We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

For the love of god get SBMM in the game as fast as possible.

With it enabled i played with other people who actually could play the game and i had a blast. Won far more than i lost but when we lost we did so badly, but it was fun playing with people who understood that generators had to be done to escape. Now i'm back to urban evaders and people beeing mortified of the terror radius again. SBMM can't come soon enough if you ask me.


  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Same here, on the flipside (?):

    I know I'm no good (I can usually hold my ground against 'high ranks', but it's frustrating) but since sbmm is off again it's just frustrating again. with sbmm it was a nice mix of new people, people not that practiced against my mains and veterans who enjoyed the matches.

    now it's just the dull old genrush-at-all-costs again.

  • Quink
    Quink Member Posts: 56

    Yeah i much preffered the game with SBMM on. I found it slightly easier as survivor and slightly harder as killer. But it all felt balanced. I had games where i destroyed and got destroyed. I only consider myself slightly above average. I play for the team but sometimes it's just not worth it, with SBMM on it seemed like everyone was playing for the team which i loved as both surv and killer. It extends the game and makes it interesting.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    I'm just not playing until it's back on again. I think it's silly turning it on and off all the time in short bursts. If they kept it on they could get 24/7 data all the time which will be more beneficial in the long run and they could tweak it whenever they want due to it being server side, not client side (I think, don't quote me on that as I know nothing about the inner workings of video games)

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    exactly. I mainly play killer, but the survivor matches played with friends where great fun. even when we had a full swf throughout all ranks, the killer we got didn't feel unfair to any of us.

    It was fun.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    If it goes full time, they better prepare some changes and rewards to rank system. It will be good ######### storm to watch otherwise.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,268
    edited August 2021

    They are. They've had it planned for at least six months now.

    Ranks will reset back to 20 on the 13th of every month, and you will get a BP reward based on how high you climbed in a month.

    You won't be able to depip, only gain pips. So it will literally be a measure of how many games you did well in, over a month.

    You won't need to worry about doing badly, because it won't negatively impact anything, other than slightly reducing your MMR and possibly giving you more chill matches.

    It can't come quickly enough. Playing killer was so much more satisfying with SBMM, and survivor felt no different. Now It's off, I'm back to being my rank 6 killer, constantly paired with red rank sweat squads, while my MMR quite rightly put me lower than that for most killers, and only that high for Spirit and Wraith where I can actually stand a chance against them.

    Given that we had an entire week test this time, instead of two days like the previous tests, it seems like they're making some progress.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited August 2021

    Where did you get info about not being able to depip?

    I am looking at Developer update from January, where they announced it and there is nothing about system change like this.

    250k as reward for rank 1 is pathetic and lazy. So far only reward you get is harder games. If they don't manage to motivate players to improve, there will be lot of players losing on purpose, because it won't matter to them.

    To get from rank 20 to rank 1 in month time is lot of time with knowing that it will be wasted on next reset back to rank 20. Sorry, but 250k is not worth it, not even close.

    It's not like those games will be easy, because of SBMM you will have to tryhard a lot to get there.

    I would change duration from one month to same as Rift (70 days), so there is more time to climb and more time to prepare better reward. Charms, Skins or just something you can show off.

    And show players their ratings, or just create something as symbol about your rank.

    If I can see my ratings, I can easily create goals what I want to achieve next. Like get all my killers to Platinum, or above rating 2000. You wouldn't even need rewards with it. It would also help me compare results on my killers or with other players.

    When you show players their ratings, they will have always have something to do, because they have actual feedback and are motivated more to improve, when it is not just based on feeling.

    I have maxed every killer I wanted and have every perk, so I just can't give less ######### about extra BP.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,268

    MMR is designed to be hidden so players DON'T game the system.

    "I have maxed every killer I wanted and have every perk, so I just can't give less [BAD WORD] about extra BP."

    Good for you, but the perk grind is ######### insane for the rest of us who haven't maxed everything.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited August 2021

    Grind is insane and 250k doesn't change much. That's 5 bloodweb pages. I can earn it in 3 games.

    Most games with SBMM show either ratings or statistics, if they are scared players will abuse their system, then that system is not good enough and it shouldn't be implemented.

    and where did you get info about not being able to depip?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,268

    It was mentioned by a dev on the forums at some point.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    Oh yeah...it was so much fun to have games end in less than 6 minutes regardless of whether i won or lost because there's no time for anything, having survivors not outplay me at all but still make it to endgame JUST because they held M1 on separate inanimate objects, while stacking second chances to stall, and having a 3rd of my games be hackers.

    Oh and lets not forget that since games were so quick, barely anyone got any points. Neither I, nor the survivors I went against had a good time while MMR was on. Except the hackers tho, they had a good time doing whatever they wanted.

    This game is not balanced for survivors that know how to play the game. Once it is, then bring the mmr. I honestly think if they just make ranking up a lil harder, you'll find a better assortment of people in the ranks where they more or less belong.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,438

    This was my experience. I rarely got over 20k points when escaping as survivor during the test. Most of my matches were against Blight with 4 slowdown perks. I didn't even see half of the killer roster the whole weekend. And yea, so many hacker teammates. Short, sweaty matches that no one enjoyed. I'd much rather have the more random matchmaking we currently have. It fits with the rest of the RNG in the game and is much better for DBD as a casual game.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    So just gonna counter two things on what you've said so far. You say that all the MMR is gonna do is just have people de-rank since it won't matter right? Well...hate to break it to you mate, but THAT'S BEEN HAPPENING WITH THE CURRENT SYSYEM! Literally right now the ranks mean absolutely nothing and you don't get any rewards for leveling up at all either. Hell I've actually de-ranked myself in the past because when I first started out I would constantly get paired with rank 1 and 2 survivors who would just completely roll over me or bully me for 20 minutes until they got bored. So yeah, this doesn't mean anything since this is currently a problem anyway.

    Now next point, I actually agree with you on the 250k BP being kind of a crap reward. However, again I point to our current system where we literally receive nothing for moving through the ranks. Yeah 250k might not be much for someone like you, but it is still something and actually would mean a lot for some of the new players going through the grind along with players grinding through their prestige webs. Besides you gotta think of it like this, if they're opening the gates for rewarding the monthly resets, maybe they could give better rewards down the road as time goes on? It's definitely a possibility, and again 250k BP is still better than literally nothing, so I'll happily take the BP. Actually that would help motivate me to actually prestiging some killers who I have at 50 that I refuse to go through the grind again and re-live the headache of starting with 0 perks again at a higher level, with the only reward being an ass kicking at the hands of the other high ranked survivors with their maxed out meta perks and big items...