For anyone who can't access the link:
In September of 2019 Dead by Daylight welcomed one the most popular original horror properties of the last decade into the Fog with the Stranger Things Chapter.
Now, after two years filled with more brutal kills and last-second escapes than we can count courtesy of The Demogorgon, Nancy Wheeler, and Steve Harrington, November 17, 2021, will mark the last occasion for fans to purchase Stranger Things content in Dead by Daylight.
Leading up to this date we’ll be celebrating the heroes and horrors of Hawkins with a blowout sale on all Stranger Things characters and cosmetics. If you’ve already purchased any of our Stranger Things content – fret not! – it’s yours to keep for as long as you continue to play Dead by Daylight. If you’ve had your eye on any character or outfit you still want to add to your collection, now’s the time to scoop them up at an amazing discount.
Keep reading for full details on what’s happening with all our Stranger Things content.
Hawkins National Laboratory Map:
On Nov. 17, 2021, the gate to the Upside Down will close and the Underground Complex Map will be sealed off permanently to players in Dead by Daylight. However, while the map will no longer be available, The Entity is not so willing to let go of some of its other favorite playthings…
Stranger Things Characters:
On Nov. 17, 2021, the characters of The Demogorgon, Nancy Wheeler, and Steve Harrington will no longer be available for purchase in Dead by Daylight.
Players who have already purchased any of these Stranger Things characters will retain access to them and can continue using them after Nov. 17 when they are no longer for sale.
Players who still wish to purchase any of these characters between now and Nov. 17 can do so at half price and also retain access to them after they are no longer available in store. Stranger Things Character Sale: August 18th – November 17th (2PM ET)
- Nancy Wheeler – 50% Off
- Steve Harrington – 50% Off
- The Demogorgon – 50% Off
Stranger Things Outfits:
On Nov. 17, all collections and outfits related to Stranger Things will no longer be available for purchase in Dead by Daylight.
Players who have already purchased any of the Stranger Things outfits listed below own them and can continue equipping them after Nov. 17 when they are no longer for sale.
Players who wish to purchase any of these outfits between now and Nov. 17 can do so at full price, or within our sale window at half price, and also retain access to them after they are no longer available in store.
Stranger Things Outfit Sale: August 18th – September 8th (11am EDT)
Nancy Wheeler
- Business ’85 – 50% Off
- Justice Seeker – 50% Off
- Snow Ball Dress – 50% Off
- Days of Rose – 50% Off
- Impulsive Activist– 50% Off
Steve Harrington
- Scoops Away – 50% Off
- Last-Minute Babysitter – 50% Off
- This-Is-Not-Happening – 50% Off
- High School Hunk – 50% Off
- Jonathan Byers – 50% Off
The Demogorgon
- Escaped Specimen – 50% Off
- Twisted Demogorgon – 50% Off
- Geo Mutation – 50% Off
Explore these discounts on all Stranger Things content right now in Dead by Daylight’s in-game store!
You can also save when purchasing our Stranger Things content on any platform beginning August 18th and ending September 1st at 11:59PM PDT/BST/JST/CET.
- Save 60% off the Stranger Things Chapter on Steam, Playstation, Xbox, Stadia, and Switch.
- Save 50% off the Stranger Things Edition on Steam, Playstation (except in Japan and Asia), Xbox, and Stadia.
And don’t forget to keep an eye on our social channels between now and Nov. 17 for more special activations.
More questions about our Stranger Things content? Check out our FAQs page for additional details.
See you in the Fog,
-The Dead by Daylight Team
Stranger Things is (partially) leaving DbD

For anyone who can't access the link:
In September of 2019 Dead by Daylight welcomed one the most popular original horror properties of the last decade into the Fog with the Stranger Things Chapter.
Now, after two years filled with more brutal kills and last-second escapes than we can count courtesy of The Demogorgon, Nancy Wheeler, and Steve Harrington, November 17, 2021, will mark the last occasion for fans to purchase Stranger Things content in Dead by Daylight.
Leading up to this date we’ll be celebrating the heroes and horrors of Hawkins with a blowout sale on all Stranger Things characters and cosmetics. If you’ve already purchased any of our Stranger Things content – fret not! – it’s yours to keep for as long as you continue to play Dead by Daylight. If you’ve had your eye on any character or outfit you still want to add to your collection, now’s the time to scoop them up at an amazing discount.
Keep reading for full details on what’s happening with all our Stranger Things content.
