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If You Think This Isn't Broken, You're Out of Your Mind

Revolver_Ocelot Member Posts: 92
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Spine Chill against Michael Myers (The Shape) is overpowered and broken. Here's why:

The Shape's Game Design: The Shape is supposed to be an iconic STEALTH killer, moving quietly around in the background, out of sight in order to sneak up on unsuspecting victims. He has a NATURALLY small terror radius which reflects this trait in the game. His Killer Power, "Evil Within" allows him to stalk survivors to gain more lethality, 'stalk' being the keyword here. Stalking is defined as "pursue or approach stealthily" (Oxford Dictionary).

The Issues:

-Detects the Killer REGARDLESS of directional position to the survivor

-Detects the Killer through unlimited obstructions to line of sight as long as the Killer is in range

-Unlimited use

-Available in any survivor health state

-36m range (the same as Premonition but constantly active)

-Can detect The Shape EVEN IF he is ACTIVELY using his "Stalk" ability to approach a survivor (as seen in the above video)

-The Shape's movement speed is drastically SLOWED while ACTIVELY stalking

-Survivors can hear The Shape breathing when close alongside any footsteps and environmental noises such as grass or brush

-Many survivors use Spine Chill (current meta)

Possible Solutions:

1) Nerf Spine Chill in some way, either add a total amount of time it can be used during a trial before deactivating, reduce its detection range, add a clause that won't alert survivors when stealth Killers are actively stalking (The Shape and Ghost Face), or something else.

2) Update The Shape, he was released in 2016 and hasn't had a quality of life update. My suggestions are here:

As a fan of the Halloween movies it saddens me that this iconic Killer can easily be counter by survivors that slap on Spine Chill doing nothing. At the very least, try a PTB with these changes Devs and see how it works. Otherwise, change the perk name to "Active Radar" or something.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    What baffles me the most is...People would have preferred Object get reworked instead of Spine Chill.

  • MyersIsPantless
    MyersIsPantless Member Posts: 104

    idk where ur coming from but spine chill isnt meta lol, the meta is DS/dead hard/unbreakable/BT

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
  • Revolver_Ocelot
    Revolver_Ocelot Member Posts: 92

    "Just use a sideways walk exploit so you can't see where you're going." If someone has to do this Spine Chill is obviously broken against The Shape.

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670

    That's not an issue. I've watched my friend's streams and he has used this same tactic repeatedly. Try it out.

  • Revolver_Ocelot
    Revolver_Ocelot Member Posts: 92

    I'm not going to exploit an error in design. Do you honestly think that Devs designed The Shape to stalk people while facing away from them or approach a survivor while walking sideways/backwards?

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    It would be in vain and foolish to try to do that with a GF in a structure and have it revealed to you in an instant by looking to the side what it "shouldn't" be doing if its objective is to stalk a survivor or give it a surprise blow.

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670

    It's not an error in design, or an exploit.

    Spine Chill is fine as is, and since the reasons why have been explained already by other posters, I won't repeat them. Evidently, we're going to have to agree to disagree.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    I think Spine Chill is quite annoying but it should be nerfed only for the use of stealth killers or that carry perks like Tinkerer that currently stopped working against Spine Chill. Before it was not like that.

  • PhantomChimera
    PhantomChimera Member Posts: 668
    edited August 2021

    Spine Chill is a waste of a perk slot. Their are better choices to use.

  • PappiChuwlo
    PappiChuwlo Member Posts: 2

    Yea... There goes a killers power basically

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    Right but you dont really need Object to tell you if you're versing a sfw. Nor did SWF even need to use it to track the killer cause they already have comms to go "hey man the killers chasing me" nor do they need Object to tilt you cause those type of 4 mans can already do that with many other perks. And just from personal experience going against it (back when those toxic SWF were more common) they almost never used it. SWF had old school DS, Iron Will, DH and Adren. Old Object was more of a gimmick, Spine Chill can be used when ever you want with no consequence.

