What if killers had Iron Will (Killer perk idea)


The idea is quite simple, a perk which reduces the Killers breathing/ambient voice sounds by a % amount (Up to 100%) similar to how Survivors have Iron Will to silence themselves when injured.

How would this sound to you all? Broken or fair? I think it's a shockingly simple idea that could be pretty nasty on killers with loud breathing sounds or Spirit for example with her moans/cries. I know the Terror Radius is still a big warning but sometimes loud killer breathing can tip off survivors who are especially perceptive if a killer is undetectable.

I think sacrificing an entire perk slot for this effect may not even really be worth it but I just thought it was a cool idea. Lmk what you think!

Oh, perk name of course would be Dead Silence ๐Ÿ’€