Hawkins National Laboratory Map:
On Nov. 17, 2021, the gate to the Upside Down will close and the Underground Complex Map will be sealed off permanently to players in Dead by Daylight. However, while the map will no longer be available, The Entity is not so willing to let go of some of its other favorite playthings…
Stranger Things Characters:
On Nov. 17, 2021, the characters of The Demogorgon, Nancy Wheeler, and Steve Harrington will no longer be available for purchase in Dead by Daylight.
Players who have already purchased any of these Stranger Things characters will retain access to them and can continue using them after Nov. 17 when they are no longer for sale.
Players who still wish to purchase any of these characters between now and Nov. 17 can do so at half price and also retain access to them after they are no longer available in store. Stranger Things Character Sale: August 18th – November 17th (2PM ET)
- Nancy Wheeler – 50% Off
- Steve Harrington – 50% Off
- The Demogorgon – 50% Off
Stranger Things Outfits:
On Nov. 17, all collections and outfits related to Stranger Things will no longer be available for purchase in Dead by Daylight.
Players who have already purchased any of the Stranger Things outfits listed below own them and can continue equipping them after Nov. 17 when they are no longer for sale.
Players who wish to purchase any of these outfits between now and Nov. 17 can do so at full price, or within our sale window at half price, and also retain access to them after they are no longer available in store.
Stranger Things Outfit Sale: August 18th – September 8th (11am EDT)
Nancy Wheeler
- Business ’85 – 50% Off
- Justice Seeker – 50% Off
- Snow Ball Dress – 50% Off
- Days of Rose – 50% Off
- Impulsive Activist– 50% Off
Steve Harrington
- Scoops Away – 50% Off
- Last-Minute Babysitter – 50% Off
- This-Is-Not-Happening – 50% Off
- High School Hunk – 50% Off
- Jonathan Byers – 50% Off
The Demogorgon
- Escaped Specimen – 50% Off
- Twisted Demogorgon – 50% Off
- Geo Mutation – 50% Off
Explore these discounts on all Stranger Things content right now in Dead by Daylight’s in-game store!
You can also save when purchasing our Stranger Things content on any platform beginning August 18th and ending September 1st at 11:59PM PDT/BST/JST/CET.
- Save 60% off the Stranger Things Chapter on Steam, Playstation, Xbox, Stadia, and Switch.
- Save 50% off the Stranger Things Edition on Steam, Playstation (except in Japan and Asia), Xbox, and Stadia.
And don’t forget to keep an eye on our social channels between now and Nov. 17 for more special activations.
More questions about our Stranger Things content? Check out our FAQs page for additional details.
See you in the Fog,
-The Dead by Daylight Team
20 -
Thank you for that, but seriously I liked Hawkins. Like they couldn't paid to have hawkins labs forever like the Demodoggo?
13 -
YES. Cant wait til RPD is gone too !!
17 -
We've lost our lease! Every Demogo must go!
0 -
What? No more hawkins map??? Why? How? What?
I am so confused... why is this happening? Has a chapter been pulled like this before?
5 -
The link does not work for me either.
How sad, i didn't see it coming... Just yesterday i was thinking of buying Nancy.
0 -
Never happened before that. I don't like the fact that we are losing map.
14 -
I mean, I'm happy that Hawkins is gone (but at the same time I might miss it), but... why...?
0 -
That's so weird to me that you can put all this work into characters and abilities and maps and just have it all go away cause... whatever.
I'd think if you bought the license, you would buy it so that all the work you did wouldn't just one day go POOF if the maker decided not to renew the license. Maybe that's just not realistic but it's baffling to me you can just have stuff yanked out of your game like this...
8 -
Why is this happening all of a sudden? First time theyve lost a licence like this before I believe
16 -
Same! Maps are my absolute fav thing in this game and I love the lab!!!
I usually don't freak out over games but #########??????
Was their an issue with the license?
2 -
I honestly have no words for this, like I am really surprised this has actually happened,
2 -
No. Like what the ######### is going on
0 -
Dose this mean my over 400 Hawkins map offerings across all characters will be refunded? Hope so but most likely wont.
10 -
1. Why the chapter is leaving
0 -
I need coffee... I woke up expecting more teases... now one of my fav maps is going forever? I feel like I'm in a bad dream ;_;
1 -
So that’s it, nobody is going to be able to purchase DemoDog anymore. One of the best Chapters just taken away like that
10 -
Surely they can't just delete Demogorgon and his perks for future players, right? Which makes me think that we might get a reskin? A Killer with the same powers as Demogorgon, but with different looks/style?
5 -
Wait, what? So moving forward, there will be mechanically unique content that is just no longer accessible to new players? That seems really screwed up IMO.