    Quick summery I guess: Toxic survivors don't need Old Object to be toxic cause they can make anything toxic. So changing a perk that was hardly used to useless doesn't sit well with me. Why don't we nerf every single perk in the game cause toxic SWF can make anything broken.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    That's not really my point, though. If anything, I agree with you to a certain degree.

    However, that doesn't change the fact that the answer to "Why is it that more people wanted an Object change, rather than Spine Chill change" is "Because Object was more obnoxious and in your face about outplaying you"

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    No, it should be the other way around.

    The way it works with Iron Will now is that Stridor is cancelled only if all four survivors bring Iron Will. Which means that in almost all cases, both Iron Will AND Stridor still get value.

    Previously, Stridor would disable all Iron Wills.

    The change made it less likely that anyone suffers their perk being deactivated completely.

    Which also brings me to the topic at hand: If the survivor you're targeting has Spine Chill, stalk someone else. Spine Chill won't protect their teammates.

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    So wait just to clarify, the reason people wanted object changed over spine chill was because it was more "obnoxious and in your face about outplaying"? So....What im hearing is "I dont like people who can play better than me". I'm sorry but what is that reasoning?

  • FentV1rus
    FentV1rus Member Posts: 112

    That's definitely not the set in stone meta. In fact, I havent seen Unbreakable in red ranks for quite some time. The only two perks that are hard meta are Iron Will and Borrowed Time. You can definitely argue Deadhard, but Sprint Burst and Lithe are interchangeable here, so pick your poison. Iron Will is BT levels good, and if not required since its fix.

    DS has fallen a good bit out of favor since its change, and your team only needs one, maybe two. Also, you will absolutely see perks like Kindred and Spine Chill in top rank games, way more than DS and especially Unbreakable.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    I've never said I agree with it, rather this is what makes sense to me. The obnoxious and "in your face things" are always the ones that people complain about the most, no matter how strong or weak they are. Take the latest change to pallet validation, for example. A very similar situation, no matter how fair on unfair it is, people make 3 000 threads about being "robbed" and the like.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Certain perks are just good vs certain Killers, like Iron Will is strong vs Spirit, and Calm Spirit screws The Doctor, etc. Is what it is. Learn to play around it. Frankly, there are stronger perks the Survivor could be running if they're playing to win.

    You won't catch a competent SWF running Spine Chill. Why? Because it's made useless by Discord anyway.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,761

    But you can crab walk to a generator and either hit them (gf) since you're close enough, before returning to your power in 14 seconds and going for someone else if you're doing hit and run, or continuing to chase them while crabwalking (it's weird but oddly fun), or you can stalk (Myers) since you'll be close enough that even with a los blocker you'll get a lot of progress on them.

    Besides the stalking isn't the best bit about gf's kit and is just as broken as Michael on the servers- playing them is like a test of how much bhvr likes you that day

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    Yes i think pressing m2 to see survivors through walls denying any form of counterplay, mindgaming, making survivor decisions and movement irrelevant is a bit broken and need to be looking into. Btw isn't it another match on the video that ended with 4k but wasn't ez enough to fit into flawless killer power fantasy so you feel like to complain?

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Your reasoning doesn't make that much sense.

    You could say it the opposite way as well with a similar reasoning: killer has only 4 perks, so it must not trump 16 survivor perks.

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    I find it quite ironic that OP is complaining about the very effect that allowed him time to get to 9 hooks, and there still being 1 gen left to do, with Myers. OP completely ignores how much gen repair progress they prevented when not actively stalking any survivors.

    On this particular map , spine chill is especially beneficial to the killer as its detection cone completely ignores elevation and line of sight. As killer, you don't have to be on the same floor or even be able to get to a survivor without breaking a wall. As long as both of you are within 36m of each other, and the XZ direction of your gaze is aimed at the location of a survivor, you will cause the spine chill to activate. On the other hand, whenever the killer begins to decisively move to a particular location with a survivor, the constant need for turning in the narrow corridors found in the Meat Plant effectively "jams" spine chill's notifcation system, making it completely unreliable.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    You could say this on everything:

    The devs designed pallets so that spirit fury can instantly break it?

