EGC should start when final gen is completed

It should not be once the doors are open. Egc is supposed to be there to end the game once all gens are completed so why not start it after the final gen is done.
99%ing the gates is ridiculous so please make it start after final gen.
open gates and start egc
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I had someone hooked in the far corner away from both gates but they would not open them. It was too far for me to travel without securing a kill, which I still did not secure as they all ran down and body blocked on the way to the gates.
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What's stopping them from 99%'ing the last remaining gen until they know everyone is safe or is in a spot to make it 'til the end?
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It's more of a risk to 99% a gen than it is a door though.
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EGC is only there to stop hatch standoffs and survivors hiding around map indefinitely after opening exit gate - it's why a killer can start it by opening the exit gate. It was never meant to be a tool to secure kills for the killer once the gens are finished and the exit gates still need to be open.
The only change they should make is if a survivor is still in match when EGC runs out the killer does not receive any sacrifice points and survivor receives no escape points. Neither side wins. This way it removes the apparent confusion killers seem to have about the purpose of EGC.
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With all the things to prevent opening an exit gate plus some of the terrible gate spawns it would just be way too killer sided.
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EGC is not there to make sure the game ends "once all gens are completed." It's just there to make sure the game ends. That's all. It was to stop survivors from stealthing around for 20 minutes with no way for the killer to force them out. Now, the killer has a way to force them out.
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This was an issue, or at least 99ing gens in general was, that's why they introduced the kick mechanic. Same with hooks when they reworked sabotaging.
I don't think egc should start on the completion of the last gen, due to perks like "no way out", but I do think they should add some kind of automatic regression to doors.
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Automatic exit gate regression would completely screw over the last remaining survivor
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Ah another "Spite the killer" suggestion.
Their BP is irrelevant to you nor does them getting it cause confusion.
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Killers could just hook or mori the survivors for that BP, like how survivors need to escape to get their BP.
If your only problem is losing out on the BP then how about this change - killers keep their sacrifice BP for survivors left in game but survivors also get their escape points. This would also remove EGC being killer or survivor sided since both will get points. If you're against the survivors getting points once EGC runs out must mean you're spiteful towards survivors since by your logic it's spiteful to remove the sacrifice BP from killers once EGC runs out.
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eh no
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Thats what the hatch is for. Survivors dont need endless chances.
Plus, most people wait at the gate and immediately start once the killer closes hatch trying to get enough time. Regressing doors, whether immediate or with a small delay, would not impact these situations at all.
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I agree with all of this. EGC already put the end of the game massively in the killers favor. Especially when half the time RNG puts the doors within sight of each other. It's purpose was not to ensure killers 4k, it was to prevent 45 min hatch standoffs.
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The devs actually tested exit gate regression. It hurt solo survivors more than SWF, who were able to coordinate around it. The devs are trying to lessen the power gap between solo and SWF, not widen it.
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I have missed the hatch and still escaped by employing 1 of these 2 methods:
- Min/Max
- Open the gate and stop just before the 1st light comes on
- Move away and hide
- Wait for the killer to come check and leave
- Finish opening the gate
- False Positive
- Get 1 light on the switch at Exit A
- Sneak away and run over to Exit B
- Fully open Exit B while the killer thoroughly searches Exit A
Both of these fall apart as soon as gate regression is implemented. Precious progress is lost and any stealthy play goes out the window if the killer sees sparks flying off the switch from regression because they'll know you're close
1 - Min/Max
Both of these are currently valid methods, as is the rushing the second the hatch is closed/fully attempting as soon as the killer leaves. However, again survivors do not need a host of options in this situation; this is a last hail mary option (even more so then the hatch) not a primary one.
The presence of no door regression doesn't balance or bring solo closer to swf, except by overcoming some of the natural lack of communication solo's has. However, this is a bad mechanic in general, similar to 99% gens, and there are plenty of ways to make this change and make it not impact solo's more.
For instance, implementing any kind of basic communication for solos or even base kit kindred. Gen regression is also worse for solo survivors, but without gen regression 99% gens was a bad mechanic. You do not leave in bad mechanics to kinda fix another issue, instead you fix the mechanic and the other issue as well.
If the logic we want to use is removing everything that is harder on solo's, then let's also remove all forms of gen regression and perks like knock out and third seal.