14 -
it might be that the licenseholders didn't agree to renew the license for whatever reason.
1 -
Wow... I mean i’m happy the Hawkins map will be gone but that’s sad they couldn’t renew the license.
1 -
No. The closest thing that’s happened is the Nightmare on Elm Street content not being available on Switch for a while. They couldn’t play against Freddy or on any of the Badham maps, I think.
I’m guessing they have agreements with the license holders that last for X years and then get re-negotiated. Netflix probably wanted different terms for the rights to keep using the Stranger Things IP and they couldn’t come to an agreement, so we have this. Pretty interesting.
7 -
Well, this is really, really, really stupid.
1 -
1) Licencing expired and one of the two parties didn't want to, or couldn't, renew it.
2) Because it's Stranger Things content and the only content that will remain in-game is that already owned by players. As no player owns the map it will go.
4 -
They like JUST added the Jonathan Byers legendary. Wonder what exactly made the license holder pull out/not renew.
2 -
im really bummed, not only will new players not be able to purchase demo , steve , nancy, and johnathan. but they get rid of the map. i see no reason they cant leave the map in
0 -
Anyone who bought the demogorgon, it's perks and outfits get to keep them.
1 -
It will be a licensing issue for both I bet. Maybe bhvr wanted to re-license but the price went up or maybe they just planned to only license temporarily and this was inevitable.
I don't like the fact we are losing a map, especially since they don't release them for all new chapters now but there's nothing we can do about it.
0 -
buy steve nancy and demo while u can
you can keep them after they leave!!!!
4 -
Sooo less demo in the future....
1 -
Thank God my version came with the chapter already installed
0 -
No, your offerings will Probably be disabled.
2 -
no all characters will stay if u have them allready, but nobody can buy him in the future, this litterly sucks so bad
0 -
Yep, seriously i don't ######### about BHVR a lot but goddamn if you can't make a deal to keep the license forever (so that people can buy it forever and keep the map you made with the chapters) why the hell would you get the license? .....Like i'm disappointed in BHVR and i mean I already have the chapter but it's just wrong and really weird for that to happen in a game.
2 -
But I think that if you play on ps4 and a friend gives you his account and you activate it you will get the chapter I think
0 -
No, this cannot be real.
4 -
This is the beginning of the end of Dead by Daylight.
9 -
There's a link the an FAQ on that page somewhere, though the forums don't seem to like that link:
F.A.Q | Stranger Things Last Chance Sale
By PeanitsLast Updated: 4:30 pm
Why will Stranger Things content not be available for purchase after November 17th at 2PM EST?
As with all live-service games, frequent updates, additions, and the occasional change are to be expected. With Stranger Things, our focus continues to be ensuring the legacy of these characters within our game for fans who have purchased them or plan to do so by November 17th at 2 PM EST. With the exception of the Hawkins National Laboratory, all Stranger Things content surrounding Nancy, Steve, and The Demogorgon will remain part of the Dead by Daylight experience.
What will be the last date to purchase the Stranger Things content and does it affect the download after the end date?
Fans of Stranger Things will be able to purchase the chapter until November 17th at 2 PM EST. So, we invite those who have yet to purchase Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington, and The Demogorgon as well as their respective cosmetics to do so before November 17th at 2 PM EST and ensure themselves ongoing access to this content moving forward!
For Dead by Daylight Mobile, the Stranger Things content will also be available for purchase until October 17th at 2 PM EST.
If I own the Stranger Things Chapter or individual characters, will I still be able to play with the characters after the removal?
With the exception of the Hawkins National Laboratory Map, all Stranger Things content including characters, outfits, and perks will remain playable if purchased before November 17th at 2 PM EST. Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington, and The Demogorgon will continue to be part of the Dead by Daylight experience for all players. We invite fans who have yet to purchase these characters and cosmetics to do so before November 17th at 2 PM EST and ensure themselves ongoing access to this content moving forward!
Will the map still be playable after November 17th at 2 PM EST?
With the exception of the Hawkins National Laboratory Map, all Stranger Things content including characters, outfits, and perks will remain playable if purchased before November 17th at 2 PM EST.
What will happen with the perks/shrine/add-ons?
All perks, teachable perks and add-ons related to the Stranger Things characters will continue to be earnable/unlockable in those characters’ Bloodwebs. The Daily Rituals will also still be available for players who own the Stranger Things characters. Info on teachable perks & shrine in below question.
What about achievements?
You don’t lose your progress on the characters that you already own. The Achievements will be made generic (so not specific to Stranger Things), and if you already had completed the achievement, the achievement will be automatically unlocked for you.