    Devs designed totems do that survivors can find them with many perks and break it?

    Etc etc...

    It is just a perk that works against stealth... And even has a counterplay by not directly looking at the survivor.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I miss when t1 myers didn't trigger scaredy cat. I run the perk sometimes but I'd honestly rather not have it against scratched mirror myers, it just kinda ruins it.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    Spinechill is fine, barely anybody uses it anymore...

  • Miles
    Miles Member Posts: 461

    the range is exagerated.i once had a wraith literally chase someone else, completely paralel to me, and spine chill was on.

  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,045
    edited August 2021

    Counterplay in PVP video games is never supposed to be reliable, but only give you a chance to counter your opponent. Currently, with Spine Chill equipped, you have a 100% chance of knowing exactly when a Myers and Ghostface are stalking you from within 36 meters. That isn't fair counterplay, as Myers and Ghostface have no counterplay to that. They HAVE to look at you in order for their abilities to work, and a large part of being efficient with their abilities is utilizing stealth, which Spine Chill completely shuts down. When counterplay is always effective and has no counterplay itself, it is unfair.

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    Holy crap, I knew people liked to come to the forum and complain about everything be OP, but Spine Chill? A non-meta, non-game breaking perk with average use. That's what we consider OP now?

    Spine Chill is fine. It might not seem fair that it helps counter stealth killers, but it isn't exactly fair that some killers can completely erase their terror radius and get free hits and grabs because of it either.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    People are so used to killing all 4 survivors with a few remaining gens that they completely forget the devs want matches to end with 2 kills/2 escapes on average. (pipping would obviously have to get tweaked to allow a "good" 2k (with many total hooks) to allow pipping especially with killers that end chases rapidly)

    As you mentioned op already had 2 kills @ 9 hooks and 1 remaining gen yet still complains about ok-ish survivor perks. That's ridiculous.

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670

    Spine Chill is not entirely reliable. It is map dependent, killer strategy dependent, and survivor awareness dependent. It also gives no information on if the killer is coming to the survivor or going away, or where their position is, especially when competent killers flick their camera lenses away.

    Regarding your point about Ghost Face and Myers, both of those killers are still able to stalk, even if Spine Chill is going off. In other words, Spine Chill does not prevent stalking. If the survivor had to stay still, then you'd have a strong argument because you could say Spine Chill would allow survivors to completely counter Killer power simply by moving.

    I have been exposed by both Myers and Ghostface while running Spine Chill and also sacrificed. You know why? Because the Killer simply outplayed me that game. It's that simple. They were better.

    Spine Chill is not the problem.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    Personal... I Aggreed that Spine Chill needs to be nerf, and Premonition needs to be buff and Rework!

    Spine Chill should only detect Normal Killer's, and leave any killers that have Undetectable status effect should not trigger this perk!

    Premonition can be reworked, to be similar to Spine Chill; but it instead detect Stealth Killers or any Killers running undetectable status effect perks! Give a second or two of aura reading of the approaching killer, as well as having a 30 second cooldown!

    Now, Both perks are situational and only good for two different playstyles to counter specific Killer's playstyle!

    And yess Michael Myers needs some buffs to his base power and some addon Reworks; especially the tombstone not being a iridescent addon!

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    I was gonna reply to that comment but you said everything I wanted to say perfectly

  • ouroboros_world
    ouroboros_world Member Posts: 215

    I find spine chill op, you want to avoid aggro from killer all game? Just slap on spine chill and just book it as soon it’s lights up, and don’t act like killer can just easily sneak up on you when most of the maps have gens in the corner with no other way to avoid being seen or triggering spine chill. It reminds me of noed, I just feel so cheap using this perk I don’t even wanna touch it anymore.

    but seriously why survivors main complain about killers aura reading perks and addons when they have spine chill with no downsides , keys with wall hacks and maps that can track anything on the whole map.

    spine chill should be reworked to reduced the range and make it not work against undetectable.