Broken Key Idea

ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I want desperately to utilize keys as an aura-reading item but without the headache to killers worrying about it being able to pop hatch open for multiple survivor escapes before end game.

My idea is simple, the green rarity "Broken Key", what if it had a different model from the other two keys. It's literally a key with the actual blade broken off. Why not give it its own unique model where it's just the bow of the key so killers in lobby would be able to tell that that survivor has a green, broken key incapable of interacting with hatch so that they wouldn't have to worry about bringing Franklin's Demise and going all out to kill them lol (I mean they still could). Because I really want to be able to use them for aura reading some day- and also as killer not sweat over them. I've had a few matches where I tunnel someone out only to find it was a green key with aura read add-ons and then felt bad lol

What do you all think? I'd like to hear thoughts from both sides. This kind of thing makes me all the more excited for a key rework because ultimately I just want keys in general to not be rage inducing and be usable for aura read without being a complete death sentence. Aura reading is so fun and underrated and I love keys aesthetically 😢

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,513

    I think they should just get rid of it entirely. No sane person at red ranks would bring it for aura reading purposes. Well in my case, I've never seen anyone bring in a green key.

    Keys should be reworked to serve more functions and move the aura reading functionality to maps because I think they're quite outclassed by all the other items.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Honestly, my fix:

    1. Remove all items form the bloodweb except for keys.
    2. The hatch only appears if Survivors have 1 or 2 gens to go when the 3rd is killed (IE: A close game). If the Killer steamrolls he DESERVES his steamroll & 4K. Just like he can't teleport Survivors to the hooks if they leave the match en-masse; why can Survivors escape asa group if they are failing?
    3. The hatch no longer needs a key, since only 1 person will get it anyways.
    4. Items now spawn in chests, which need a Key to open. This is now how Survivors get items. They still work like normal. (IE: You can carry it from match to match if you escape with it).
    5. 4.1 Or item chests open to a random item without a key. Using a Key lets the Survivors pick which item they want. Rarity & addons is based on the key's rarity.

    Keys fixed, hatch fixed, and chests are now a secondary objective to help Survivors, if they take time to open them.