Killer Concept - The Vampire (Dimitrescu Sisters) [UPDATED & EDITED]

TacticalBanana Member Posts: 29
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Gameplay Concept: The Vampire will bring a unique gameplay to the table by removing the bloodlust mechanic and replacing it with a thirst mechanic spesific to the vampire that will change the survivor approaches when it comes to facing her.

Unique Passive - The Thirst:

Replaces passive bloodlust. You dont get faster as chases progress but when you injure survivors and follow blood pools left by injured and dying ones. You can track your thirst by seeing your sickle gets gradually soaked in blood and vision starts changing similar to bloodlust.

You cannot break pallets or walls but you can freely phase through them, while not being able to attack mid phase and you can clearly be seen phasing through. You still have to leap through windows as usual and jump down.

The base speed will be slightly higher than avarage to compansate the absance of passive speed gain. Final stage of thirst will turn thist into a hunger phase which makes unique ability triggerable.

There will be distinctive sound hint and visual effects when this triggers to make survivors notice it.

Unique Ability - Hunger:

When hunger activates, vampire will gain certain buffs and new actions for a short time.

Passive: Will increase movement speed simmilar to last bloodlust stage.

Basic Attack: Will turn into a lunge feeding strike that will end hunger, puts injured survivor into dying state, will injure healthy survivors and give them the "drained" debuff for a short time.

Drained: Decreases all action speed slightly and increases debuff durations slightly. (Doesn't prolong itself.)

"Instantly downing healthy ones seems too overpowered."

Ability: Will able to control phasing ability and phase through windows and hard covers like passive, similar to nurse but just the other side of object, very short.

If vampire cannot feed during the hunger duration, thirst will totally reset with a audio and visual hint.

If hunger ends with the feeding action, the speed buff linger shortly and gradually decrese till base speed, giving time to start another chase or hooking faster.

Main Menu Theme:


Blood Walk: Blood pools of injured and dying survivors are 15/30/45 percent bigger and stay 10/20/30 percent longer while scratch marks stay 10/20/30 percent less. You move 2/4/6 percent faster when walking on blood pools.

Hex: Warm Pulse: Whenever a survivor gets injured, unhooked or gets into dying state, you can see their aura for 1/2/3 seconds with a sound hint. Disabled when hex is broken.

Hex - Blood Curse: Survivors will have a 10 percent chance to get hurt on a failed skill check which stacks the chance up to 30/40/50 if failed to trigger. Disabled when hex is broken.

(The vampire will be a pressure focus character that will disturb progress with their presence and relentlessly chase prey if hexes are not dealt with quickly and gets blinded.)


Ultra Rare - Heilroom Painting: Thirst increases slower but you can instantly down healthy survivors with hunger.

Very Rare - Bloody Calice: Thirst increases much faster but missing feed attack ends the hunger.

Rare - Rusted Necklace - You can phase though windows without hunger but it decreases thirst slightly.

Common: Several ann-ons that will slightly increase lunge speed, decrease recovery time, increase phase speedi etc.

Killer Map - Cursed Village:

Alternate Indoor Map - Family Castle:

That will be all for now I guess, if there is something you felt missing that you wanted me to add, let me know. :)

And thank you for reading~ :P

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