Stop SWF Abuse Please!

I admit, I am not the best player. I am stuck around rank 10/11 with killer and even lower with survivor. So this is even more of a problem for me than for others who are good enough to eventually get to rank 1.

Almost every game is against SWF. This in itself is not the real problem, but it leads to it. What I mean is that in almost every, and I mean EVERY SINGLE SWF team there is someone who is WAY beyond my league. Rank 5 with rank 12 teammates? Rank 2 with Rank 11 teammates? Two rank 5 with two rank 10s? I have seen it all.
This player is practically guaranteed to use DS, a flashlight, flashy clothes or full prestige, and bad manners to no end. You can't catch them because they are experts at looping and 360s, and even if you get them, they DS their way out and you lost only time, during which the rest does gens. When you finally hit them, they run off to the nearest premium loop spot because they know them all, and you either waste your time with them until all generators are done or you let them heal.
And you can't ignore them either because they either finish gens at record speed hitting all the skill checks with +150 or they are constantly near you, blinding you as soon as you pick someone up. Some run around in your face and teabag you so you hunt them instead of their buddies.
When I tell them that this is unfair and kills the killers' fun with the game, they just tell me that they "want to play with friends" and if it's their fault that they are good.

This isn't happening once or twice. This is happening in 90% of my games. Look at the picture I uploaded. This is only from this month, and only from those games I bothered to screenshot. I could have made this gallery three times as large without problems.

BHVR, PLEASE do something about this!


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    It is known for about 2 years now:

    Clearly the devs show no intention to fix the problem, so you can only try to fix it by your own.
    You can avoid SWF completely by lobby dodging, otherwise there is no way around this sadly

  • Milkymalk
    Milkymalk Member Posts: 221

    It never was as bad as now. I've been playing almost since the very beginning and while sometimes I had a rank 1 in my rank 6 game (back when you could rank up with 9k points), it was just more or less a regular occurrence and not the rule. I am genuinely surprised after every game that only has equal ranks.

  • jmaximo93
    jmaximo93 Member Posts: 122
    Use ebony moris. That's the best counter to SWF. I either lobby dodge them or use a mori to even the playing field. Unfortunately, there's nothing else you can do.
  • Milkymalk
    Milkymalk Member Posts: 221

    Those with 1 Perk are rank 20, 17, 18 and so on. Oh, you mean the two rank 5 in that ONE screenshot? That completely nullifies everything. Of course.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @tizzi717 said:

    @Milkymalk said:
    I admit, I am not the best player. I am stuck around rank 10/11 with killer and even lower with survivor. So this is even more of a problem for me than for others who are good enough to eventually get to rank 1.

    Almost every game is against SWF. This in itself is not the real problem, but it leads to it. What I mean is that in almost every, and I mean EVERY SINGLE SWF team there is someone who is WAY beyond my league. Rank 5 with rank 12 teammates? Rank 2 with Rank 11 teammates? Two rank 5 with two rank 10s? I have seen it all.
    This player is practically guaranteed to use DS, a flashlight, flashy clothes or full prestige, and bad manners to no end. You can't catch them because they are experts at looping and 360s, and even if you get them, they DS their way out and you lost only time, during which the rest does gens. When you finally hit them, they run off to the nearest premium loop spot because they know them all, and you either waste your time with them until all generators are done or you let them heal.
    And you can't ignore them either because they either finish gens at record speed hitting all the skill checks with +150 or they are constantly near you, blinding you as soon as you pick someone up. Some run around in your face and teabag you so you hunt them instead of their buddies.
    When I tell them that this is unfair and kills the killers' fun with the game, they just tell me that they "want to play with friends" and if it's their fault that they are good.

    This isn't happening once or twice. This is happening in 90% of my games. Look at the picture I uploaded. This is only from this month, and only from those games I bothered to screenshot. I could have made this gallery three times as large without problems.

    BHVR, PLEASE do something about this!

    Where you see survive with frieends in this screenshot, i see a lot of people with a single perk. tha's not a swf group, improve yourself and don't blame the game. Call upon swf groups always that's not mature

    every single screenshot where he is matched with purple / red ranked survivors has a SWF group in it with one lower level and one higher level survivor AT LEAST.
    i dont know how you get the idea that he didnt face SWF in one of these screenshots, since the matchmaking system clearly made him face survivors who play out of his league. also, just because the two highranked guys only had one perk in ONE of the screenshots (which obviously proofs this whole threat wrong facepalm) doesnt mean that they didnt play SWF. the only way to proof him wrong would be, to go on these guys steam profiles and check their friendslist.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    Big deal about the rank. Honestly. The average survivor level is pretty close to yours. What I did notice in all those screenshots is that regardless of whether they escaped or not, you earned more bloodpoints in almost every match. That isn't even factoring in that you run BBQ and most of them don't even bother with WGLF. Just be happy that you are swimming in bloodpoints compared to them.

  • cTrix
    cTrix Member Posts: 122
    edited October 2018

    @tizzi717 said:
    Where you see survive with frieends in this screenshot, i see a lot of people with a single perk. tha's not a swf group, improve yourself and don't blame the game. Call upon swf groups always that's not mature

    Are you high? :lol:
    They have single perks cus their friend who plays the game a lot invited them along. So the rank 5 guy invites a friend and the friend doesn't play the game unless SWF with the rank 5 so they have no perks.
    It's obvious lol. How else would a new player and a rank 5 ever be in the same game

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    If they pop in at about the same time, dodge. Help may as well not be coming.
    There is way too much SWF abuse for me to trust any of them. I've decided to be far less picky during the event and my opinion hasn't changed.

