New Survivor - Diana Łaska

Name: Diana Łaska (Translates to "Heavenly Grace")

Role: Savant Mechanic

Nationality: Polish

Diana is a prodigy mechanic, able to fix generators with grace but vunerable own her own and relies on others for support.

Her personal perks [Prodigy], [Muscle Memory] and [Coordination] makes her an excelent objective finisher while being very vunerable to killers if careless.

Difficulty rating: Intermediate - Hard

[Muscle Memory] - Level 30:

With practice you get better and better as long as you are focused.

While doing generators, doing a good skill check increases repair speed by 0.5/0.75/1% while great skill checks raise this by 3/4/5%. Failed repair checks, dropping pallets, getting hit, vaulting pallets and windows, healing skill checks, try to free from hook and traps, struggling on 2nd stage hook checks, unhooking others, destroying totems, searching loot cases and interacting with killer specific interactibles and checks reduce this by 0.5/0.75/1%

You will be more likely to trigger skill checks when fixing generators.

Using toolboxes disables the perk.

[Coordination] - Level 35:

Your are totally isolated on the work at hand.

While fixing generators, if you keep the generator in the middle of the screen and don't move your vision away for 5/4/3 seconds, [Coordination] activates. While the perk is active your chance for skill check slightly increases. This increase stacks with other perks. Both good and great skill check zones increase in size by 15/30/45%. Failing a skill check diables the perk for 5/4/3 seconds. Moving the vision away or stop repairing disbales the perk for 5/4/3 seconds.

If the killer has perks that reduce the size of zones, this perk disables the zone debuff effect while also nullfying the zone buffs you get.

Effects like doctor reverse skill checks and hex notification time reduction stays not effected, just zone penalties.

Using toolboxes disables the perk.

[Prodigy] - Level 40:

You are the best at what you do but you lack at everything else.

While repairing generators, time between notification hint and skill check is increased by 15/30/45%. Your chance to get skill check slightly increases. You consume all items 15/20/25% faster except toolboxes. You heal others and yourself as well as recover 10/20/30% slower. You repair gens 10/15/20% faster. If there is a toolbox within 9/12/16 meter range, you can see the aura of it with a sound hint. You can drop hold toolbox by pressing the ability button.

Using toolboxes disables the perk.

I always wanted a generator focused survivor and came up with this. Since I am not that experienced, it still needs more balancing and polish but I think I gave you readers the overal concept and idea good enough. What you guys think about it? Is there something you guys want to add?