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Dear Devs. Why we cant have NORMAL and FUN challenges in Tomes?

LowrenceVonQersrick Member Posts: 34
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I just seen Clown challenges and i already know, it will be most frustrating thing to do. Oh, at least until III Tome release, right?

How do i know that? Well, in Tom I it took me several games to do challenge with yellow smoke. It was terrible experience. I lost every one of those games and wasted at least 3 hours of my life, while TRYING to do "challenge". Did i had any fun? No. Not at all. Maybe survivors had some while Tbagging my "5 hours of total gameplay" Clown "i bought only for perks" on exit gates after 3 hooks. I beat they had great time. But for me it it was terrible waste of my time in game and life. Not only because i dont play this Killer and he dont have any good perks, so he is basically trash unable to anything with survivors who have more than 10 hours of gameplay time, but also i dont enjoy this killer - he is boring (maybe even most boring in game) and unpleasant to interact with. To be true that would not be the problem, if i could focus on gameplay - killing survivors and having fun. But nope, i was "challenged" to do some dumbest ######### you can think off. And thats the main reason why i didnt have any fun.

WHY do you do this? Why this cant be something simple and useful to my gameplay experience? Kill survivors, kick gens, get 2 kills as a Clown, hook 20 people as Clown. I know, not very exciting. But also not frustrating. And anyway im already excited while PLAYING the game, not while doing dumbest thing someone can think off.

Not only grind in this game is terrible, not only i need to pay with my hard earned money for something i dont like, but on top of that someone is forcing me to do dumbest ######### imaginable and waste my time in this game. :/ WHY?

To this day i was not able to do "hook 4 players in basement" challenge. No luck, because luck is what i need in matchmaking phase. I camped a lot of survivors, and i beat experience from that was unpleasant for every player involved, me included, especially, because im forced to repeat this. And yet, i still have to do it, because you cant admit it was terrible idea and change it to "hook 4 people in basement overall (not in one match), and yet you are keep making the same mistake.

DEVELOPERS, FFS, RESPECT MY TIME. And let us, players, have FUN. Restrain yourself. Not only you choose most unpopular killer in whole game, you are forcing people to waste, literally WASTE time in game. What is the point of that? To "challenge" us?

Let me put it this way: Did any of you seen "Tide Pod Challenge"? I beat some of you did. Stupid and pointless, right? Well, my friends, those challenges in DBD are basically equivalent "TPC" in game, and you force that on people. Yeah. :/

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