  • cTrix
    cTrix Member Posts: 122
    edited October 2018

    by the way I have had the same experiences. Some super high rank guy tea bagging just at safe distance with flashlight trying to troll me. Just ignore them and kill their garbage matchmade friends. Avoid flashlights by facing a wall as you pick up. They won't do gens cus they're trying to troll you, so you can abuse them hard.
    They also will run around the hook trying to save their friend. Even more if it's a group of 3, then both will be near the hook trying to distract you. Just hit the distraction guy, then go right back to the hook the other person will be there.

    Also you can just slug if you're worried about flashlights or getting bodyblocked. They won't run too far cus if they do you can go back to pick up the guy for free, just gotta hover near the SWF guy, his friends will try to heal him when they think you're chasing someone else. Free slug pile.

  • BigMerk77
    BigMerk77 Member Posts: 6
    I don't know it looks fairly even to me. If they weren't playing SWF sure you would've maybe had more four kill games.  I'd say you had some really good average games, especially against individuals playing with their buddies.  Asking for a game maker to create a game you can't play with your friends is asking a lot.  It's a 4 against 1 game. Killer is a tougher challenge. Some are up to it, some aren't.  Both parties involved want the game to be better for their side. You aren't going to be able to make everyone happy
  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423
    Bbq,ruin,enduring,brutal strength

    Run the ds guy all over the map, break all the pallets.  Eat ds with enduring.
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    This makes me sad. The fact that killers feel the need to dodge because the majority of SWF groups are so toxic. I play SWF often, and the escape rates vary a lot, sometimes we all escape, sometimes 2 of us do, sometimes none. But we always try to be nice to the killer, no spamming or teabagging or BM. And usually, everyone has fun (killer included, at least on the occasions where they stick around to talk about it). Idk, I'm not trying to come off all holier-than-thou, but I wish more survivors would realise that you don't have to be a dick to have fun. I don't think there are inherent problems with SWF, but the way a lot of people use it sucks.

  • tizzi717
    tizzi717 Member Posts: 89

    @cTrix said:

    @tizzi717 said:
    Where you see survive with frieends in this screenshot, i see a lot of people with a single perk. tha's not a swf group, improve yourself and don't blame the game. Call upon swf groups always that's not mature

    Are you high? :lol:
    They have single perks cus their friend who plays the game a lot invited them along. So the rank 5 guy invites a friend and the friend doesn't play the game unless SWF with the rank 5 so they have no perks.
    It's obvious lol. How else would a new player and a rank 5 ever be in the same game

    anyway you get at least 3 kill so what's the point?

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540


  • Whispers23
    Whispers23 Member Posts: 111

    I think the ranking system is useless in this game because if you are a good player and they reset the ranking you will be playing with low rank players. Some of them might be playing the game for the first time. I could be wrong!

  • Milkymalk
    Milkymalk Member Posts: 221

    I get lots of points because I always have 8k in Chasing (full before the game is even close to ending) and more often than not 6k+ in Deviousness and/or Brutality. OTOH I don't get pip points from Gatekeeper or Devout most of the time so I kinda float at my rank.
    Rank average means nothing if one player is so out of rank. He is almost unstoppable and also coordinates the rest of his team. Tell a noob what to do and he suddenly is a lot better.
    The screenshots are mostly from games with ridiculous or remarkable results. For example depips and/or 4-escapes when I have a lot more points than everyone else, 4-kills when a red rank was playing, and so on. There were lots of games where I killed one of the "scrubs" and the rest escaped, and I had similar points to them or fewer. I didn't screenshot with the intention of posting these or I would be able to show more "normal" games where this happened.

    Unfortunately, Doc is already P3 50 and I didn't find BS or End in my bloodweb yet, Ruin and BBQ only at level 2 and 1 respectively. By current build is Bamboozle, Overcharge, Distressing and Unnerving Presence and I try to drag the game out until no pallets are left. Combined with "Order" which creates fake pallets this helps a lot against the cheerleaders, but the quarterback is still a problem.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    We need to put more weight on the rank system, IMO.
    Without it, I'd have to put up with people way above my pay grade.

  • Akie
    Akie Member Posts: 4

    @Whispers23 said:
    I think the ranking system is useless in this game because if you are a good player and they reset the ranking you will be playing with low rank players. Some of them might be playing the game for the first time. I could be wrong!

    This is a good point tbh. I wanna talk about this from a survivor's point of view, since I'm playing lots of SWF. (Because on certain ranks, it's no fun to play solo anymore.) I have a friend who I like playing with. She isn't playing much though, so she's not getting any further than rank 10, even though she's clearly more skilled than that. It results in me (rank 1) facing killers about rank 10 but how to fix this without changing the ranking system? Because from a killer's point of view (which I'm playing at rank 14) I do know how you feel, but as a survivor I want to play with my friends regardless of their time ingame.

  • cTrix
    cTrix Member Posts: 122

    Rank reset every month for literally no reason is what's causing this.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582
    Dead by Daylight was never made with voice communication in mind and has never been properly balanced to accommodate it. That in conjunction with rank being an absolute trash fire leads to SWF being a nightmare for killers and the stsbdast for survivors