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I have 1,885 AC, what cosmetics should I buy?


I don't have Elodie or the Twins, but I have everyone else.

Best Answer

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882
    edited August 2021 Answer ✓

    I know nothing about you from your description, but personally I say wait till August 18 to buy Stranger Things skins (they'll be 50% off then) to get exclusive cosmetics that likely won't return at half price (you can get 3 skins with that money as long as they're for Steve, Nancy, or Demogoron).

    As to what cosmetics specifically, if you want a skin for each character I guess get Steve either Last-Minute Babysitter or Scoops Ahoy, get Nancy either Justice Seeker or Business '85, and get Demogorgon either Geo Mutation or Twisted Demogorgon.

    If you want to focus getting the 3 skins on a specific character I say either get Steve Scoops Ahoy, Last-Minute Babysitter, and This-Is-Not-Happening; get Nancy Justice Seeker, Snow Ball Dress, and Business '85; or get all of Demogorgon's 3 skins.

    But like I said you really gave me nothing to work with, I don't know who you play or main, what side you play most, what your tastes are, etc.


  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    I would agree and wait to get most of the ST things if you don’t have them before they go away. If you already do, I’m really enjoying Ace’s leopard print shirt. It’s just so tacky and I love it for that reason.

    II_KURO_II Member Posts: 44

    Yeah, sorry, didn't really think about that.

    I main PH on killer side, and Bill, Steve, and Leon on survivor side.

    I probably will wait, since I have most of Steve's outfits already, it'd be good to finish that up and get an outfit for Nancy, since I need to get her perks.

    Thanks for telling me about that sale, too.