras always the same color as gens, hatchets and blades in lockers always matching colors ect, that way there is no real benefit other then preference and changing them to colors you can see better (for color blind)
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That's a nice idea, but I think it wouldn't work. Everyone would just pick the brightest color and not pick any other color.
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If this was a real feature, I would pick that nice golden color for Generators from the Blight event.
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not really, it'd be more logical to pick contrasting aura colors rather than just a brighter one. Something like cyan or purple which would really stand out more.
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Even if either happened, what does it matter?
Auras exist primarily for you to notice them, so brightest and/or contrasting colors would only help in achieving that primary function.