What will happen to the teachable perks?
Teachable perks for Steve, Nancy, and The Demogorgon will remain available to earn on those characters for players who own them, with new versions of these teachables being made available in the Shrine of Secrets to all players. Any player who has already earned a teachable perk will continue to have it available to learn on their other characters.
Does this apply to all platforms, including mobile?
Yes, this applies to all platforms and mobile.
For Steam, PlayStation, Xbox, Stadia, Nintendo Switch as well as Dead by Daylight Mobile: Stranger Things content won’t be available for purchase after November 17th at 2 PM EST.
Will I be able to stream /play with Stranger Things characters?
Stranger Things content downloaded before November 17th at 2 PM EST, with the exception of the Map, will remain available for players, streamers and influencers alike. So, we invite the Stranger Things fans who have yet to get the chapter to purchase it before that date in order to secure access to it and enjoy the series’ content.
Does this situation also apply to other licenses?
This only applies to the Stranger Things Chapter.
What happens if I bought the characters with Auric Cells?
You will be able to keep your characters even if you bought them with Auric Cells.
Will we have other cosmetics created for the Stranger Things characters even if the content has been removed?
No new content will be created after November 17th at 2 PM EST. However, with the exception of the Hawkins National Laboratory Map, all Stranger Things content including characters, outfits, and perks will remain playable if purchased before that date.
Can we purchase Stranger Things characters’ outfits after November 17th at 2 PM EST if we already purchased the characters before November 17th at 2 PM EST?
Fans of Stranger Things will be able to purchase the chapter and its related content until November 17th at 2 PM EST. So, we invite those who have yet to purchase Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington, and The Demogorgon as well as their respective cosmetics to do so before November 17th at 2 PM EST and ensure themselves ongoing access to this content moving forward!
Can I be refunded if I bought the Stranger Things Chapter or Collection?
All characters, cosmetics, and perks associated with the Stranger Things Chapter will remain fully playable if purchased before November 17th at 2 PM EST. Players owning any of these will experience zero change in gameplay or appearance, therefore no refunds will be issued. While the Hawkins National Laboratory Map will be removed, it and all the rest of our maps are free and have no charges associated with them.
When is the Stranger Things sale starting?
DLC Sale - August 18th to September 1st
- Steam: 60% off ST DLC + 50% ST Edition
- PlayStation: 60% off ST DLC + 50% ST Edition
- Xbox: 60% off ST DLC + 50% ST Edition
- Stadia: 60% off ST DLC + 50% ST Edition
- Nintendo Switch: 60% off ST DLC
In-game cosmetic sale - August 18th to September 8th
- The Demogorgon – All outfits
- Steve Harrington – All outfits
- Nancy Wheeler – All outfits
Character Sale – August 18th to November 17th
- Steve, Nancy and Demogorgon
2 -
I was one of the few who liked the map on both sides. :( It should've been haddonfield
5 -
We paid money for a chapter and now a portion of it is being taken away? Great -.-
0 -
After legacy skins...
Welcome to legacy perks such as Inner strenght.
7 -
As a consumer this is frustrating but as a law student this is fascinating. I love watching copyright and contract law in action and this is a great example.
9 -
Yes, I get that. My point is that it seems almost wasteful to throw all the design behind Demo away, right? Which makes me think they just might slap the same abilities/perks on a different character that will replace Demo in the store, at least eventually. Or something of the kind. Otherwise the players that come after us will forever be denied a long-lunging, portal opening character.
1 -
So will the Generator Achievement tied to Hawkin's be removed from the game, auto completed or forever locked?
3 -
Ah... the grim reality of licenses.
Nothing lasts forever.
Each license has a renewal date of sorts and partnered companies can agree to keep the legal document rolling with each agreement on the renewal. But, after the date ends and a company decides they don't want to do it anymore (Netflix) they just opt out of signing.
This is the bare bones minimum explanation as to why it's happening. Scarface for payday 2 is a phenomenal example because it's literally the same situation.
5 -
they said they would be turned into generic achivements not tied to the dlc
0 -
it saddens me that there will be players who won't be able to use Second brings tears to my eyes.
0 -
They just announced the next season of Stranger Things and dropped the first teaser a week or so back, so could be something to do with that. I’m assuming Jonathan was agreed a while ago, he was leaked back in May so they started working on him before that.
0 -
That first question is arguably the most important one, and it is the only one thathas what is essentially a non-answer.
4 -
very weird... I mean I hate the map still weird to see it go 😔