The Trickster got weaker

The Trickster got worse after update 5.1.0. He has a larger spread of knives (which you kept silent about when you released the patch), the number of knives has decreased, laceration meter rolls back faster. 6 knives before injury instead of 8 does not really compensate for this. There are often not enough knives to make a hit. When you go to the closet for a new portion with knives, the survivor has already rolled away laceration meter.

In my opinion, this is pure character nerf.

You wanted to do a rework of it, because few people played for it. But now it has become more difficult, weaker, in my opinion.

Some of the guys of the 1st rank, with 3000 hours, say that he is the same or has become cooler. But this suggests that it becomes more difficult to master. May the top players will play for him, like on Nurse or Blight.

But for casual players, it is difficult to master.

So this update will not help make more people play for The Trickster.

Therefore, I propose to return the old spread of knives and roll back the cut scale. Or just return The Trickster 5.0.0


  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    He has enough knives for 7.3 potential injures, before update he had 7.5. Really not a significant change in that department although bad accuracy is much more punished now which I believe is a good thing. If you have really good tracking and accuracy, trickster can melt through health states real quick. I think he's much stronger over all because you win or lose chases in a much smaller time frame than before, which gives you more time to go keep survivors off gens.

  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305

    He definitely isn't weaker. He wasn't weak to begin with. He shreds through health states, 70% of the time regardless of obstacles. He is like a far better version of Huntress.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    Hes simply been made weaker in areas he already struggled. he can massacre out in the open, cuts down grouped up survivors comparable to bubba, and even facecamps almost as good as bubba. However undeniably he also sucks a LOT more at higher/longer loops where his blade decay becomes a huge detriment and he wastes tons of knives. Main event is also back to being about as useless as it was pre-buff, and his huge lack of blades leaves him wasting tons of time reloading. Hes not weaker, hes just become a much more Feast/Famine dependent killer.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    Except you will never hit 100% of every knife on a survivor due to his knife throwing mechanics. On top of that the faster laceration decay means there are tiles survivors can run where it's impossible for Trickster to catch before a survivor has already lost all his laceration.

    On average, he's much closer to having 3 or 4 health states with his knives with some of his better more open maps allowing him to lose less knives and getting closer to 6.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Of course you're not going to hit 100%, but actually having some punishment for having bad aim is good design. Trickster is punished far less in any individual chase for missing with his knives compared to say huntress and the downside to that is that your skill is gonna determine how often you reload. If you are really good at aiming with your knives you will probably be around 5 or 6 injures per reload. If you're bad you might only get 2 and and average players will get about 3 or 4. I think the nerfs to the ammo addons may have been a little too much though.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    It's incredible the amount of people saying he loses time to reload after hooking someone, like Huntress does not that... But she does that, a good Huntress will reload after hooking, as a Trickster must do that.

    What he got is a buff, clearly. Before I was able to run it forever, now you're down in a matter of second. And whatever you do, you will get at least one knife. Where you can have any counterplay against a Huntress, you have not anything against him, you will be dead, no matter what, like old legion.

    He's meh in 1v4, but he's busted in 1v1, totally unhealthy to go against. He needs a total rework. Everyone already knew that OR he's busted, OR he's underwhelming, his power hasn't any in between.

  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305

    Nope. He shreds through health states dude. His laceration takes forever to fade. You can't get it to fade in a chase. At least if you're already damaged, you can tap heal through out chase with a med-kit. But the minute you're injured with him you can be downed in seconds with how quickly he throws and with his ricochet add-on and the fact his knives seem to pay less attention to corners and obstacles than hatchets do . . .

    He is a hard one to beat. Oh you got to a pallet? Well he is still throwing knives and the obstacles near pallet evidently don't protect you even if ducking. Good thing he can step back from stun and down you in the middle of your drop animation / your get away. Oh an indoor map? Might as well disconnect now if he is a decent Trickster who only uses knives.