Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Idea for SWF

Member Posts: 3,647
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I am going to start off by stating that I want the dev team to buff solo to be as close to SWF level of as possible. this idea is a band aide fix until the devs get around to buffing solo etc...

Now the idea is to buff killer perks with cool downs when going against a SWF. Perks like Thrilling tremors, surge, I'm all ears etc.. are balanced perks for how the game is intended but when going against a team they are not viable and should be given a buff.... this would let the killer know that they are going against a team and it wouldn't be until one of the perks was put on cool down. This is an idea that would need tinkering with maybe all cool downs for perks being cut in half would work?

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Why buff solo? There are many reasons why a SWF team does well that have nothing to do with communication.

    I’ll give you examples:

    • Looping a killer for a decent amount of time, so your teammates can fix at least 1 gen.
    • Efficiently working on a generator, whether that means committing to an almost finished gen or making sure you’re splitting up accordingly.
    • Not running away from a save, the moment you hear a hear a heartbeat. Forcing your teammate to go to hook stage 2.
    • Hiding and refusing to take any aggro, when everyone else is on death hook, and you haven’t been hooked once.

    I could go on and on. Because everyone has been exposed to soloQ and situations why it sucks. It has almost nothing to do with SWF being able to communicate. It has to do with their inability to learn or not wanting to.

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    Idk why play with friends needs to be punished where most of them are super casual players. Smh

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Because information is a huge thing thats why aura reading perks have high values. Think about it you start a match and your like ok I wonder who the killer is 20 seconds later your friend tells you its a Myers now you know you need to pay more attention already not to mention if he brakes off a chase to pressure guns and your friend tells you he left him and is on his way. Myers is basically an m1 killer at this point with a small tr that doesn't matter because his location is know by everyone most the time

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Btw not saying swf should be punished

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    this isn't "punishing"..... punishing would be increasing gen times or reducing the number pallets making the hindered effect base for swf..... thats a punishment... providing the killer with buffed cool down perks is not a punishment..

  • Member Posts: 3,448
  • Member Posts: 8,266
    • Able to loop for 60sec, at the moment the chase start, you can "hes chasing me". Then you know 59sec of the chase your 3 team mates are on Gen. For solo, many survivors tend to hide when TR comes until seeing someone injured, this alone cut down half Gen progressing.
    • If I finish my Gen and run find another Gen seeing random team mate mid progress, I will join them, to ensure that Gen will not Pop the weasel. Its just mostly mind set of everyone.
    • Most people willing to take hit though.
    • Aggro isnt enough if Killer wants that guy death, I usually throw myself to hook to protect 2nd hook guy. Not always success.

    But the most important thing is the 1st one. Gen time efficient is enough for most match.

  • Member Posts: 305

    This is dumb . . . why would you punish people for playing a game with friends..?

    It's a game. Games are DESIGNED to be played with friends.

    If DbD didn't want you to, there wouldn't be cross-platforming and the ability to add one another within the game as friends and also invite one another to a standard lobby.

    It'd be like saying " SWF " on a shooting game needed nerfed. The POSSIBILITY of it being done is taken into account when they designed the game. If you're not taking advantage of something they allow that could POTENTIALLY be helpful is that not your own fault? Plus just because you don't like people who do SWF doesn't mean anything. Not every group is talking about what's going on in game and even if they were I can use the same SAD - PATHETIC excuse you guys use for tunneling and camping.

    " it's a tactic " - " it's not against the rules. " - " The devs say it's fine. "

    Except in this instance they've actually designed with this in mind and it's not because of obvious things like them not wanting to pay someone to go through the excess camping/tunneling reports that'd happen and make the tunnelers/campers leave/not spend money. ( Meaning they'd be paying to upset some group of people and get them to leave thus paying to lose money. )

    SWF isn't broken. Playing on a PC obviously also assists you. Does that mean we should nerf PC players?

  • Member Posts: 6,434


    So are you implying that players in a SWF only work on a gen when communication takes place? Because that’s incorrect.

    Being able to loop for 60 seconds does not involve communication it involves skill via that player who is taking the aggro. Something which 90% of the time soloQ teammates refuse to take.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Ignore the last 3. Im just mean the 1st one, Gen time efficient is enough most of the time.

    You can loop for 60sec before dying is your skill, but more important that what other 3 guys do in that 60sec? Find Ruin? Doing Gen hearing TR coming and hide? Because they dont know Killer is coming to their Gen, or being busy chasing you.

    The gap between 3 guys sit on Gen for pure 60sec chase, or 2 guys sit on Gen for 20sec and another guy run around doing Dull totem. Can lead to difference results.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited August 2021


    The other 3 should be making themselves efficient regardless of whether they know the killer is on someone else or not.

    As to what that is, that is dependent on where you are at in the match as a “team”.

    I’ll give you an example. I had this match against a Nemesis, I was in soloQ. He kept chasing the same guy, meanwhile I was on a gen and the other two kept leaving every gen the moment they heard a slight heartbeat. I knew (without comms) that Nemesis wanted that guy out, so I managed to fix 3 gens while they both finished 1. We’re one gen left before escaping, Tunneled guy goes to the basement, I’m about to in for the save (with BT) Jane uses her SB to get in front of me to go save. I keep wondering why it’s taking her so long seeing as the guy has no struggle bar left and Nemesis is on the other random. I go over there and by this point Nemesis is already coming back, she gets inside a locker (saw her through Bond) tunneled guy dies, somehow she got pulled out of a locker. Nemesis has NoEd, so now she is dead. This was the result:

    Now I’m thinking, if I can find No Ed maybe Jake (the other random can help me save) not even two seconds later he goes down there injured and gets hooked too. At that point I was already over it and I just left.

    I didn’t need comms to really understand why things ended up the way they did…and that at that point I had done everything I could have based on the poor choices that were made by my team.

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    Like I replied to the other person… this is not a punish… you miss a skill check and your gen has regression, that’s a punish … so in this case giving SWF the hindered effect for the entirety of a match would be a punish… this is buffing cool down perks to make them more playable when going against a team… not a punish.

  • Member Posts: 4,692

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