Fixing the grind.

There are 84 killer perks in the game and 95 survivor perks. This is an incredible grind, expecially considering you have to purchase a perk 3 times in order to get it to max level.
This equates to on the killer side, having to get 252-3 (teachable starting perks) ie 249 seperate perks in the bloodweb in order to have a fully unlocked killer.
Or on the survivor side 285 (282 effective) perks are required to fully unlock everything on a killer.
Not to mention the fact that there are currently 24 playable killers, and 27 playable survivors in dead by daylight.
This is besides the fact that there is prestige, which can set you back up to 200 levels, if you wish to level a killer or survivor from prestige 0 level 1, to prestige 3 level 50.
So how do we fix it. How do we make the grind more accessible for newer players to be able to "get in and play the game effectively" whilst making prestige worthwhile/but more achieveable for those wanting to 100% every killer and survivor there is.
Listed in order of difficulty to implement here are my changes that i would enact to fix the grind for the majority.
- At level 1-15, two perks will spawn in the bloodweb. From levels 15-25 3 perks will spawn in the bloodweb. From levels 25-50 4 perks will spawn in the bloodweb. The entity will begin consuming the bloodweb at level 10 as normal. (This allows newer players to grab more perks earlier in their leveling)
- After level 50 Perks can replace valid raritys of items/addons or offerings in the bloodweb, with a 10% chance. - effectively granting up to 3 perks gained per bloodweb, or possibly more if someone gets lucky.
- Prestige bloodwebs gain an extra 5% per rarity - This means prestige 3's will get more rare's, very rare's and ultra rare's in their bloodwebs.
- All category based bloodpoint offering's are reworked to give the equivalent bloodpoints to their rarity, within their category - Ie a Fragrant Primrose Blossom will now grant 400% bloodpoints within the altruisim category (this gives them the same amount of points, that they would for using a bloody party streamer, but forces the player to focus on filling the selected category of the offering.) - however, this would nerf escape cakes and survivor puddings to a lower level, but make other offerings far less useless for grinding.
- After match bloodpoint bonuses for playing well - A bronze emblem = 150bp, a silver emblem = 250 bonus bp. a gold = 500bp and an iridicent emblem = 1000bp. (potential 4000 extra bp per match for playing very well.)
- A "consecutive match bonus" which promotes more players to play more matches in a row (Based on if a player que's up within 5 mins of a previous match. dc penalty and waiting too long will remove this), with the highest multiplier being 3x for (insert amount of matches here). this encourages players to stay in games, and play for longer.
- A priority system where the players in the minority get a bonus for being played (ie if theres a majority of killers playing at one time, survivors get a bloodpoint bonus and vice versa.) Not only would this incentivise playing the other role and make que times shorter, but it would decrease the grind for those willing to switch it up.
- 3 daily's being given per day. this would automatically fill up the daily's so that someone has 3 seperate objectives to do for the day, rather then a single one per day, which only encourages a single match.
I'd like to share my version of this thread with a much simpler solution:
However you have some good ideas here, especially the BP bonus offerings that do need to be buffed, as it is the browns and some yellows are practically worthless.
Oh and Prestiging does increase rarity. Not by much though, effectively 2-3% I believe.
Three dailies per day might be a bit much, especially when you miss a day and then you have six... do you get nine if you miss two days? As it stands the daily system allows you to hold up to three, with a potential fourth pending, so you can take a break for up to three/four days without the FOMO setting in. I imagine if you got three per day it would be much more annoying to miss out on a day. Maybe this could be something that only gets triggered when you've completed every single Rift challenge.